Saturday 2 August 2008

finally it's almost over. although i must admit my thesis is definitely not the best that i can write, nor does it deserve an 'A' for the amount of work and effort i put in, i am glad that i finally handed it in, like a big burden off my shoulder. for now, it's just doing the poster, which is probably just a lot of cut and paste, and preparing for the presentation, which is mainly finding something decent to wear. after that, everything will be over and it's finally holiday!! listening to most of my coursemates complain about how they have never seen daylight and have not been sleeping much for months make me wonder why was i having such a relaxing time? i usually leave lab before the evening peak hour and haven't been sleeping much because i was out enjoying myself. if my examiner sees this, he'll probably just give me a 'D', which i deserve.
had a meeting with our dean after submitting the thesis to discover the horrible facts about bj that there's probably no internet in dorm, no blogspot lj, morning buses that pick us up at 7am from the dorm and leaves the hospital at 5.30pm (what am i suppose to do at night then?) and our only vacation next year has been cut from 6 weeks to 5 weeks!! right, what can i do? nothing!
you tell me one month is a long time, i say one month is very short. i knew where i was a month ago, and i know where i will be in a month's time. we can't turn back clock and undo what's done, neither can we predict the future, so just let me live in the present and welcome each day as it comes.

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