Tuesday 28 November 2006

someone drag me out of the house or destroy my laptop please cos i'm suppose to study!!!
and I was bored enough to search for my name on google and guess what I found???
OMG!!! I didn't know it existed!!!!! muahahahahaha

Sunday 26 November 2006

And so today I went for my last long run before the actual one next week. Well, it wasn't the best run I've had, but it was quite interesting for a Sunday morning jog. And I was only wearing contacts in one eye since I've decided to let my injured eye rest, and I will go totally blind without contacts. If you want a tan from running, and you think 6km is a good distance, try Pandan reservoir. It felt like eternity!! I should be thankful that the clouds are doing me a favour today if not it will be scorching and burning hot, and if I do get a heatstroke and faint, there will be noone to save me. And there was this stretch where some construction was going on, and I had to walk through the muddy ground and climb over the barrier. my poor pretty new shoes.... and I must say it was never my intention to go running at that desert-like place. The only reason why I ended up there was due to bad sense of direction. But it was really quite a good mental training. 6km of eternity. But overall still quite enjoyable. My sense of direction may be bad, but my estimation of time is still pretty good. So far, I've been able to make it back home by the stipulated time, means I don't have to take bus and stink up the bus. The best part is 2160 calories burnt!! ok, I think I ate it all back, but oh well, I hope there's no net gain. I wonder how many calories a marathon's going to burn. 3000? 4000? Now my toes feel squashed and my knees do ache especially walking down stairs. But at least I have 1 week to recover and hope I still can walk normally after 42km next week. So for the rest of the week, I think I'll just do some short distances and many cardio machines. Time to be tai tai again.
To people who think running is boring, here's a bit of my advice on how to make it more interesting and enjoyable. First is to get out of the gym and out of the track. What can be more boring than running on the same spot, or running round in circles? So, explore new places to run, or do it with company (be it your running buddy, or music), which I seldom do. And of course how can I forget my ultimate reason to run - run to a good place for breakfast (eg, Tiong Bahru market), or run to buy some chocolates..
Alright, I finally saw my doctor, nothing much apparently, just some inflammation, most probably due to wearing of contacts, which surprises me because I haven't been wearing contacts much these few days. Well, at least I have a peace of mind now..
This is pretty interesting, went to collect my standard chartered race pack today and was delighted to see that the bag is a nice gym bag and not a shoe bag, cos I already have 2 similar ones from the past 2 years. BUT..... the singlet is exactly the same as last year's, and when I got home I found 2 new free shoe bags from Shape magazine to add to my collection. I own 7 shoe bags now!! And did I say I won't go shopping till exams are over? Oh well, I just bought a super bimbo, but totally 'me' adidas shirt at the Sports expo today. So pretty and I love it!
Well, another interesting thing is that I was studying at Millenia Walk Starbucks until they chased people away cos it was booked for a private function, so I went to BK and found myself back at Starbucks for the private function. I am really turning into a pig. No exercise today, 2 starbucks drink, dinner at tonkinchi, lots of desserts and chocolates... So full!! Alright, no excuse, I am going to run it off tomorrow!!
Right, I am suppose to be studying for my last paper but here I am, blogging, msn-ing, and reading Shape magazine. Wow, a frozen margarita's 740 calories and long island tea's 780 calories. sure or not??
I'm scared now, having a headache despite having quite sufficient rest (at least more than what I used to have) and there seems to be something growing in my eye that's causing it to be red and dry and is affecting my vision. Feels like there's a layer of misty stuff covering my eyes. Ok, and the headache's on the left and it's my right eye that's affected. Ok, I'm really scared now.. Sigh, I wish it's nothing serious, well, I guess my body is telling me not to abuse it anymore. I always think I'm still young and healthy and my immune system is fantastic, that's why I can afford not to take care of it. Ok, my new resolution is to love my body, sleep well, eat well, exercise well.

Saturday 25 November 2006

Till I bother changing a new skin, I shall at least get my tagboard back.
So there it is, back, and hopefully to stay.. I wonder who reads my blog, but do drop a message if you do...
It feels like exams are over and it certainly feels good, but THEY ARE NOT!!!!!!!!!!!
yesterday I had 6 hours of uninterupted sleep, I think I was like a log on my bed (yes, no longer on the chair), switched off 1 of the alarms I didn't hear the other 2 at all. Woke up on my own for breakfast (yay, mom bought chunky peanut butter!), read newspapers, went back to my room, get changed and flip through my desesrt cookbook (haha, feel like making some desserts..) then going out for a run. Other than the bad air along the roads and the foul smell from the drain, it was a great run!! comfortable pace, fantastic weather, and a new route. Then went to the gym at my house for a bit of arms workout, then went back home to play with my lovely little gym ball. Wow, what a fruitful morning, and it was only 10 plus when I finished my morning workout. Really feels like holiday. Ok, the only useful thing I did today was to print out all my lecture notes. That's it. And I spent the afternoon sleeping again. Don't call me a pig, cos it's a rare opportunity for me to get so much rest. There was yet another article today on the how obesity and lack of sleep is closely related, so many it's good to sleep. But what's te physiological reason behind it? hmm, maybe it'll be my job to find out..
The marathon is next week!! wow, really fast, I think the time when I registered for it, I was still telling myself it's a long way more to the actual day, and now it's almost here!! I can't really say I've trained and is well-prepared for it. I have been constantly running, but I don't take it as proper training, more like leisure jogger. I am quite sure I can finish the run, and the more I run, the more stress there is to break my own record. It's no longer a matter of completing the race, but of doing it better than what I did last year.
I'm totally not in the mood to study anymore..
5 days to last paper,
8 days to marathon,
12 days to taiwan,
30 days to christmas,
36 days to 2007,
43 days to new school term...
the coming holiday will be short, but fruitful...

Wednesday 22 November 2006

I think I survive better with less sleep. Can't believe that I concussed after dinner, woke up at 1 plus in the morning, wanted to hug some buddha legs, but fell asleep, yes on the chair again, and so I was in and out of dreamland for the whole night and clocked almost 8 hours of sleep, and that's almost double of my usual sleeptime at night. But the problem is I am feeling more tired than usual, my head feels heavy and saturated, and my eyes feel like they can close anytime. This is definitely not a good sign. And I do know how to multitask effectively, that is, study and exercise at the same time. I think that's the only way I can survive 1 whole hour on cardio machines in the gym besides watching tv and gymming.
As I get older, my memory gets worse... I need some brains...

Saturday 18 November 2006

who says scientists don't have a sense of humour (or rather lameness)
taken from the newsletter 'Fun Science' (a production from Science Centre and A*Star for primary school kids)
Here goes some whacky riddles:
Q1: what sea animal can be adjusted to play music?
A: the tune-a fish!
Q2: Why is it so easy to weigh fish?
A: they have their own scales
I like the next one (maybe can tell my mom too who keeps feeding me fish nowadays)
Q3: why are fish so smart?
A: because they live in schools...
Ok, that's it for lunchtime entertainment.. speaking of schools, my sister just went for her P1 orientation this morning and came back with lots of books and other barang barang. Girl, you're finally going to school!!!

Friday 17 November 2006

Exam period = more blogging, more staying at home, higher electricity bill, more food, more fats, less exercise, less sleep, lower handphone bill, less spendings
I really hope my puny little laptop won't get overheated and get burnt cos it's been giving out hot air almost 24 hours a day.
Alright, seems like today is not the day to exercise. Firstly I have lots to read and trying to understand for anatomy (not to say revise cos I just printed out the notes for some), then it rained, then when I finally could not take the guilt of pigging and bumming around at home for the whole day yesterday, I overcome the inertia, got changed and dragged myself out of the house for some sweat and sun (yes, the sun came out after a passing shower which lasted for less than 10 minutes). In need for some speed and strength, I happily planned my exercise routine for a 2.4km run and some gym exercise. And so I jogged to the track, and it was closed (damn, should have taken notice of the change in opening hours to public), so the disappointed me jogged back to do some gym and the only pathetic little all-in-one machine was fully occupied by 3 fat guys who were having a picnic there - sitting on the benches sms-ing and beside them on the floor was a carton of soya milk and kinder beuno. Hello, you don't own the gym!! And so I went home and played with my little dumbell and gym ball.
Can SCF decide whether marathon is on 27th Jan (Saturday) or 28th Jan (Sunday). No calendar in this world says 27th Jan 2007 is a Sunday...
Ok enough of my rambling, back to the notes and powerpoint slides (I'm not even using my $45 textbook which is selling at $57 in NTU anymore)

Thursday 16 November 2006

I don't normally kope stuff.. but here it goes...

Once upon a time, there was a blind girl.
She hated the world and everybody else, except for her loving boyfriend who was always there for her.
One day, she said to her boyfriend "If only I could see the world... I'll definitely marry you"!
Soon after, someone donated a pair of eyes to her.
And then... she could see everything!
Her boyfriend then asked her, "now that you can see the world, will you marry me"?
The girl was shocked to realize that her boyfriend, just like her, was another pathetic blind soul.
And so she heartlessly rejected him.
Her boyfriend walked away in tears, and later wrote a letter to her saying
"Just take care of my eyes, my dear"

Wednesday 15 November 2006

Monday was my second visit to the Novena Square gym and I finally tried the tai-tai machine. Oh man, it is one of the best inventions!! It's like an elliptical machine, those that you put one foot on one piece of footrest that can move, but instead of moving forward and backwards, it goes from side to side. I think it's one of the few machines that can tone the inner thigh. And if you think it's boring and easy, you're wrong!! doing it intensively actually burns more than 800kcal per hour, and doing it leisurely really feels like dancing, especially with the remix they were playing.
And it certainly felt weird studying the reproductive system in public. I was trying my best to cover those explicit photos and diagrams in textbook and hoping no one was staring at me. Oh well, if you think it was the most interesting topic in O level biology or something, think twice when you have a few pages of text explaining the hormonal change bla bla bla. Alright, at least it's over... and now I shall bury my head in the sea of names of bones, muscles, joints, nerves etc etc...

Tuesday 14 November 2006

You Are Tofu
Okay, so you aren't exactly meat. And that's fine with you. Even if people think you're a bit bland.There's a good chance you're veg - and even if you aren't, you secretly think meat is gross.
What Kind of Meat Are You?

Monday 13 November 2006

work can be more fulfilling and interesting than I would imagine. And people always say "don't just complain, give solutions". Now when people writes in a complaint letter, trying to sound intellectual by using as many traditional chinese characters as she knows, together with a whole bunch of wrongly written words, and providing solution, literally in that little envelope, you don't know whether to cry or laugh. We were all so amused.. but since blogger is public, I shall not explain any details in case I really get into trouble.
And I've just added a new expensive item to my collection.

pretty right??? now i only lack the $50 note of the ship series... anyone willing to exchange??

Saturday 11 November 2006

It's officially the last day of lessons of year 2 sem 1. Fast isn't it? Before I know it the exams will be over, holidays will be here and then over, and it will be the start of a new semester. It was quite a busy day to end of the semester. Lessons as usual, and extra lessons to make up for tomorrow, but anything beats going back to school on saturday. I'm lazy to write so let the photos do the talking.

It's a bit small, but these are the guinea pigs of BMS/TCM. And these are the people I see everyday, confined to our own favourite corners of SBS CR7.
Maybe we should be glad the school decided to get rid of some flying creatures before exam starts, but it's quite a sight to see all of them dead on the floor. countless.

yes, the ground was littered with bees. yucks

there you go, the bunch of noisy people always in the middle of the classroom.

From now on, I'll find myself confined to my cosy corner in my room, imagine that my freedom of motion space is only enough for my chair to turn, facing the window, laptop's on my left, table's in front of me, cupboard, hi-fi, food, and rubbish on my right, and bed behind me. Hard to imagine? let the photo exlain itself.

Now you believe me when I say my room is puny??

Wednesday 8 November 2006

And so there was another news to spoil my day. Seems like we're not going Australia this december anymore. And I thought for once my dad could plan something really in advance. He did, we booked the resort everything long ago, but now there's the big problem of no air tickets. And because we thought the air tickets sold during the travel fair was over-priced, the only available tickets now are at $4k++. Thanks ar, I don't print money!!! Oh well, just hope we can get tickets to somewhere else and give me something to look forward to.
It's officially down to one week before it starts, the exams, what else? Preparation remains at minimal. I hate it everyday when I had to drag myself to school and force myself awake to absorb as much as possible from my lao shi who talks sooooooo fast. Alright, I'm not going to complain about exams cos I don't have a choice..
Oh well, we learn new things everyday and I just found out a few days ago that vegetarians don't eat onion or garlic. So that's my great discovery when the vegetarian stall cooks all their vege with ginger. yucks. I hate ginger. So much of calling myself a vegetarian.. haha but actually I don't think I'm the only one who doesn't know..

Saturday 4 November 2006

Who says I can't be domesticated? I've proved myself capable of being a housewife yesterday by taking the job of a babysitter. Who else but my dearest little sister. I brought that little girl swimming, COOKED dinner for her, taught her to play piano before finally throwing her in front of the television. Gosh, it has really been ages since I last cooked a proper meal, though I only cooked something as simple as noodles yesterday. The end product was not bad, and that is all that matters. Tasted just like my mom's cooking, but then again, how wrong can it go? The process was another story. Should have seen my confused look when I can't decide which ingredient to go in first, how long to cook it for, how much salt to add, and the impatience of lifting the cover from time to time wondering when will it ever boil. AND I HATE CLEARING UP!!
And yesterday I didn't fall asleep in class at all, finally proved my laoshi wrong that I sleep everyday. I thought she would call me to answer questions but she didn't. Maybe she's just waiting for the right time to catch me red-handed.
It's the time of the year again for me to get whiny. Yes, so many things to study and so little time. Don't I complain about that before every exam. But so what if I were given more time, knowing myself best, I will still leave everything to the last minute. It's no use panicking if I'm not going to do anything about it.. so STOP WASTING TIME!!

The sunday paddler went paddling today. I still love k2.

Friday 3 November 2006

SKGN in action again at lunch today. and something very interesting happened.
As we sat in the canteen and just started eating, our prof came and joined in and the first thing she said when she looked at me: I see you sleeping in class everyday.
Oh great! damn!! I think from today onwards she'll be calling me to answer questions everyday to prevent me from sleeping. How nice.
Yes, I'm been indecisive again. Should I or shouldn't I? It'll be quite fun to do it, but I don't think I'm up to it.
Well, oh well.........