Friday 29 December 2006

Day 7 (13 Dec '06)

Last day in Taiwan. The last official meal was absolutely fantastic. I just look forward to breakfast everyday, and this one was definitely something to look forward to. It had everything, from the usual Chinese and western breakfast, to salads, jap food, fruits, basically everything you could wish for on your breakfast table.
After the sumptuous breakfast, we went to the last attraction, which is the Martyr’s shrine (忠烈祠), another historical place, the doors were guarded by life statues, guards armed and stood at the door without moving at all, not even blinking of eyes. Amazing.

They really don't move at all!!

Then we headed for the airport already. And dad had to create trouble till the last moment, because he wanted to stay over at Hongkong, where we transferred flight. As our air ticket was group ticket, they didn’t allow him to use the ticket, and so he had to buy another ticket to get home. That was still not the worse, the luggages were checked in under his name, and so they stayed with him in HK, leaving mom and I going home without luggages!!!
Luckily, the luggages flew over the next day and they even sent it to the doorstep. Not bad indeed, no need to carry our own luggages...
Some interesting things we saw before saying goodbye to Taiwan


Hello Kitty plane!!!!!

After spending one week in Taiwan, what impressed me the most is their environment- friendliness. Most purchases are packed in paper bags and plastic bags cost 1 or 2 bucks. Politics can get interesting to watch when you’re not involved. And most importantly, there's really too many things to eat!!!!

Tuesday 26 December 2006

Day 6 (12 Dec '06)

The second last day was spend at Taipei.
First stop: CKS memorial hall (中正纪念堂)

my mommy...

my daddy....

my sis and her new found "boyfriend"...

Next stop: National Palace Museum (故宫)
This one is different from the one in Beijing. No ancient magnificent buildings but a whole collection of what was found from the past. It felt like a day of history lessons. (no photos cos cameras are not allowed there)

Then was a shop that sells lingzhi, royal jelly and deer fetus. Apparently, deer fetus is extremely good for asthma and other diseases. Now I can start a whole debate on whether it is just to use animal products for health benefits, but it was really painful to see the dried fetus being crushed up and grinded into powder.

We also visited a fortune and fengshui place, where they analysed our character and fortune using names, and they were miraculously right. Quite scary in fact.

We shopped at 101 Shopping Mall, we didn’t want to spend the 350 bucks to take the lift up, so we just shopped around in the bookshop because it was such a high-end shopping centre.

101 storeys.. it sure is high..

The last night was spent at Regent Hotel, which is the best of all the hotels for the 7 days. Nothing much planned for the night, but it was a waste to just stone in the hotel, so we took the cab out and walked around and await breakfast.

Saturday 23 December 2006

Day 5 (11 Dec '06)

First Stop: Leo Foo Village (六福村)
This is a place for the young and those young at heart. It is an amusement inclusive of a zoo. We visited the zoo section first, where we took a bus into the carnivour area which had tigers and lions roaming just beside the bus. There were no barriers other than the bus window and the monkeys liked us so much that one climbed onto the rooftop of the bus. It feels as if we were animals on exhibition, not sure whether it was us looking at the animals or the other way round. Then, we took a tram to visit the less dangerous animals. An amusement park wouldn’t be complete without rides. As we only had less than 3 hours to tour the whole park, we didn’t get to try all the rides. It was a pity that I didn't get to try the most thrilling one. Nevertheless, we still had great fun.

"get me out of here!!"

getting ready for a roller coaster ride...

and up i go.. woohoo..

the child in us..

Next stop: Yehliu (野柳)
Another beauty for nature lovers - artistic display of natural rock formation. Let photos do the talking.

wonders of nature..

this rock is cool..

beautiful scenery + 3 beauties + messy hair

now this is what i have to do when that spoilt brat refuses to wake up, and she's damn heavy can

Next stop: YangMingShan TienLai Hot Spring (阳明山天籁温泉)
My step to taitai-hood. I had a relaxing hour or so just lying in the warm waters which left all of us with a sulfuric smell. There were different pools sith varying temperature and aroma. Some were really very hot.

Night: Hsimenting (西门町)
More of window shopping. I still prefer the night markets.

Day 4 (10 Dec '06)

First stop: Hakka village (美浓客家村)
where we got to try the traditional lei tea, and viewed some of the traditional items like paper umbrella and other small accessories.

me and my sister

Next stop: “Five Cent Driftwood House”
Lunch was at “Five Cent Driftwood House”. The design of the building is very special, like a treehouse, the toilet too, even the toilet signs were so creative. And so were the furniture and utensil. Indeed a different dining experience.

Cool toilet sign right??

Next stop: Sun Moon Lake
It is a lake in the middle of Taiwan and on top of the mountain. Very windy and cooling place. According to our tour guide, it is where the Ali Shan tribe is and the centre of the 921 earthquake, which reduced the number of residents from 2000 over to only 200 over. Almost al the buildings were destroyed. Really a catastrophe.

And the day ended with night market shopping again, this time at Fengjia market.

day 3 (9 Dec '06)

The day started with a sumptuous breakfast buffet. After that we travelled further South. Not much activities for the day.

First Stop: 85 Building
The main attraction was 85 building where we took a lift up to the 75th floor in 43 seconds and viewed Kaohsiung city. There was nothing much to see due to the haze.

They look like toy cars from above..

Next stop: Cijun Island (旗津岛)
Then, we took a ferry ride to Cijin island, where there was another temple, which we didn’t go in. Along the street there were vendors selling food. We saw an interesting stall selling flavoured fried corn. As we were waiting for the corn to be ready, we saw fireworks coming from behind the building and there were people lining out firecrackers. Before we knew it, the firecrackers were lighted and deafening cracking sounds filled the whole island. It was not a festival, merely the Kaohsiung and Taipei election day. Politics for outsiders is merely a show and form of entertainment.

I swear I was almost deaf after the never-ending fire crackers.

Our next stop for the day was suppose to be love river, which is a 20 minute boat ride in the river to look at the city. However, when we got there, there was already a long queue in front of us, and our tourguide told us we had to wait for about 2 hours. Being impatient shopaholics, most people chose shopping over cruising, and so, we went to the Kaohsiung night market. Although the night markets sell a lot of clothes and stuff, it wasn't the right reason to go as it was their winter now. But it's not cold at all.

Day 2 (8 Dec '06)

First stop: Chiufen (九份)
It is a street high up in the mountain and we did what we do best there – buy foodstuff. That was our first big bag of food to be brought home. We bought mochi, jelly and taro balls. Of course I didn’t forget to try out as much as possible, especially the mochi, so sweet and soft.

in front of the shop where we bought most of the food from.

Second stop :Nantien Temple (南天宫)
Centre of traditional religion of the locals - Mazhu. There is a statue made of pure gold.

Third stop: Taroko (太鲁阁峡谷)
After our abalone and lobster lunch, the bus traveled along the mountains to Taroko. The scenery along the road was beautiful. On the right was the mountain cliff and on the left was pacific ocean. The scenery at Taroko was even better, the whole mountain is made up of marble and there’s natural mineral water flowing down the mountain.

getting ready to fill my waterbottle with those natural mineral water flowing down.

Next Stop: Ami Aboriginal Cultural Village (阿美文化村)
We watched a performance of traditional dance and songs by the aboriginal. Wasn't that spectacular but we (especially my little sister) still had fun dancing along.

Joining in the fun.

Dinner was buffet at Hualien Parkview hotel. Lots of good food, and the guilty me went for an hour jog on the treadmill in the hotel gym after that. And that was the only time I exercised during the whole journey.
Some random photos along the way:

no wonder our noses are flat. haha

see the wide grin on her face. Lucky little girl
what a busy and exciting holiday and either blogger has been down or i haven't got down to blogging. so here's a recount of my holidays. Of course, the highlight was taiwan trip.

Day 1 (7 Dec '06)
Touched down at about 3pm in the afternoon and adventure begins. What can be a better way to start getting to know Taiwan other than food.

First stop: Tamshui Old Street (淡水老街)

fishball soup, which has meat (i think it was pork) inside

mini pink guava. i love this, it's soft and sweet and healthy

sunset at 5pm at Fisherman's wharf.

Second stop: Shihlin Night Market (士林夜市)

A trip to Taipei would be incomplete without a visit to Shihlin. As we only had about an hour and a half to explore the place and have dinner, we did not visit the shopping area. Our main focus was of course food.

the huge piece of authentic crispy Shihlin chicken, which I queued quite long for.

Real authentic Taiwan sausages. They are huge!!

Thursday 7 December 2006

Tuesday 5 December 2006

What a great day it is to slack at home. Last night I was still attempting to plan my day, whether I should go paddle, swim, gym, or do nothing. In the end, I slept most of my morning away, and did some packing of my room in the afternoon, dumped all the old notes and magazines to the storeroom. But my room is as messy as ever because I'm not done with packing yet, not to say to pack my luggage. Went out for a swim in the afternoon, but the shadows of the blocks covered the pool, nevertheless, it was still a good and relaxing swim, I could have gone on forever if not for the fact that it was getting dark and cold.
And I watched tv properly for the first time today since I moved to my current house. I think even my sister was laughing at me trying to figure out how to use the remote and which is which chanel. And if my bright pink nails is not good enough, make it two.

Baby bimbo wanted it too so she had a free and really express manicure.
And dad came home with this:

It's a series of vcds. Thank you dad for borrowing, but MY EXAMS ARE OVER!!!!!
By the way, I still prefer New Balance to Asics.

Monday 4 December 2006

And I ran my third marathon yesterday. It was great, what else can I say? I went with the aim of creating a new personal best timing of hopefully less than 5 hours. And so I did, with a new record of 4h50min.
Although we reached there rather early, by the time we waited for everyone to arrive, queued up to deposit our bags at different queues and finally found everybody to get to the starting line, the horn had already gone off. So much of our attempt to start with the horn, quite impossible when you're with a large group of people. But due to the overwhelming number of participants, the crowd was still there and walking to the starting line 8 minutes after the horn. Ran the first 18km or so with my teammates, before going off alone for the whole east coast stretch. The first part was rather relaxinb and enjoyable, we still had energy to talk and joke along the way. The second part was lonely east coast. A test of mental power. But it wasn't too bad considering the fact that there were so many people running and there was a constant supply of water and 100plus, not forgetting the powergels that really works. Besides supporters with banners of encouragement, there was also live school band performing and a cheerleading group made up of primary school kids, they were so cute!! And when I thought I had to run the rest of the marathon alone, I had a new pacer. It wasn't planned, neither was it a coincidence, but it just so happens that I found myself running at the same pace as this guy and so we paced each other for the last 10km. having a pacer really made a difference, especially for the last part when my legs were so tired from the monotonous movement and every km seem so far away. Although we didn't speak or encourage each other, plus the fact that we didn't know each other at all, the fact that there's someone running along with you gives you the obligation to keep up, and it's always the case that you feel as if you are trying to follow the other person's pace and the other person thinks vice versa, so in the end both parties give each other a silent form of encouragement and push. It's tiring but good. I still don't know who was my kind pacer although we did thank each other after we crossed the finishing line. So, thank you stranger!!
This year adidas was smart enough to come up with the series of 'reasons to run' designs, and had tags for you to write your reason to run and pin it on the singlet during the marathon. It provided more of a form of entertainment than encouragement. The best one I saw was 'I may be slow, but I'm still in front of you' Nice try dude, though I did overtake you. And of course there were the elite runners who made it seem like a different country all together on the other side of the road. Genes do play a part. But this year I also saw very fit and old runners, and the visually-handicapped who was tied to the lead runner by means of an elastic band, and they were fast. It's these people that sends shivers down your body and impresses you with their ability to overcome the odds to encourage us that if they can do it, it's shouldn't be hard to us fortunate people to complete a marathon. And there was these 2 women dressed in spiderman and catwoman. cool. Not forgetting people trying to create public awareness. Last year was breast cancer, this year there was this environmentalist, dragging a box of 'rubbish' and trash cans, telling people to be more environmental friendly.
The weather couldn't have been better except for the slight drizzle around noon time, and I'm happy for my constant pace throughout the whole run.
You should have seen how unglam we were to limp and drag our feet to citylink for lunch at a snail pace, whining in pain as we walk down the stairs. What a sight.
Looking forward to marathon 2007, but the stress to do a better timing is piling up as the years go by...