Saturday 28 June 2008

today's probably the busiest and most productive day for fyp, rather fruitful as well. finally got down to doing the proper experiments of feeding and testing my little mice. they weigh only about 10g on average! felt a tinge of sadness and sympathy seeing them so helplessly running around, and heard the pain in their cries as we clip their toes and tails. felt so sorry for them.
at the end of it, it's the thing called feelings that makes everything the way they are. always been wondering do people change or do feelings change, or both.
some things can never be the same again no matter how we try to ignore and hide away from them, i know i've changed, for the better or for the worse i do not know. i used to be so good at hiding secrets, so good at lying through my teeth without feeling a sense of guilt. i can't do so anymore. if there's anything that hasn't changed, it's the way i lie to myself. perhaps i should just take things simple, learn to laugh, learn to love, learn to experience the happiness of zeng jing yong you.
last dragon boat race tmr..
meanwhile trying to familiarize myself with my new macbook. pure prettyness!

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