Friday 29 December 2006

Day 7 (13 Dec '06)

Last day in Taiwan. The last official meal was absolutely fantastic. I just look forward to breakfast everyday, and this one was definitely something to look forward to. It had everything, from the usual Chinese and western breakfast, to salads, jap food, fruits, basically everything you could wish for on your breakfast table.
After the sumptuous breakfast, we went to the last attraction, which is the Martyr’s shrine (忠烈祠), another historical place, the doors were guarded by life statues, guards armed and stood at the door without moving at all, not even blinking of eyes. Amazing.

They really don't move at all!!

Then we headed for the airport already. And dad had to create trouble till the last moment, because he wanted to stay over at Hongkong, where we transferred flight. As our air ticket was group ticket, they didn’t allow him to use the ticket, and so he had to buy another ticket to get home. That was still not the worse, the luggages were checked in under his name, and so they stayed with him in HK, leaving mom and I going home without luggages!!!
Luckily, the luggages flew over the next day and they even sent it to the doorstep. Not bad indeed, no need to carry our own luggages...
Some interesting things we saw before saying goodbye to Taiwan


Hello Kitty plane!!!!!

After spending one week in Taiwan, what impressed me the most is their environment- friendliness. Most purchases are packed in paper bags and plastic bags cost 1 or 2 bucks. Politics can get interesting to watch when you’re not involved. And most importantly, there's really too many things to eat!!!!

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