Tuesday 4 January 2011

following the heated discussion of tcm in singapore, i am laughing at the irony of how the term 'tcm specialist' was first used at one of CH's clinic and that CH is the direct associate of the practitioners board, are they trying to stab themselves?
well, i shall not mention too many names, but i don't see the problem calling oneself a 'specialist' if they do have a vast interest in that area and are good at it. afterall, 'specialist' can be defined as a Medical practitioner who devotes attention to a particular class of diseases, patients, etc. so after all these disagreement, i think the centre of the problem lies in $$$.
we definitely need money to survive in this world, and in fact we are needing more and more with the growing economy, and there are so many people out that concerned about making money. from a patient's point of view, i will be willing to pay more to see a physician more experienced in the area i need help in. at the end of the day, it's health vs. wealth.
just like how sgp rejoices as economic growth in double digits when we're ranked no 2 in terms of income gap in developed countries, is it really worth a celebration? and when the whole continent fears of H1N1 and other infectious diseases, there are people happily counting money made from it.
are we focusing too much on making a fortune that we lose the human touch in us? how many times do we actually do something genuinely out of kindness, without the thought of money in our mind? and how many times do we think about what others are going through, or what others may feel before losing our temper at them?
sometimes i just wish i can deal with machines...

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