Monday 11 April 2011

Why do weekends always pass so fast? Good food and great company is enough to make my day. Had my weekly bubble tea (Gongcha this time) before my internship on fiday, and tissue prata which I've been craving for since last week for supper.
Woke up before 5am on saturday and set off to Johor for a one-day durian tour. Traffic was smooth, and after breakfast the tour began with the typical local food shop visiting and sampling, quite a fair bit of time travelling, and then the highlight - durian buffet for lunch! Some delays in getting the durians, as there were too many hungry and greedy people, at least they compensated us with mangosteen and rambutan! yums! the tour continued with more visiting, shopping and ended with a good restaurant dinner. And there was more huge crabs on Sunday and more good food today? I think my one and a half hours Sunday morning run can't do the justice.

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