Monday 16 June 2008

this may just have been the busiest weekend so far, running around the island occupied with different activities. the major event was seniors camp, which i went for about half of the events. being a wondering ghost is fun, except for the heat in the stuffy room in my ghostly outfit and no toilet in the whole area! and i am white enough to save the trouble of powdering my face, how about that.. but that may just be the end of my white-ness, hours under the midday sun yesterday was enough to leave my skin red and prickly, especially the shoulders, and after 2 weekends of db to come, i think i will be back to my original colour soon.
and how can i forget sbs research lab's happy hour on friday? this time it was organised by my lab. beer, chips, nuts, icecream, chocolate, fruits etc. etc. no prize for guessing, i was just there for the food and drinks.

brewerkz golden ale!!! good stuff!!

wanted to check out the gadgets at the pc show on sat morning but wth, they only open at 12pm!! so no choice had to go in the evening, and as expected, the horrible crowd!! almost impossible to walk without being blocked by ppl. faints.. best thing is i didn't buy anything at all from there. most prob asking my dad to help me get from the US. father's day = father buy me a new lappie?? hahaha when it comes to this type of things, i admit i'm superficial. i will just choose the prettiest-looking one =)
finally in lab again, and mom had to wake me up twice this morning, and for both times i asked her what day it was today and took at least a minute or two to register. i think i left my mind at camp still.

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