Sunday 26 November 2006

And so today I went for my last long run before the actual one next week. Well, it wasn't the best run I've had, but it was quite interesting for a Sunday morning jog. And I was only wearing contacts in one eye since I've decided to let my injured eye rest, and I will go totally blind without contacts. If you want a tan from running, and you think 6km is a good distance, try Pandan reservoir. It felt like eternity!! I should be thankful that the clouds are doing me a favour today if not it will be scorching and burning hot, and if I do get a heatstroke and faint, there will be noone to save me. And there was this stretch where some construction was going on, and I had to walk through the muddy ground and climb over the barrier. my poor pretty new shoes.... and I must say it was never my intention to go running at that desert-like place. The only reason why I ended up there was due to bad sense of direction. But it was really quite a good mental training. 6km of eternity. But overall still quite enjoyable. My sense of direction may be bad, but my estimation of time is still pretty good. So far, I've been able to make it back home by the stipulated time, means I don't have to take bus and stink up the bus. The best part is 2160 calories burnt!! ok, I think I ate it all back, but oh well, I hope there's no net gain. I wonder how many calories a marathon's going to burn. 3000? 4000? Now my toes feel squashed and my knees do ache especially walking down stairs. But at least I have 1 week to recover and hope I still can walk normally after 42km next week. So for the rest of the week, I think I'll just do some short distances and many cardio machines. Time to be tai tai again.
To people who think running is boring, here's a bit of my advice on how to make it more interesting and enjoyable. First is to get out of the gym and out of the track. What can be more boring than running on the same spot, or running round in circles? So, explore new places to run, or do it with company (be it your running buddy, or music), which I seldom do. And of course how can I forget my ultimate reason to run - run to a good place for breakfast (eg, Tiong Bahru market), or run to buy some chocolates..
Alright, I finally saw my doctor, nothing much apparently, just some inflammation, most probably due to wearing of contacts, which surprises me because I haven't been wearing contacts much these few days. Well, at least I have a peace of mind now..

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