Tuesday 26 December 2006

Day 6 (12 Dec '06)

The second last day was spend at Taipei.
First stop: CKS memorial hall (中正纪念堂)

my mommy...

my daddy....

my sis and her new found "boyfriend"...

Next stop: National Palace Museum (故宫)
This one is different from the one in Beijing. No ancient magnificent buildings but a whole collection of what was found from the past. It felt like a day of history lessons. (no photos cos cameras are not allowed there)

Then was a shop that sells lingzhi, royal jelly and deer fetus. Apparently, deer fetus is extremely good for asthma and other diseases. Now I can start a whole debate on whether it is just to use animal products for health benefits, but it was really painful to see the dried fetus being crushed up and grinded into powder.

We also visited a fortune and fengshui place, where they analysed our character and fortune using names, and they were miraculously right. Quite scary in fact.

We shopped at 101 Shopping Mall, we didn’t want to spend the 350 bucks to take the lift up, so we just shopped around in the bookshop because it was such a high-end shopping centre.

101 storeys.. it sure is high..

The last night was spent at Regent Hotel, which is the best of all the hotels for the 7 days. Nothing much planned for the night, but it was a waste to just stone in the hotel, so we took the cab out and walked around and await breakfast.

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