Saturday 23 December 2006

Day 5 (11 Dec '06)

First Stop: Leo Foo Village (六福村)
This is a place for the young and those young at heart. It is an amusement inclusive of a zoo. We visited the zoo section first, where we took a bus into the carnivour area which had tigers and lions roaming just beside the bus. There were no barriers other than the bus window and the monkeys liked us so much that one climbed onto the rooftop of the bus. It feels as if we were animals on exhibition, not sure whether it was us looking at the animals or the other way round. Then, we took a tram to visit the less dangerous animals. An amusement park wouldn’t be complete without rides. As we only had less than 3 hours to tour the whole park, we didn’t get to try all the rides. It was a pity that I didn't get to try the most thrilling one. Nevertheless, we still had great fun.

"get me out of here!!"

getting ready for a roller coaster ride...

and up i go.. woohoo..

the child in us..

Next stop: Yehliu (野柳)
Another beauty for nature lovers - artistic display of natural rock formation. Let photos do the talking.

wonders of nature..

this rock is cool..

beautiful scenery + 3 beauties + messy hair

now this is what i have to do when that spoilt brat refuses to wake up, and she's damn heavy can

Next stop: YangMingShan TienLai Hot Spring (阳明山天籁温泉)
My step to taitai-hood. I had a relaxing hour or so just lying in the warm waters which left all of us with a sulfuric smell. There were different pools sith varying temperature and aroma. Some were really very hot.

Night: Hsimenting (西门町)
More of window shopping. I still prefer the night markets.

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