Saturday 21 April 2007

if there's going to be a parenting workshop or some parenting 101 course, the first thing that should be taught is...... how to make your kids SHUTUP!! why do parents think it's very cute of their irritants shouting and screaming and disturbing everyone else?! don't you just feel like stuffing cotton into their mouth or something? alright, i think i'm just so not destined to have kids, not like that's on my list of things of concern now...
and i think caffeine has a dual purgative action. besides being a diuretic, it also has laxative effects....
And must i mention how boring and monotonous it is to study for the last paper? it's just a matter of time before i totally give up, and that always happens on the day before the paper itself. sigh...
well, at least yesterday i finally did what i have always been wanting to do, heh, no regrets yet.. and i finally had a good 6 hours of sleep on my bed..

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