Friday 26 October 2007

been watching my mood go on a roller coaster ride this week, but for most of the time it's at the 'leave me alone' and 'talk to my hand' part. walking around like a zombie in my own world and getting irritated by the smallest little things. basically i just don't care and can't be bothered. it's none of my business.. i hate it especially when the teacher mumbles a whole chunck of useless stuff, wasting our time discussing about the things we've discussed and squinting my eyes trying to decipher her horrible handwriting.. argh.. and one more thing which never fails to irritate me - kids. i remember being at the busstop one day reading notes and waiting for the bus when this little girl who was in front of me just turned and asked "what are you doing?" in that cute and sweet voice. i just rolled my eyes at her then pretended not to hear her anymore. obviously she didn't get my intention and asked me again "what are you doing?" her mom then turned and told her "she's ignoring you" in a very nice tone of course, and asked her to sit down. so me being mean just stared at her and said "ya, i'm ignoring you!" and walked away. today i was swimming in my condo pool, enjoying having the pool all to myself when this little girl was obviously in my way and looking at me swim. when i passed by her, she even tried to swim beside me, so i just kicked harder and pulled away, what a pity that i didn't kick her in the face. haha. ok i must admit those 2 girls are only about 5 or 6 years old and they are cute, but i really wanted to smack and kick their faces.. don't worry, i have never abused my sis before, at most i'll just give her a big slap on the butt and ask her to shut up.
yeah, it's finally friday, which means the next two days will be fully packed with work and stuff. having nothing planned, i came home straight after class, wanting to do my lab report. why can't those kiasu students read and understand simple english and just follow the blardy instructions?!?! it states very clearly that the task is just to 'sketch the banding patterns you obtained, and labeled drawings of leaf and stem. and what did everyone do, or intend to do? write a whole damn report!! spoil market!!
did my rough sketch really look so 'rough' and unwanted that my mom had to throw it away as trash? i'm surprised i didn't scream or lose my temper at all at her. just decided to cool it down by taking a dip in the pool. yes mom, thanks a lot for throwing away the most important source of info i have to do the report, and for keeping my pens in my pencil case without capping them. alright, i still love you for cleaning up my room, washing my clothes, altering my jeans, supplying me with food etc etc..

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