Saturday 23 December 2006

Day 2 (8 Dec '06)

First stop: Chiufen (九份)
It is a street high up in the mountain and we did what we do best there – buy foodstuff. That was our first big bag of food to be brought home. We bought mochi, jelly and taro balls. Of course I didn’t forget to try out as much as possible, especially the mochi, so sweet and soft.

in front of the shop where we bought most of the food from.

Second stop :Nantien Temple (南天宫)
Centre of traditional religion of the locals - Mazhu. There is a statue made of pure gold.

Third stop: Taroko (太鲁阁峡谷)
After our abalone and lobster lunch, the bus traveled along the mountains to Taroko. The scenery along the road was beautiful. On the right was the mountain cliff and on the left was pacific ocean. The scenery at Taroko was even better, the whole mountain is made up of marble and there’s natural mineral water flowing down the mountain.

getting ready to fill my waterbottle with those natural mineral water flowing down.

Next Stop: Ami Aboriginal Cultural Village (阿美文化村)
We watched a performance of traditional dance and songs by the aboriginal. Wasn't that spectacular but we (especially my little sister) still had fun dancing along.

Joining in the fun.

Dinner was buffet at Hualien Parkview hotel. Lots of good food, and the guilty me went for an hour jog on the treadmill in the hotel gym after that. And that was the only time I exercised during the whole journey.
Some random photos along the way:

no wonder our noses are flat. haha

see the wide grin on her face. Lucky little girl

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