Friday 17 November 2006

Exam period = more blogging, more staying at home, higher electricity bill, more food, more fats, less exercise, less sleep, lower handphone bill, less spendings
I really hope my puny little laptop won't get overheated and get burnt cos it's been giving out hot air almost 24 hours a day.
Alright, seems like today is not the day to exercise. Firstly I have lots to read and trying to understand for anatomy (not to say revise cos I just printed out the notes for some), then it rained, then when I finally could not take the guilt of pigging and bumming around at home for the whole day yesterday, I overcome the inertia, got changed and dragged myself out of the house for some sweat and sun (yes, the sun came out after a passing shower which lasted for less than 10 minutes). In need for some speed and strength, I happily planned my exercise routine for a 2.4km run and some gym exercise. And so I jogged to the track, and it was closed (damn, should have taken notice of the change in opening hours to public), so the disappointed me jogged back to do some gym and the only pathetic little all-in-one machine was fully occupied by 3 fat guys who were having a picnic there - sitting on the benches sms-ing and beside them on the floor was a carton of soya milk and kinder beuno. Hello, you don't own the gym!! And so I went home and played with my little dumbell and gym ball.
Can SCF decide whether marathon is on 27th Jan (Saturday) or 28th Jan (Sunday). No calendar in this world says 27th Jan 2007 is a Sunday...
Ok enough of my rambling, back to the notes and powerpoint slides (I'm not even using my $45 textbook which is selling at $57 in NTU anymore)

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