Sunday 17 April 2011

The weekend never fails to fly by.
At the end of Friday's internship, I tried the legendary fire needles for the first time. It happened because 2 young female patients went to seek treatment for hair loss, which did not look serious at all. I was quite sure my hair condition was even worse and asked my teacher to do it on me too. She used short needles, burnt it in fire till it was red hot, and pricked numerous times all over my scalp till my scalp was red and hot too. It's suppose to reduce hair loss and promote new hair growth, and can make me smarter too. No harm trying and let's wait and see the effects.
If not for the fact that I had to work on Saturday, listening to the old man talk till 1.30pm, it would have been a perfect day. Good food, great company and watching movie in the comfort of our own room, relishing that tub of heavenly haagen dazs ice-cream. yum!
And when I thought there can finally be a day for me to replenish my sleep and recharge for the new week, I was awakened by a loud thud at 7ish in the morning. Initially I thought it was a car crash, but couldn't see anything amiss when I looked out of the window. Then my mom came knocking on my door and say there's someone commit suicide lying right below my block. I looked down and saw a young man, in t-shirt and shorts, lying on the pavement near the drain with crushed tiles around him. He must have hit the covered shelter before landing up on the pavement. For the first time, I dialled 999 but 'all the officers are engaged', either too many people are calling or there is too few officers on duty on a Sunday morning. The ambulance came shortly, and the medic checked his pulse for heartbeat, did an ecg and carried him away. I guess he must have been still alive.
This is the 2nd suicide case from my block since I came back. see
I heard that was a maid who died on the spot. Freaky! I think my block is cursed..
What a way to start my Sunday, just 2 days ago, a mom and daughter fell to their death, and my dad says he knows the father; a decomposed body near sentosa, and a man jumped onto the mrt track. Sigh...
Oh well oh well, what a happening weekend. Now i'm just looking forward to my 2 long weekends to come. Can't wait!

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