Thursday 17 July 2008

just came back from a half-day escape to JB of food, movie and just walking around. seems like everytime we go, it always starts and ends with secret recipe. who can resist the thick slice of damn yummilicious and sinful cake?
caught 'the dark knight' there also, quite surprising that the cinema is less than half full, and that's my 4th movie in 3 days and i've watched almost every movie that is showing in cinema now. it's a very long show and halfway through the show i thought it was ending already when there was still one more hour to go. the cinema was freezing cold and the sound system was very very bad. and i even almost fell asleep towards the end of the show. ok la, other than the lousy environment, the movie itself was not bad, worth watching for the action and the effects.
why do i have to be reminded that it's 2 weeks of fyp left, one and a half month in sg left?

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