Monday 3 December 2007

ran my 4th and last (for the time being) marathon. and i did as planned, just enjoy the run. in the middle of it, i contemplated whether to run off on my own, but i didn't see the point because it was quite impossible to beat last year's timing already, and i didn't think i could go much faster and that even if i finish early i still had to stone and wait for everyone to finish.
the night before the run, i was reading my previous entries on the past few marathons, the first will always be the most memorable, and training to achieve your target is sure rewarding. with the imcreasing regi fees and the lack of creativity of t-shirt and singlet designs, plus the fact that every year the route remains 90 percent the same, i think i should really take a break before it gets too boring.
other than the fact that my toes feel a bit squashed, everything else feels fine. but before i praise my lousy knees for not aching through the night and still being able to walk up and down stairs normally, they just had to prove me wrong. as i was walking down the steps away from the mrt station, i sprained my knees. again. although it has been a long time, at least a year i think, since i last sprained my kness for no particular reason, i think my lousy joint is so seasoned that it just took me 1 second for the bones to go out of alignment and back again, and 10 seconds to recover from the shock and about a minute to make sure legs can move normally. 3 minutes later the pain was almost compltely non-existent.
acupuncture looks so easy, like the needle just goes in painless, can poke into any parts, even come out from the other end, but it is not easy!! mom bought me a set of acu needles and the ambitious me decided to me my own guinea pig. so i tried the most common and (i think) relatively safe zusanli (if i did manage to locate it accurately. it's somewhere on the side of the legs below the knees, and i don't think my skin is that thick, but it was damn painful and i can't poke the needle in! i think i was too ambitious, haha, so till i learn the proper way to get it into body, i shall practise poking packets of tissues first, if i do practise. and i will make sure i succeed on myself first before poking other people.
i'm a suaku but i bought and tried my first box of donuts on sat. not a big fan of donuts although it is nice and sweet and looks very pretty, especially the double choc one cos i'm a chocoholic! but i don't think it's worth the hours of queuing. and i should thank them for opening their new outlet at the most obscure corner in the so inaccessible shopping centre, plus the fact that i was there at 11am, there was no queue! only 2 person in front of me and i manage to get my first box of donuts in 2 minutes! (and i took a longer time to find it with some help of the sc map and sense of directions). i still prefer my mom's homemade bread and i'm still craving for a buffet...

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