Saturday 1 December 2007

so glad that mom is back and put an end to my 'housewife crash course'. but i must say a big thank you to her for letting me learn how to take care of myself and look after the house and to train up for my next 2 years of surviving on my own. in the past 2 weeks, i've swept and mopped the floor, and washed and ironed clothes FOR THE FIRST TIME in the new house (which i've already stayed for 2 years), and i am thankful for the fact that the house is quite small. indeed, there is a sense of satisfaction when the floor felt so clean and everything is so orderly. and i must comment that the designer of the house needs a bit of common sense and understanding than to put the bamboo pole holder for hanging clothes sooooo high up on the ceiling that i have to stand on the stool, extend the fork-like thingie for taking the poles all the way and even have to catch the falling pole as it slides down from the ceiling holder (if you can imagine). ok blame the fact that i am not vertically-advantaged, but who on earth puts lights right in the middle of where the poles go across such that pegs have to be slanted to the side so as not to smash and break the lights. ok, enough housewife rambling, i wonder why mom never complained.
cliche as it may sound, but i finally realised how simple things are always taken for granted. and i finally understand why mom keeps nagging. the reason is simple, we never appreciated her work, for daily tasks like cleaning and cooking, and take it for granted that i can leave everything in a mess knowing that somehow it will get cleaned up cos mom can't stand the untidiness. yes, probably i'll never get to tell her this personally, that i really appreciate what she's been doing.
life's a joke
today is the last day of sem 1, though mine ended more than a week ago, and it's only 1 more semester left before saying a big farewell to singapore and ntu. unbelievably fast isn't it? a big discovery after stoning at home for the past one week plus is my ability to sleep and watch tv. that's what's keeping me occupied when everyone else is still busy mugging. like last night when finally everyone's at home and sis was hogging the tv, dad hogging the internet so i had nothing better to do than to sleep, before 10pm for the first time in ages.
42km on sunday. not hoping for much, not trying to beat any timings, just finish it and enjoy it.

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