Saturday 6 August 2011

Never a superstitious person, but sometimes i cannot help but laugh at how some things can only be explained by fate and destinee.

Sunday 31 July 2011

As it's the time of the year again that convo albums flood fb homepage, that just means it's been a year since I officially left school. People say you'll miss school days when you start working, do I? I doubt so, at least not now.
Yesterday, the question of what is my purpose in life triggered me again. What do I really want to do? What kind of job do I really want and is the most important criteria I look for in a job? pay? working hours? job satisfaction? location? environment? What do I want to do 5, 10, 20 or 30 years later? I really don't know, just take 1 step at a time... Yes, convo is just an occasion, it just throws you to the outside world to decide how you want to live.
Stupid headache has been haunting me for the past 3 days, it's time for a good break!

Saturday 23 July 2011

Doesn't it amuse you the more you don't want something, the more you'll get it.

Yet again, I'm in office when we ought to be selecting our apartment because my obese hope of striking toto didn't come true. Now who says money is not an issue. Let's hope this trend continues so that our next ballot number will be single digit? haha me and my fat hope again, no harm to be optimistic right?

Thursday 2 June 2011

Yesterday, on the rare occasion that I spend the whole evening alone at home, making avocado milkshake, my mom comes up to me, squeezes my flabby arms and say '你真的胖了!'
And so I took immediate action and went to run early this morning, the first and most probably the last time this week. Now my lousy knee hurts. Well done!

Wednesday 1 June 2011

I shall not complain about buses again as they are starting to take revenge on me! This morning I watched the first fully packed bus pass by, waited another 20 mins for the second bus which was fully packed too, but luckily the bus uncle was nice enough to let me board from the back door, so auntie but at least it gave me a free ride to work. Oh, it would have been so lovely if I can be driven to work everyday now.
And it's not a very good idea to start GSS together with school hols. A normally quiet orchard on a weekday is so crowded now. No wonder hardcore shopaholics do take leave to shop!
Blogging on the bus home cos I'm bored and cos I still haven't gotten my new apple and am left with a cranky retarded comp at home...

Monday 30 May 2011

You know that age is catching up when even 11-12 hours of sleep on weekends are not enough to make up for the accumulated sleep debt over the week, and even when walking around the shopping centre with 'sale' shouting out of almost every store and all I want is go back and sleep. At least I caught kf panda before the weekend ended, though I still prefer the first one. Insanely crowded cinemas, even the last show on Sunday was full house. Well, it's school hols, there should be work hols too!
Going to work everyday feels like going to the battlefield, first is the battle against my eyelids and the alarm clock, then it's how to squeeze up the bus and hope there's no jam, and the real battle starts. And how I look forward to the end of the month when my pay comes in, but that's the time when all the bills come too, and of course deadlines.
No more holidays till aug, but at least my big boss is going for a long holiday, which means no more over-time meetings which I pay more attention to my growling stomach than what he has to say...

Monday 9 May 2011

After many days of excitement, now we hope for changes. The results are quite expected, yet quite disappointing. Just a few hours after he final results are announced, I went for my weekly Sunday run this time in the most eastern part of sg, and almost died in the heat, and I saw the pap lorry going around for their victory parade, I don't know whether to pity them or to curse them, they had to be up and about so early in the crazy heat and noone's waving at them cos, hello everyone is still sleeping. Well, at least they are nice enough to sacrifice their sleep and thank their supporters, my mom, who's at home almost 24/7 has not been visited by any minister-wannabes, not even caught sight of them.
And is sg really transparent and unbiased? Well on Friday during internship, one patient who's active in pap said: ‘参加PAP好!拿屋子比较容易!’ and that's coming from the horse's mouth....

Friday 6 May 2011

My views on politics had always been apathetic, as I didn't see how politics could affect my life. But now comes the time to vote and here's my 2 cents worth on GE.
I've lived in 3 different countries with completely different political systems and environments, and after listening and reading all the issues being voiced out, all I can say is that no party is perfect.
No doubt that those in white have served us well for the past, I do give much credit and admiration to the old MM for bringing SGP to what it is today, but times have changed, people are being more exposed to the outside world and voices are getting heard of now.
I'm not a politician, and I don't aspire to be one, so here's just my own thoughts and experiences...
First, on cost of living. Who doesn't like to be earning abalones and spending peanuts on daily necessities? Honestly, to me, the cost of living has been generally acceptable for an average household. My family don't live a luxurious life, our income is not in surplus to house us in bungalows or exorbitant landed properties, but we're contented with having a comfortable home to live in, good and nutritious food to cook and eat, good education, a family vacation almost every year. Of course I dream of a holiday to Europe and different parts of the world, a mansion with swimming pool and many cars to suit different occasions, many L and P handbags etc. but compared to most of my family who are going the extent of bribery just to hold on to a job that pays them merely 3 digits in their own country's currency, barely enough to feed them, I'm contented. What's the point of living in a place when everything is cheap, and labour is even cheaper? Unless you're those minority high-earning expats, what you earn is still not enough to cover your daily needs. I believe the issue here is not just about how expensive things are here in sg, but the difference in the increase of the rate of cost of living as compared to the pathetic increase in income for normal civilians. Of course the men-in-white don't see it as a pressing issue, what is a few dollars to them? less than 0.1%? But talking about cutting GST and cost of living etc. I think it's easier said than done.
Now on the hot topic of housing, our 'fav' mbt claims public housing is very affordable, at most you take 30 years loan and that they are making so much loss in the sales of flats, and to raise the income cap etc etc.. Come on, it's public housing, not private housing, stop taking advantage of the overwhelming need to increase the price. and increasing the income cap? am i expecting the price of btos to shoot up further and the over-application rate to be more than 10 times? and talk about upgrading and about how the not-so-white won't do it, you mean upgrade the price of resale even higher? You can't expect people to sell off their bto flat which they bought at say close to 400k at anywhere near half a mil after renovation and their so-called upgrading. And talking about upgrading, you mean example like lift-upgrading at my block which had cause so much of noise pollution last year during my last-minute mugging days, and only now they are fencing up the areas at each floor to prepare to dig a hole for the lift to open? Or do you mean doing some gardening and re-painting once every 5 years that just so happen to be last month? Not everyone needs premium finishing, nor community facilities, but everyone needs a roof above their head.
And on transport, I am so much more of a bus than a mrt person, well, of course I would very much prefer being driven around, because firstly there's no mrt station withing walking distance of my house yet, and the probability of getting a seat on the bus is so much higher than that on the mrt, and the no of ppl squeezing in the mrt, and the smell, my goodness! But having to wait for 10 mins or more for the morning bus, watching the packed bus zoom by the busstop, and the peak hour traffic jams is nothing uncommon. To solve the problem of expressway jams, there was erp, to counter the increase in cost, public transport became more expensive, and to make travelling time more predictable, there was approx arrival time of buses at some busstops. Well, it did ease the issues, and sg's roads are honestly, not too bad. But I do miss the cycling days in bj and the on-the-dot punctually of trains in gm, well, some effort has been put in to encourage cycling, but look at the expressways or pedestrain footpaths and the number of traffic lights, how to cycle safely? hmmm, how about express trains that travel from east-west, north-south etc without stopping at all stops and carriages to store bicycles so that one can ride and bike?
On healthcare, if you caught a minor bug, either you have money, pay more for faster treatment, better medicine, hence heal faster, or you have time, queue long hours to see doctor, get normal medicines and rest a few days at home, not sure if the medicines cured you or time and rest healed you. Of course, the medisave and medishield etc did benefit some, but are there more people who are critically ill, or just minorly ill? I'm thankful that my family is generally healthy, and don't need to spend money on daily medication, so the healthcare system in sg has not benefited or frustrated me in any way. But let me just share some experiences. When interning in bj, I think the system there works in such a way that those covered under their insurance get free or pay minimal for their medical expenses, especially those who used to serve in military, they get even better healthcare perks. Thus, there are those who perpetually live in the hospital for months, taking up beds that may be available for someone more needy. Though the facilities there are not comparable with that in sg, I really admire the knowledge of the doctors, and the speed at which one can get the required tests done and the results almost immediately, whereas in sg one has to wait at least a week or two. Then when I was much younger and living in gm, where everyone pays a certain amount for healthcare that covers everything under the sun, my most frequented place was the dentist. I had always had sweet tooth since young, and in fact all of my milk teeth had cavities, some of my molar even had a hole big enough that the tooth fell out in 2 pieces. Well, that's thanks to the dentists there, because since it's my milk teeth, and since I can go back and get it fixed anytime at no additional cost, they always clean it up, dig out the decay and a bit of the surrounding, then fill it up with temporary filling that drops out in a few weeks, then the process repeats itself. So what's the best healthcare policy? I don't know, each has its flaws.
Ok, so much said, tomorrow's going to be exciting. The men-in-white says they've served us well and proven it, and what makes us so sure that the not-so-white are up to it. The not-so-white are full of ambition and determined to make changes for the better of the citizens, and that the men-in-white are all out for money and not for love for the country. But wait, aren't we in a democratic society when decision making would require majority votes before proceeding with any proposal?

Monday 25 April 2011

The first long weekend has passed and it was disturbed by going to office on a Saturday morning, probably the most fruitful Saturday spent there tidying my desk, filing and throwing away lots of useless stuff. And an afternoon spent attending some useless networking session with my bosses which was a total waste of time. Well, at least I'll have an undisturbed weekend this week.
I'm now sipping kopi and passing time in a place full of doctors and sick ppl and agroup of 4 doctors just sat down for lunch beside me and 2 of them were wearing their scrubs and one is even carrying her stethoscope around her neck while eating! Perhaps during my internship days I'm used to leaving everything used in the hospital in the hospital itself, but isn't it very unhygienic to carry organisms, visible or invisible, from the kopitiam back into the ward? Or what's worse, carry germs from the hospital into your food and eventually into your mouth? Hello, I know you're a doctor but perhaps you can at least put the stethoscope into your bag??

Wednesday 20 April 2011

An apple a day ate my apples away.
Stupid apples! Rotten apples!

Sunday 17 April 2011

The weekend never fails to fly by.
At the end of Friday's internship, I tried the legendary fire needles for the first time. It happened because 2 young female patients went to seek treatment for hair loss, which did not look serious at all. I was quite sure my hair condition was even worse and asked my teacher to do it on me too. She used short needles, burnt it in fire till it was red hot, and pricked numerous times all over my scalp till my scalp was red and hot too. It's suppose to reduce hair loss and promote new hair growth, and can make me smarter too. No harm trying and let's wait and see the effects.
If not for the fact that I had to work on Saturday, listening to the old man talk till 1.30pm, it would have been a perfect day. Good food, great company and watching movie in the comfort of our own room, relishing that tub of heavenly haagen dazs ice-cream. yum!
And when I thought there can finally be a day for me to replenish my sleep and recharge for the new week, I was awakened by a loud thud at 7ish in the morning. Initially I thought it was a car crash, but couldn't see anything amiss when I looked out of the window. Then my mom came knocking on my door and say there's someone commit suicide lying right below my block. I looked down and saw a young man, in t-shirt and shorts, lying on the pavement near the drain with crushed tiles around him. He must have hit the covered shelter before landing up on the pavement. For the first time, I dialled 999 but 'all the officers are engaged', either too many people are calling or there is too few officers on duty on a Sunday morning. The ambulance came shortly, and the medic checked his pulse for heartbeat, did an ecg and carried him away. I guess he must have been still alive.
This is the 2nd suicide case from my block since I came back. see
I heard that was a maid who died on the spot. Freaky! I think my block is cursed..
What a way to start my Sunday, just 2 days ago, a mom and daughter fell to their death, and my dad says he knows the father; a decomposed body near sentosa, and a man jumped onto the mrt track. Sigh...
Oh well oh well, what a happening weekend. Now i'm just looking forward to my 2 long weekends to come. Can't wait!

Friday 15 April 2011

I hereby announce the death of my Macbook.
It costs a human about 12-20 bucks to see a doctor for a diagnosis and another of that amount for normal medication. It costs 120 bucks for an apple diagnosis and at least 400 bucks to repair!! Ok, time to get a new one...

Monday 11 April 2011

Why do weekends always pass so fast? Good food and great company is enough to make my day. Had my weekly bubble tea (Gongcha this time) before my internship on fiday, and tissue prata which I've been craving for since last week for supper.
Woke up before 5am on saturday and set off to Johor for a one-day durian tour. Traffic was smooth, and after breakfast the tour began with the typical local food shop visiting and sampling, quite a fair bit of time travelling, and then the highlight - durian buffet for lunch! Some delays in getting the durians, as there were too many hungry and greedy people, at least they compensated us with mangosteen and rambutan! yums! the tour continued with more visiting, shopping and ended with a good restaurant dinner. And there was more huge crabs on Sunday and more good food today? I think my one and a half hours Sunday morning run can't do the justice.

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Following the death of my MacBook, my iPhone went into a coma this morning when it suddenly blanked out and was unresponsive to which ever button that I press. Luckily the singtel guy over the phone was helpful enough to teach me how to force reset the phone and saved me a trip to get it fixed and a day of phone-less misery. Looks like it's not an uncommon problem, well at least I learnt something new today.
Now on housing, mommy says ' 4 room flat is good enough. You're not going to have half a dozen of kids and smaller house easier to clean also.' dearest says 'you're going to convert 1 room into Ktv room, 1 room to walk-in wardrobe, 1 room to store all your shoes, where to sleep?' looks like I have to strike 4d, buy a bungalow and hire a maid or two, haha. Fat hope!

Sunday 3 April 2011

sigh... my macbook that has accompanied me through so many lonely days and nights has died. Still trying to find my recovery disks which I'm very sure are hidden somewhere in the house, and now I'm stuck with using this lousy windows PC which is so slow and so new that nobody bothered to install adobe reader or messenger.
Time to get a new macbook since it's so cheap now.
On a sidenote, at least I'm glad my eyesight is still perfect 3 years after lasik.

Friday 1 April 2011

after a long and tiring day at work, I'm glad we've got our holidays planned and more or less booked. Although it's nowhere far nor too 'exciting' or exotic, we get our getaway, lots of sun and sea, shopping and eating!! and more importantly, something to look forward to amidst all the mundane everyday work. TGIF!

Tuesday 29 March 2011

It's been a long time since I took a bus home straight from work, sit down with mom and sis for a simple dinner, then watching some shows, surfing the net alone in my room before hitting the sack. My life has been too happening? perhaps.
They say one's desire for money is insatiable, I certainly agree. Back in Uni days, I was very contented with the few hundred dollars I earn each month from part-time job, thus not having to take pocket money from parents and would gladly spend every cent of it. Money was meant to be spent wasn't it?
Then when I finally started working full-time, I was so excited about getting my first 4-digit pay and seriously thought of spending it all on a branded handbag, but it never happened. Even up till today, I'm looking at handbag sales online almost everyday, but can't bear to invest so much into it.
And you think I'm a spendthrift? I give more than a third of my take-home pay to my mom and try to save close to 50% of it, because house, wedding, kids and everything else is going to cost a bomb. I've changed haven't I? Nevertheless, I'm still enjoying each day. But in terms of money, am I contented with what I'm earning? I guess I never will be.

Tuesday 22 March 2011

如果 命運可以訂做
如果 有另一次選擇
我想我 還是會 把手讓你緊握

就算 你有天變落魄
就算 你老得不能動
我想我 還是會 挽著你看日落

嘴巴上 彼此嫌麻煩
眼神中 關懷那麼滿
沒說愛 卻早已認定一輩子的伴

在人前 從來不浪漫
在心中 卻總為對方打算

就算 我以後變囉嗦
就算 我老了有病痛
我想你 還是會 照顧我到最後

沒有辛酸 沒有遺憾
什麼是陪伴 什麼是心安 你是答案

the lyric says it all...
有时候太坚强 笑容却填不满眼眶
越是想要隐藏 歌声就唱的更响亮
你不要追问我 还缺了些什麽

每个人都有梦 幸福总站在最远方
心中越是渴望 越是不敢伸手拥抱
我强问我自己 现在还没有个答案

让我放下武装 像个孩子一样

放下讨厌武装 像个孩子一样

Monday 21 March 2011

yawn... hates mondays esp when it's back to 'normal' traffic and squeezy buses in the morning after school holiday ended. no amount of rest during the weekend can recover a sleep debt.
nah.. shall not let stupid aunties and work ruin my day..

Saturday 19 March 2011

hello world, again.
how long can one's passion last? i wonder.. i had always been wanting to be a doctor, to study medicine, and after so many years of studying, even after all those intensive internships and years in the hospital, i was so sure that i had enough of seeing old and sick people and running around clinics, following senior physicians and putting massive eye power at work. now after months of not in contact with patients, i actually quite enjoy the weekly internship, especially when there's interesting cases every week, and getting tips on how to get around the loopholes of the medical system in singapore. not forgetting my exotic supper cravings after leaving the clinic at near midnight every week. but if you're going to let me do that everyday, 5/6 days a week, i think i'll surrender in less than a month.
on another note, i've figured how small singapore is, i never realized the convenience of NEL, it only takes about 15 minutes by train from my work place to either harbourfront or punggol, and travelling across more than half of singapore by car only takes about half an hour. that's of course not taking into consideration the jams and peak hours, i still remember how going to ntu by bus, train and super long queue for bus takes about an hour, when even jogging there will prob only take slightly more than that. so it's not really about the location, but rather the convenience i guess. and i still prefer to be driven than to drive...
yawn.. time for meeting...

Thursday 27 January 2011

while some people are in persistent search for means of making money, i never fail to search for the meaning in life. just a few days ago i had an interesting conversation with one of my colleagues early in the morning before work started. it's a joy seeing her every morning cos she greets everyone with a genuine smile and never fail to offer her help. she told me how fortunate she is to have a very happy and loving family. her mom and husband cooks everyday while she takes care of the washing and cleaning of the house. she also told me how most of her siblings and her have arranged marriages and they are all living harmoniously together. she told me the saddest moment in their family was when her younger brother met in a motorbike accident, was in coma for 13 days and lost his memory for a year, and that how the whole family took turns to take care of him and bring him to see different doctors every single day, and that his girlfriend was by his side all the while. she also told me her son saw the father buy many packets of rice for the bangla workers out of goodwill and was touched by his actions. she doesn't drive a car, doesn't have millions of dollars or live in a mansion, but she can tell others that she is genuinely happy, and i guess that explains why she doesn't have a strand of white hair though she's almost double my age.
i guess happiness is not measured by how much assets you own, but by how satisfied you are.
as much as i look forward to getting my pay at the end of the month, i sigh over the fact how half of it will be gone after distributing it for the past and the future, when i should be thankful for a stable job with regular hours. and while i drool over luxury items online everyday and thinking of what to wear the next day or where to go shopping, i should be glad to have a roof over my head and not having to worry there's no next meal. and as i scratch my head over what hairstyle to cut and whether or not to colour my hair, i should enjoy my youth before i find my first strand of white hair!

Saturday 22 January 2011

it's been a crazily busy week, working past midnights with my peanuts-earning part-time job, giving presentations to 'aunties', fetching dad from airport at midnight, and now i'm still in office wasting my fast-depleting youth. seriously don't see the point in working on saturday when i spend half an hour travelling, half an hour locked outside the office, an hour or two surfing the net and acting busy, then another hour or two sitting in the meeting and trying hard not to fall asleep.
But at least the weekend is here so i shall not complain...


Saturday 15 January 2011

for you are more precious than any jewel i can ever ask for...

Thursday 13 January 2011

沒那麼簡單 就能找到 聊得來的伴
尤其是在 看過了那麼多的背叛
總是不安 只好強悍

沒那麼簡單 就能去愛 別的全不看
變得實際 也許好也許壞各一半
不愛孤單 一久也習慣
不用擔心誰 也不用被誰管

別人說的話 隨便聽一聽 自己作決定
在周末晚上 關上了手機 舒服窩在沙發裡

相愛沒有那麼容易 每個人有他的脾氣
過了愛作夢的年紀 轟轟烈烈不如平靜
幸福沒有那麼容易 才會特別讓人著迷
曾經最掏心 所以最開心 曾經

perhaps there should be a thursday the 13th day. never had a day when everything can go wrong. started with meeting that was more like aunties and uncles arguing in the marketplace. then the plan for going out for lunch was ruined by 2 women, then got called into the meeting just as i was about to get out of office, and tried so hard not to let my eyeballs roll. then it had to rain that few seconds i was walking to the busstop, and it was sunny again the moment i got into the train. then after walking 1 round round jp, i found the atm which could only withdraw a minimum of 200 bucks. wth!! that were just some of my unpleasant encounters for the day. and when i thought perhaps koi can sweeten up my day, literally, it was closed! at 9.20pm. (why do all websites and reviews say they close at 10 or 10.30??) today is just not my day.
but thanks for being with me :) TGIF!

Tuesday 4 January 2011

following the heated discussion of tcm in singapore, i am laughing at the irony of how the term 'tcm specialist' was first used at one of CH's clinic and that CH is the direct associate of the practitioners board, are they trying to stab themselves?
well, i shall not mention too many names, but i don't see the problem calling oneself a 'specialist' if they do have a vast interest in that area and are good at it. afterall, 'specialist' can be defined as a Medical practitioner who devotes attention to a particular class of diseases, patients, etc. so after all these disagreement, i think the centre of the problem lies in $$$.
we definitely need money to survive in this world, and in fact we are needing more and more with the growing economy, and there are so many people out that concerned about making money. from a patient's point of view, i will be willing to pay more to see a physician more experienced in the area i need help in. at the end of the day, it's health vs. wealth.
just like how sgp rejoices as economic growth in double digits when we're ranked no 2 in terms of income gap in developed countries, is it really worth a celebration? and when the whole continent fears of H1N1 and other infectious diseases, there are people happily counting money made from it.
are we focusing too much on making a fortune that we lose the human touch in us? how many times do we actually do something genuinely out of kindness, without the thought of money in our mind? and how many times do we think about what others are going through, or what others may feel before losing our temper at them?
sometimes i just wish i can deal with machines...

Sunday 2 January 2011

it's time of the year again to reflect on the past and make new resolutions.
looking back on last year's new year post, i'm glad to say i've achieved what i set out to do for 2010. i've passed my grad exam, got my license and finally ended my life as a student. i've visited Harbin, Tibet and took that step for free fall. 2010 has been a fruitful one, in terms of studies, career, love and life.
and so now for 2011, i will continue working, stay in the company for another 2 years at least, spend less on unnecessary things and save some money, i will learn scuba diving, complete an ultra-marathon (and perhaps be done with running for the time being). i want to travel, though i haven't got any specific destination in mind. and my new year resolution? to love myself and those who love me more =)
happy 2011!!
(and perhaps i shall make it a point to update this blog more often. it's more than 7 years old already btw!!)