Wednesday 20 June 2007

day 4: surfbabe learns history
started the day early with pearl harbor trip. yes, pearl harbor is in hawaii, in case you didn't know that. we took a bus there and queued up to get our tickets for the video presentation and the tour to USS Arizona Memorial. We walked around the visitor centre to look at the exhibits and learn about the whole incident that triggered WWII.

the pretty rainbow taken from the bus.. yes, a rainbow has 7 colours

my mom and i while queuing for the tix..

the anchor of the ship

the clock stopped short on 7 Dec 1941, 8:06 a.m. when USS Arizona exploded and sank with a crew of 1,177

a Pearl Harbor survivor cum volunteer at the centre
we went to watch a historical video on the whole incident which triggered US to go into WWII. A very touching video i must say, and indeed heart-breaking to see how cruel war is, the cruelty and vulnerability of mankind.. and the bravery

the USS Arizona Memorial, with the flag at half-mast. it is built directly on top of the ship and some of the remnants of the ship can still be seen.

the list of people whom the ship took..

part of the ship that remained..

oil still seeps out of the sunken ship, even more than half a century later.. it is said to be the tears of those who lay underneath..
it was history taught again, and so much better than textbooks. isn't it sad that it is through history where man learns not to repeat his mistake, but it is good to know man can put history behind during everyday-life and different nationalities can exist in peace together..
what an enriching morning..
after leaving pearl harbor, the bus brought us around downtown honolulu for a city tour..

punchbowl national cemetary, where all the heroes are buried..

king kamehameha statue and the state capital..

that was all for the morning, and the sun was still good when we got back, so it's back to the sea!!

walking through the streets on my way to the beach (that's a boogie board by the way, not a surfboard)

going out for my first surfing lesson. it's a cool sport which you can't do here. not that hard, managed to get up on my second attempt, partly also because i was using the biggest and most stable board. the most tiring part of all was paddling out to the sea, because the waves kept coming and your efforts will all be wasted if a big wave comes and topples you or washes you towards the shore.. definitely a good sport for toned arms and tanned body. and gliding with the wind and wave was an incredible experience!!
too bad no photos of me in action because i was out in the sea and the photos the surfing kiost that provided the lessons were selling at 20 bucks for one photo.. madness.

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