Monday 30 May 2011

You know that age is catching up when even 11-12 hours of sleep on weekends are not enough to make up for the accumulated sleep debt over the week, and even when walking around the shopping centre with 'sale' shouting out of almost every store and all I want is go back and sleep. At least I caught kf panda before the weekend ended, though I still prefer the first one. Insanely crowded cinemas, even the last show on Sunday was full house. Well, it's school hols, there should be work hols too!
Going to work everyday feels like going to the battlefield, first is the battle against my eyelids and the alarm clock, then it's how to squeeze up the bus and hope there's no jam, and the real battle starts. And how I look forward to the end of the month when my pay comes in, but that's the time when all the bills come too, and of course deadlines.
No more holidays till aug, but at least my big boss is going for a long holiday, which means no more over-time meetings which I pay more attention to my growling stomach than what he has to say...

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