Sunday 30 December 2007

last day of 2007 = time to reflect for the whole year and make new year resolutions?
every year, every occasion i only have one wish, simple as it may be but hard to realise, that is to be happy. this year, i wish for the same, the only difference being announcing to the whole world this little wish of mine.
2007 was full of ups and downs. i can only say in life, you gain some you lose some. people especially, some just come and go, some stay, in memories perhaps.
life is short, so make everyday count.

Friday 28 December 2007

counting down to 2008 and the start of the new semester. had quite enough of bumming around and getting sick of it. i'm in fact looking forward to going to school again, and definitely looking forward to getting my allowance cos my bank account is dropping by the number of digits. better start spending less unnecessarily if not i'll have to sleep by the roadside and eat grass for the next two years haha. and even more looking forward to my next holiday trip, which will take place soon enough if everything goes according to plan...
things in my mind right now:
- what boat to take for canoe marathon? k1? k2? t1? or even t2??haha
- do lasiks next year?
- aim for the impossible?

authority does not equal to power and power does not equal to respect.
respect is earned and don't expect others to respect you if you don't respect them.
you call that responsibility? commitment? you call that passion? enthusiasm?
Do prove me wrong, do prove your worth. do get down to the root cause of the problem.
if you can't do what you like, then like what you do...

Wednesday 26 December 2007

Monday 24 December 2007

it's christmas eve already and as a true blue and loyal freethinker, the only reason i'm looking forward to christmas now is because it brings 2007 a day nearer to the end. 2007 seems like a year of tragedy, of losses, i just hope 2008 will be a better year, it is my anxiously anticipated new year of new experiences.
celebrated christmas with the progs and canoeists last week, and sort of christmas holiday with family yesterday, more like a must-have school holidays overseas trip, though it was just a last minute planned one-day tour to malaysia.

highlight of wed's bbq: big fish!! see how humongous it is, and it was thoroughly cooked after spending about an hour on the pit. and i devoured most of it.

the only group of people who makes me look fair. hahaha

went for a one-day tour to desaru yesterday with a little pre-trip drama of getting my passport, which i must say a big 'thank you' to the rusty and lousy padlock at macritchie which we spent close to an hour in total trying to open it. and i had to miss the bus and the traffic just had to be bad. hence, after a series of bad luck on a saturday morning, i managed to rush down to ICA at 12.30pm sharp, and they are so punctual in closing the counter. the officers just stood there and told me 'sorry we're closed, you can come back on monday' with a straight face. oh yeah, i need my passport for sunday and you're telling me to come back on monday. and so the queen of last-minuteness, queue-cutting and 'just don't follow law' had to do what i do best. and the trick of getting things your way is to be polite, sound apologetic yet desperate. and things will be done. wanted to go there to enquire whether my application for bio-passport is being processed and ready for collection, cos it has been more than a week already. in the end, the officer just told me to just extend my current passport since it's still usuable, yup, and i got everything settled in about half an hour.

the main highlight of the trip was the farm visit and seeing fireflies, i feel like a kid again.. let photos do the talking...

the fruits (the long thing in the bottom centre are bananas!)

the animals

and the sea

Sunday 16 December 2007




Saturday 15 December 2007

finally went down to the service centre yesterday to get my crazy phone serviced after discovering the whole messaging part wasn't working. could not send or receive messages and couldn't even open my inbox, outbox, sent messages or any other folder. so forgive me if i didn't reply messages. it went mad last week switching on and off by itself before it hang and i had to take out the battery to switch the phone off. now i'm seriously considering trading it in and getting another more trustworthy phone, especially when it is still a new model, so hopefully i can make some profit in the process.
and i thought orchard on a friday afternoon was bad, saturday afternoon is a total different story! gosh, remind me not to squeeze through the crowd again. looks like the population is really on the rise and walking around in slippers and not having to carry things by hand makes the whole process much more bearable.
other than that, had quite a good time treating myself to a good laugh watching goodluck chuck and walked down the whole orchard unknowingly from lunch at far east to dinner at the cathay.
maybe that's why my legs are aching a bit today....

Friday 14 December 2007

i think my deteriorating fitness level is starting to show in my inability to shop. only conquered taka this afternoon after running around getting passport and stuff in the morning and my toes feel like they are breaking! now i really wonder how i could shop the whole day from one end of orchard to the other last time and i really admire those ladies who can shop in those killer heels. no wonder they are called killers. ouch my poor toes. managed to accomplish quite a bit of my christmas shopping for the family and made the most of my taka vouchers and the gift wrapping service to wrap the HUGE present for my dad. i wonder how much the gift wrapping girls are paid but it does require some skills, especially when they meet people like me giving them huge and odd shaped things to wrap. and i am not the worst, a few days ago i saw this auntie putting at least 10 boxes of biscuits at the counter asking them to wrap one by one! i think those wrappers and ribbons cost more than those biscuits! almost wanted to cab back cos it was raining and i was carrying 2 big bags of stuff, but decided not to make the hole in my wallet bigger. now i understand why guys find shopping a chore, especially when they have to lug the shopping bags around.

i wear shades not to shield my eyes from the sun, i wear colored contacts not for aesthetic purposes. i wear them so that you can't see through my eyes, can't read my mind.

Saturday 8 December 2007

officially lost my motivation to train, to run, to exercise, my interest to shop
found my ability to nua, to slack at home and do nothing, to sleep the number of hours a normal person should, to eat double the amount a normal person should and it is reeeaaallly starting to show. in short, i'm turning into a pig.
and my stupid phone which is less than 2 months old died on me today! and in my history of owning a handphone, i have never gone to any service centre before! arghhh irritated!

Thursday 6 December 2007


(not emo-ish or what, just thought of this while rowing just now..)

Wednesday 5 December 2007


the whole day of incessant rain left the lazy me at home watching movies, doing cross-stitch, eat, sleep, read, watch tv. as of now i am still enjoying the feeling of waking up knowing i have nothing to do for the rest of the day, but i think i will get sick of it soon. why is it that we can never be satisfied? just a few weeks ago i was looking forward to this slack life of "eat until full and wait to get hungry" as what my mom very nicely summarized my day

Monday 3 December 2007

ran my 4th and last (for the time being) marathon. and i did as planned, just enjoy the run. in the middle of it, i contemplated whether to run off on my own, but i didn't see the point because it was quite impossible to beat last year's timing already, and i didn't think i could go much faster and that even if i finish early i still had to stone and wait for everyone to finish.
the night before the run, i was reading my previous entries on the past few marathons, the first will always be the most memorable, and training to achieve your target is sure rewarding. with the imcreasing regi fees and the lack of creativity of t-shirt and singlet designs, plus the fact that every year the route remains 90 percent the same, i think i should really take a break before it gets too boring.
other than the fact that my toes feel a bit squashed, everything else feels fine. but before i praise my lousy knees for not aching through the night and still being able to walk up and down stairs normally, they just had to prove me wrong. as i was walking down the steps away from the mrt station, i sprained my knees. again. although it has been a long time, at least a year i think, since i last sprained my kness for no particular reason, i think my lousy joint is so seasoned that it just took me 1 second for the bones to go out of alignment and back again, and 10 seconds to recover from the shock and about a minute to make sure legs can move normally. 3 minutes later the pain was almost compltely non-existent.
acupuncture looks so easy, like the needle just goes in painless, can poke into any parts, even come out from the other end, but it is not easy!! mom bought me a set of acu needles and the ambitious me decided to me my own guinea pig. so i tried the most common and (i think) relatively safe zusanli (if i did manage to locate it accurately. it's somewhere on the side of the legs below the knees, and i don't think my skin is that thick, but it was damn painful and i can't poke the needle in! i think i was too ambitious, haha, so till i learn the proper way to get it into body, i shall practise poking packets of tissues first, if i do practise. and i will make sure i succeed on myself first before poking other people.
i'm a suaku but i bought and tried my first box of donuts on sat. not a big fan of donuts although it is nice and sweet and looks very pretty, especially the double choc one cos i'm a chocoholic! but i don't think it's worth the hours of queuing. and i should thank them for opening their new outlet at the most obscure corner in the so inaccessible shopping centre, plus the fact that i was there at 11am, there was no queue! only 2 person in front of me and i manage to get my first box of donuts in 2 minutes! (and i took a longer time to find it with some help of the sc map and sense of directions). i still prefer my mom's homemade bread and i'm still craving for a buffet...

Saturday 1 December 2007

so glad that mom is back and put an end to my 'housewife crash course'. but i must say a big thank you to her for letting me learn how to take care of myself and look after the house and to train up for my next 2 years of surviving on my own. in the past 2 weeks, i've swept and mopped the floor, and washed and ironed clothes FOR THE FIRST TIME in the new house (which i've already stayed for 2 years), and i am thankful for the fact that the house is quite small. indeed, there is a sense of satisfaction when the floor felt so clean and everything is so orderly. and i must comment that the designer of the house needs a bit of common sense and understanding than to put the bamboo pole holder for hanging clothes sooooo high up on the ceiling that i have to stand on the stool, extend the fork-like thingie for taking the poles all the way and even have to catch the falling pole as it slides down from the ceiling holder (if you can imagine). ok blame the fact that i am not vertically-advantaged, but who on earth puts lights right in the middle of where the poles go across such that pegs have to be slanted to the side so as not to smash and break the lights. ok, enough housewife rambling, i wonder why mom never complained.
cliche as it may sound, but i finally realised how simple things are always taken for granted. and i finally understand why mom keeps nagging. the reason is simple, we never appreciated her work, for daily tasks like cleaning and cooking, and take it for granted that i can leave everything in a mess knowing that somehow it will get cleaned up cos mom can't stand the untidiness. yes, probably i'll never get to tell her this personally, that i really appreciate what she's been doing.
life's a joke
today is the last day of sem 1, though mine ended more than a week ago, and it's only 1 more semester left before saying a big farewell to singapore and ntu. unbelievably fast isn't it? a big discovery after stoning at home for the past one week plus is my ability to sleep and watch tv. that's what's keeping me occupied when everyone else is still busy mugging. like last night when finally everyone's at home and sis was hogging the tv, dad hogging the internet so i had nothing better to do than to sleep, before 10pm for the first time in ages.
42km on sunday. not hoping for much, not trying to beat any timings, just finish it and enjoy it.

Monday 26 November 2007


Monday 19 November 2007

turning into a hermit at home and even cooked dinner myself cos i was hungry and it was raining and i just didn't feel like stepping out of the house.
and my head's going to explode soon. can't think anymore..

Saturday 17 November 2007

you call it synopsis, i call it the curse of the golden chamber! let me out of here!
i've been trying, really really hard, to tell myself to hang in there, not to give up, but is it working? really really tired, all i want to do now is sleep, cover my head with a big fat pillow, shut my eyelids and let the mind rest!
and it sucks to be at home all alone on a saturday, totally. it's leading me to self destruction..
visited my alma mater this morning to collect my sister's 'high achiever's award' for being 4th in class, cos she's off for holiday with mom. didn't mean to be late but i underestimated the morning traffic. i remember the days when i had to watch the buses zoom pass the busstop, all packed with people and feeling relieved when i could finally squeeze into one. the walk in from coro seems much nearer than i remembered, and yes, as i walked up to the hall, i heard the school song which haunted me for almost 10 years. wow, it's been a long time since i last sang it. the school's totally different now, most of my teachers are not there anymore, but some memories remain...
and i got my 7th earhole pierced yesterday. the whole process was done in less than a minute and it was surprisingly not painful. the girl in the shop convinced me that it won't drop off cos it doesn't have the back part, but i'm quite sure i'll just yank it off some day while drying my hair or something. and it was only when i reached home that i realised something more of a concern - i have no idea how i'm going to stuff an earphone in! ok laugh at me...
perhaps my pain tolerance has increased, or perhaps my heart's hurting even more to feel that bit of external pain. teach me how to smile when i have to learn about the news just before my first paper, when i read the blog entries and see the msn nicks. teach me how to smile when i have to face the four walls of the house, the loneliness written on them, the fact that i've to settle my own meals, tidy my room, mop the floor, wash, hang, iron clothes, remembering to collect letters, close the windows, water the plants, feed the hamsters and fishes. ok i'm just a spoilt brat..
sigh, makes me wonder again what's the most important aspect of life. perhaps it's the bliss of having it..

Monday 12 November 2007

when you listen to a song, do you listen to the melody or the lyrics? i do both. more of the melody when i hear it for the first time and subsequently the lyrics, especially when i bring my shuffle for a long run.
been listening to jay's new songs, and looking at the lyrics at the same time. quite a variety, light-hearted ones, oriental ones, and of course sad ones. i like this one...
from "蒲公英的约定"

已经长大的约定 那样清晰
是你如今 唯一坚持的任性



连回忆 都是负荷 

我已是 陌生人了)
my only weekend not having to work was spent at home because i can't decide on a better place with nobody to disturb me. i guess the only highlight was saturday, when i finally had the chance to go out for family dinner. and my mom was happy to give a treat because she striked toto for the first time and won a grand total of...... twenty dollars. wahahahha, not even enough for dinner, which was just a simple meal of tze char at the nearby coffeeshop, cos my sis was complaining of a stomachache and wanted to rest at home, so we didn't want to be away for too long.
and when we finished eating and dapao-ed dinner for her, she was still not well, tossing and turning in bed. and then vomitted her lunch all over the bed! and i just happen to be studying the chapter on "呕吐哕下利病脉证治第十七" thanks for being my first-hand real-life example! and the golden chamber tells you that "朝食暮吐,暮食朝吐,宿谷不化,名曰胃反。" and that "胃反呕吐者,大半夏汤主之。"
and no prize for guessing where her dinner went, yes, into my stomach as supper.
counting down to d-day and pressing the panic button is no use if i don't do anything about it. this ought to be the most "slack" semester with only 2 core papers ending exams before everybody else, but i'm spending half the time sleeping, eating and cutting hair in my room! and i just can't freaking memorize all the crap! well, at least my elective tutor was nice and convincing enough to promise us that it is impossible to fail, though very hard to pass with flying colours. just don't let me prove him wrong cos i just need S for satisfactory, and i have attended all the lectures though i spent 90 percent of the time talking and the other 10 percent sleeping, and can't be bothered to borrow or photocopy the textbook, since i figured out that 'open book' = 'answer cannot be found directly from textbook'. just hope i can crap and bluff my way through.
and i am allowing myself to become fair and flabby, thanks to the rainy season and the inertia to step out of the house.

Tuesday 6 November 2007

it's been a long while since i ran on the treadmill cos i hate running on the same spot, having the machine to control my speed and nothing better to look at other than myself in the mirror. but thanks to the rain yesterday morning, i had to resort to my last alternative. there was nobody in the gym until this auntie came and the first thing she did was to swtich off the aircon! leaving me sweating like a pig while she happily WALKED on the treadmill next to me. not that i'm obsessed with how many calories i burn, but i really doubt the accuracy of the counter on the machine. i ran for 40 min (including warmup and cooldown), switching between intervals of higher speed and slope to break the monotony and it says i burned about 470 calories! (and i did change the default weight on the machine) sure or not??
and no, i'm not an exercise freak who spend hours working out everyday, but running is addictive and i realise my body can't wake up and i can't function for the whole day if i don't sweat it out in the morning.
speaking of running, stan chart is a month away and i haven't got time for long runs. just hope my lungs, legs and shoes are nice to me. and speaking of counting down, exams are in less than 2 weeks and i haven't managed to find a textbook for the open-book paper. haha. wish me luck..
i haven't disappeared, just not wanting to appear...

Thursday 1 November 2007

if it brings me a step closer to my dream, if it could let me make it through these obstacles, even if it brings death nearer to me, brings with it pain, tears and blood..
i don't think there's any alternative
till it's over, i'll fight along, be strong..

happy halloween!!
happy birthday sista!!

mom made the blackforest cake and i'm all red and ditsy from a tiny little glass of red wine.
many people have asked me why am i studying TCM, and i am not going to lie to you and say because i am so interested in it and it's my dream to become a sinseh bla bla bla. of all the various little factors that led me into the course is due to the fact that i do not believe in tcm. i used to think it is absurd how drinking different kinds of dried plants and poking needle through your body can do so much wonders, like bringing a dying cancer patient back to life, making a paralysed person able to walk again etc.. mainly because i've not seen or experienced it for myself. hence, i embarked on this long journey to find my answer.
i haven't found it, but along the way, amidst all the info overload and headaches, there were times when i do see a bit of light.
last saturday's internship was certainly one of them. the acupuncturist i followed is a classical example of a 老中医. his hair may be mostly white, he may be old, but i do have to agree that he is indeed charming. we may not have learnt acupuncture before but his very brief summary and explanation makes it sound so easy. and seeing him planting needles into patients makes it look so easy. i will not forget the scene where he inserted a 4 inch needle from the exterior side of the knees ALL THE WAY in. it didn't come out from the other side though i think it's almost there already.
and there's another patient, a lady in her 40s i guess, who walked in like any normal person, looks quite cheerful and talks quite a lot. had he not mentioned her medical history, i don't think anyone can tell that she suffered from a stroke a year ago and was wheelchair-bound when she first sought treatment from him half a year ago.
i'm indeed very impressed...

Friday 26 October 2007

been watching my mood go on a roller coaster ride this week, but for most of the time it's at the 'leave me alone' and 'talk to my hand' part. walking around like a zombie in my own world and getting irritated by the smallest little things. basically i just don't care and can't be bothered. it's none of my business.. i hate it especially when the teacher mumbles a whole chunck of useless stuff, wasting our time discussing about the things we've discussed and squinting my eyes trying to decipher her horrible handwriting.. argh.. and one more thing which never fails to irritate me - kids. i remember being at the busstop one day reading notes and waiting for the bus when this little girl who was in front of me just turned and asked "what are you doing?" in that cute and sweet voice. i just rolled my eyes at her then pretended not to hear her anymore. obviously she didn't get my intention and asked me again "what are you doing?" her mom then turned and told her "she's ignoring you" in a very nice tone of course, and asked her to sit down. so me being mean just stared at her and said "ya, i'm ignoring you!" and walked away. today i was swimming in my condo pool, enjoying having the pool all to myself when this little girl was obviously in my way and looking at me swim. when i passed by her, she even tried to swim beside me, so i just kicked harder and pulled away, what a pity that i didn't kick her in the face. haha. ok i must admit those 2 girls are only about 5 or 6 years old and they are cute, but i really wanted to smack and kick their faces.. don't worry, i have never abused my sis before, at most i'll just give her a big slap on the butt and ask her to shut up.
yeah, it's finally friday, which means the next two days will be fully packed with work and stuff. having nothing planned, i came home straight after class, wanting to do my lab report. why can't those kiasu students read and understand simple english and just follow the blardy instructions?!?! it states very clearly that the task is just to 'sketch the banding patterns you obtained, and labeled drawings of leaf and stem. and what did everyone do, or intend to do? write a whole damn report!! spoil market!!
did my rough sketch really look so 'rough' and unwanted that my mom had to throw it away as trash? i'm surprised i didn't scream or lose my temper at all at her. just decided to cool it down by taking a dip in the pool. yes mom, thanks a lot for throwing away the most important source of info i have to do the report, and for keeping my pens in my pencil case without capping them. alright, i still love you for cleaning up my room, washing my clothes, altering my jeans, supplying me with food etc etc..
wow, i think today's my "lucky" day.. just saw one of the many wonders of ntu! as we were running out of school from the jln bahar exit. sy saw it first and said 'eee... i see a dog' i only saw it when we took a few more steps closer to it and it started moving, A BIG, FAT, ROUND WILD BOAR RUNNING ACROSS THE ROAD AND INTO THE JUNGLE!!! horrified!!

this morning i woke up feeling like it was a whole new world, the feeling of waking up not knowing what day it is, what time is it, just totally not knowing what's happening, all thanks to my long and undisturbed sleep, mainly because i concussed on the bed at 11pm. totally concussed and died-ed.. for a moment it felt good, like as if everything is new and fresh, only when i stepped out of the house, repeating the daily morning routine, that i realised nothing has changed.

Tuesday 23 October 2007

i know this sounds real silly, but for the past 24 hours or so, i've been thinking, and searching, for just one good reason for me to live.
i am such a burden, such a worthless thing. all i do at home is to mess up my room, leaving mum to clear it up everyday when i go to school, eating up all the food she buys and cooks, and screaming at everyone who don't let me have things my way. school is just another total piece of crap. i just can't bring myself to pay attention in class, not to mention revise and study..
i've been trying to search for a reason for the depressness and i haven't found it. i can't pinpoint any reasons, or just one good reason that led me into this state, but neither can i find a reason to be happy. yes, suicidal it may sound, but i'm still searching for that one good and solid reason to live.
this morning was especially bad and the rain just had to make things worse. if not for mom who found me such an irritant and chased me out for school, i may have just ponned school. no, i wasn't afraid of the test, because i have already given up on it.
yes, me the bloody loser, seeking comfort in self denial, given up on studies, and giving up on life. i am not even half as strong as what i seem to be, because no one has seen the real me. the weekend of rowing and running felt good, at least the physical fatigue gave a transient escape from reality and took my confused mind out for some fresh air, it didn't last long. one thing that i want to do now is to cry, to hide my face into the pillow and allow all the pent-up emotions flow out.. but i bloody can't get the freaking tears out...
as i was enjoying my sunday jog yesterday, bringing my new running shoes out for their maiden voyage, i had nothing better to do than listen and appreciate the lyrics. here is one line which made me ponder. the song it comes from is pretty obvious "没人能把谁的钕幸福没收,你发誓你会活得有笑容。你自信时候真的美多了”
so much easier said than done..
really tired.. just let me sleep and not wake up

Thursday 18 October 2007

the shopaholic in me just showed its tail today when i decided to go get a new phone, since my old one is getting cranky. got my 4th phone and was indeed very impressed with the efficiency and speed everything was settled. went to the taka hello shop, which was just a tiny little space in taka, without proper tables and chairs, wanted to get the phone that was on special offer for this week, but it was really a bit too bulky so decided to get a newer model, and of course pay more. quite excited with my new phone and i think it will keep me busy for quite a long time, especially when i have to manually save the contacts one by one, cos my old phone does not have the function that says "copy all to sim"..
and since i was already in town, i decided to walk around and shop a bit. heh.. bought a pair of new jeans and a couple of other little things here and there. and i must say shopping is a form of exercise, especially when you have a lot of things to carry and there's no seats on the bus! ok, enough of shopping for the time being.. wait till the shopping spree gets the better of me..

Wednesday 17 October 2007

i can't remember when was the last time i ran with such intensity, not for ahm, not for shape run and today wasn't even official training. even the rain could not stop me from going to the gym and going for a run in the cool breeze that blew away the rain. just needed to sweat it out after locking myself up in the golden chamber the whole day. haha. did some light weights in the usual old src gym before going for the insane run. decided to try out the guys' fitness test route, which is supposedly 5km, though i'm quite sure it's more than that. i think i consider it hundred percent effort already cos any more and i would probably just faint flat on the ground. even the downslopes were not enough for me to catch my breath before having to scale the upslopes again. at the end of the run, i finally experienced what is really called panting and shortness of breath. it feels as if my lungs are not working together with the exchange of gases cos i was panting so much that the lungs were not given enough time to expand and take in more oxygen (if you have experienced it before and know what i mean). and i passed the fitness test, guys standard. haha
tired.. very tired.. but feels good

Tuesday 16 October 2007

there can be no better word to describe the weekend than sleep! and dad was absolutely wrong in warning me not to drink so much tea in case i have problem sleeping cos what was suppose to be a short break by lying on the bed before starting to do work turned out to be a perfect 8-hour sleep! and the 'best' part of it was that i fell asleep at 11pm without changing, washing up and taking off contacts! don't worry, my eyes are still in perfect conditions.
sunday i managed to get my lazy bum out of the house to paddle a bit in the morning. good weather and water, and felt good to be in the boat again.
today was sports appreciation night. nothing unusual, just the normal speeches, award presentations and of course the highlight - buffet dinner that followed, which didn't really have a lot of good quality food.
hmmm.. did all the speeches and achievements of fellow athletes inspire me? to train harder? to study harder? to work towards my dream? what dream? i don't know. if my dream was to be a professional athlete, i've chosen to give up on that a few years ago. if my dream was to ace this exams, i'm definitely not doing enough and not even trying hard enough to get down to doing it. if my dream was to live each day to the fullest and be contented with life, why can't i just face each day with a smile that comes straight from the bottom of my heart? till i can finally find the real purpose in life, i will live each day as it passes by, looking forward to the end of each day and dreading the approach of the next morning as the countdown to the exams ticks away.
yes i admit, i'm scared...

Friday 12 October 2007

last official land training today before the full scale mugging begins.. although i do admit trainings can get monotonous and i am seriously very sick of can 2 food,i do look forward to trainings most of the time. at least it gives me a break from the classroom and books, and my ball sense has obviously not improved after 2 weeks of games day. haha.
super-blur-me left my shoebag with shoes at mac toilet and so it's obviously nowhere to be found now.. time for new running shoes!!
super-blur-me thought i lost my pencil (which was a birthday present from a family friend on my 5th birthday i think) and only found it a week later in my labcoat pocket..

Wednesday 10 October 2007

caught lust.caution yesterday. although i admit i was a bit confused and rather sleepy at the beginning of the movie, it was certainly worth the money and time. it's not the kind of sad story that will make you cry, but it sure made my heart sank. what's loyalty? what's love? and where do you draw the line between role-play and reality? what's right and what's wrong? and my very big question: why is she soooo foolish?!?!
alright, it's just a movie..
but in reality, aren't we all fools? well, at least i think i am..

Saturday 6 October 2007

ok, i shall blog, after a long long time of inactivity.. been either too lazy or too busy for the past month or so.
spent the whole recess week mugging for exams which ended up as a futile attempt of trying to be hardworking. somehow my mind just blanks out when i open the paper and start writing. well, it's over and now there's an even harder challenge ahead..
well, even if age is not the best gauge of maturity, it certainly adds to it. or maybe it's time that i realise life is not just about having fun, we need a goal, an aim, a future. nothing drops down from the sky and i do think it is time for me to plan what lies ahead. one more year in s'pore may seem long but 2 years of uni life have already passed, gosh, it seemed like everything only happened yesterday. it's a mixed feeling of anticipation, excitement, yet anxiety and uncertainty of school life in bucm and generally living in bj. what's more uncertain is after graduation. i've always avoided the question of what i want to be after i graduate. my answer was always wait till i grad first, yeah it's true but i really don't know what i want, is it practice? where? is it research? or is it to further my studies (if i haven't got enough of it)?
yes officially an adult now meaning i have the full responsibility to take care of myself and be independent..
it certainly is not quite right to find myself talking to myself in the middle of the night, in the midst of studying, as in really as if there's another person in the room and just chatting, cursing and swearing, and could only vaguely remember that i was really talking all by myself but had no idea what i said the next morning. and doesn't sound quite right when i can dream about myself breaking down in the bus followed by another dream that i dreamt that i broke down in the bus, all that in 10 minutes after dinner at 8pm in the sofa. gosh.. help!

cutting cake at the rooftop..

i do love you guys..
just a random comment.. ignorance is bliss, so don't bother..

Sunday 19 August 2007

below's the very brief summary of the rest of the holidays...






Monday 6 August 2007

day 7: sun, sand and fun
what is a better way to remember hawaii than the beautiful waters, sand and waves. and i say that surfing is far from easy. first you got to put all those muscles to use to surf out to the sea, not forgetting the waves after waves that will push you back and making all those efforts futile. then you got to wait for the right wave, and finally you got to ride the wave, jump up to the surfboard, balance and go with the flow. and for beginners like me, the chances of a successful ride is less than 10%. so basically, it's sun tan cum arms workout!

all set to go

favorite pastime: baking in the sun!!
went for a buffet lunch then walked all the way to ala mona to shop!! there's something called last minute shopping.

everything in US is big. me and my huge can of green tea. almost 1liter and selling for 99cents.

Wednesday 27 June 2007

day 6: Polynesian Cultural Centre. Go Native!
it was a day to go native and to be immersed in polynesian music and dance. we visited the 7 different villages, namely Samoa, Aotearoa, Fiji, Hawaii, Marquesas, Tahiti and Tonga, watched the performances before the main night show where all the different villages come together for a night of beauty.

mom and i at the entrance, after being "lei-ed" with a string of seashells

acting cute at tahiti

playing with my camera at tonga

they blow the flute using their nose!

HAWAII!!!!! and the hula girls dancing..
well fact of the day.. hula is a slow dance which tells a story with the hand actions, the 'typical' hawaiian straw skirt dance with vigorous shaking of the butt is from Tahiti..

with the people of marquesas

the tree climbing champion of samoa!
our bus guide told us that it is impossible to finish exploring the whole village in one day, that's why entry is free for the next 2 days, but with my skillful planning, we managed to watch the presentations of all 7 villages, the canoe paegent, took the canoe tour and watched the imax show before dinner and the main performance at night.

acting silly on the canoe ride..

an interesting coconut tree we saw during the canoe ride
that basically sums up the day..

Saturday 23 June 2007

day 5: Flea Market
the flea market opens every wednesday, saturday and sunday. so the shopaholic me decided not to give it a miss on this trip! it was held at the Aloha Stadium and the stalls were set up ALL around the stadium. most of them were selling similar things, like hawaii t-shirts, souvenirs, bikinis, etc etc. and due to the conflict of interest between my parents and i in shopping, i ventured around the stadium on my own and yes, i lost them and spent half an hour at the place we entered waiting for them..

headed for chinatown after that for lunch and shopping for cheap food, especially fruits. according to our tourguide yesterday, chinatown in hawaii is made up of 60% vietnamese and there's quite a few vietnamese restaurants around. and of course, we had a filling and healthy lunch there..

the day just had to end with more sand and sun..

Wednesday 20 June 2007

day 4: surfbabe learns history
started the day early with pearl harbor trip. yes, pearl harbor is in hawaii, in case you didn't know that. we took a bus there and queued up to get our tickets for the video presentation and the tour to USS Arizona Memorial. We walked around the visitor centre to look at the exhibits and learn about the whole incident that triggered WWII.

the pretty rainbow taken from the bus.. yes, a rainbow has 7 colours

my mom and i while queuing for the tix..

the anchor of the ship

the clock stopped short on 7 Dec 1941, 8:06 a.m. when USS Arizona exploded and sank with a crew of 1,177

a Pearl Harbor survivor cum volunteer at the centre
we went to watch a historical video on the whole incident which triggered US to go into WWII. A very touching video i must say, and indeed heart-breaking to see how cruel war is, the cruelty and vulnerability of mankind.. and the bravery

the USS Arizona Memorial, with the flag at half-mast. it is built directly on top of the ship and some of the remnants of the ship can still be seen.

the list of people whom the ship took..

part of the ship that remained..

oil still seeps out of the sunken ship, even more than half a century later.. it is said to be the tears of those who lay underneath..
it was history taught again, and so much better than textbooks. isn't it sad that it is through history where man learns not to repeat his mistake, but it is good to know man can put history behind during everyday-life and different nationalities can exist in peace together..
what an enriching morning..
after leaving pearl harbor, the bus brought us around downtown honolulu for a city tour..

punchbowl national cemetary, where all the heroes are buried..

king kamehameha statue and the state capital..

that was all for the morning, and the sun was still good when we got back, so it's back to the sea!!

walking through the streets on my way to the beach (that's a boogie board by the way, not a surfboard)

going out for my first surfing lesson. it's a cool sport which you can't do here. not that hard, managed to get up on my second attempt, partly also because i was using the biggest and most stable board. the most tiring part of all was paddling out to the sea, because the waves kept coming and your efforts will all be wasted if a big wave comes and topples you or washes you towards the shore.. definitely a good sport for toned arms and tanned body. and gliding with the wind and wave was an incredible experience!!
too bad no photos of me in action because i was out in the sea and the photos the surfing kiost that provided the lessons were selling at 20 bucks for one photo.. madness.
day 3: enjoying Waikiki
didn't plan any tours for the day, so just spent the morning at the beach suntanning, enjoying the waves and playing in the water and afternoon was none other than my favourite... shopping!!
and at night as we were watching tv, slacking around, we heard what sounded like explosions in the far.. yes, fireworks!! really pretty and colouful fireworks that lasted for at least 15 minutes.

if only everyday is like that..
island life.. loving it totally

Sunday 17 June 2007

Day 2: Round Island Tour
disclaimer: all photos are unedited (for the simple reason that there is no need to and i don't know how to)
we've decided to start knowing Hawaii, and O'ahu, which is the name of the island that we were staying on better by going for a round island tour. It's a one-day tour where the bus takes us one whole round around O'ahu, and stopping by significant places for photo-taking and walking around. the bus left Waikiki and went around diamond head and stopped over at hanauma bay, which is a good place for snorkeling, of course, we just got down to take photos and enjoy the beauty of nature..

and i'm just there to blend into the blue background

cute car we saw at the carpark..

see the water coming out from that hole?

the picture say them all.. seems like the nuts do have benefits, but it's like 80 percent fats!!

yes, that's how the raw nut looked like.. yummy

isn't the beach just soooo pretty and surreal??

the cooling and relatively healthy pineapple ice cream at dole plantation.

mutated pinapple??

small and cute one..

more sceneries to see

and the wind was so strong that it felt we're flying!! or rather get blown away

and i got my dose of exercise that day by walking half an hour to the convention centre, to use wireless, only realising i forgot to bring the adaptor, so walk back, get the stuff, and wanted to walk there again. oh well, a big thank you to my lousy sense of directions and wanting to find a short cut, i ended up walking another way at the junction cos there were roadsigns for the convention centre for cars pointing that way. and so, i walked and walked and the signs disappeared, and i just got further and further. i actually ended up in honolulu already, the main town area. in the end i just gave up, turned back and walked..
i think i walked a total of 3 hours!! best thing is during the time i was walking around lost, 2 ppl actually asked me for directions!! do i look local and knew where i was going??