Sunday 10 August 2008

with the coming of 4.30pm of poster day on friday, it was finally finally done with my final year project! phew! what a relief.
i think if there's a nomination and prize, i vote myself for the most relaxed, most heck-care student. i walked into the lobby with only one aim in mind, that is the end of the day. i had to admit i was a bit shocked to see my classmates holding cards of prepared speech and rehearsing because i had nothing! all i did for preparation was trying to look presentable. well, it went quite alright, i think i had 2 examiners though both came empty-handed and looked as if they were just window shopping for posters.
oh well, the photos...

and here's photo from ahchoo's fish n co dinner

and it's finally holiday! when everyone else is starting school. heh.
from now till august ends, i'll be doing my packing, meeting up with people, basically enjoy life while i can..

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