Saturday 28 June 2008

today's probably the busiest and most productive day for fyp, rather fruitful as well. finally got down to doing the proper experiments of feeding and testing my little mice. they weigh only about 10g on average! felt a tinge of sadness and sympathy seeing them so helplessly running around, and heard the pain in their cries as we clip their toes and tails. felt so sorry for them.
at the end of it, it's the thing called feelings that makes everything the way they are. always been wondering do people change or do feelings change, or both.
some things can never be the same again no matter how we try to ignore and hide away from them, i know i've changed, for the better or for the worse i do not know. i used to be so good at hiding secrets, so good at lying through my teeth without feeling a sense of guilt. i can't do so anymore. if there's anything that hasn't changed, it's the way i lie to myself. perhaps i should just take things simple, learn to laugh, learn to love, learn to experience the happiness of zeng jing yong you.
last dragon boat race tmr..
meanwhile trying to familiarize myself with my new macbook. pure prettyness!

Thursday 26 June 2008

because i was bored...

You Are Most Like Carrie!

You're quirky, flirty, and every guy's perfect first date.

But can the guy in question live up to your romantic ideal?

It's tough for you to find the right match - you're more than a little picky.

Never fear... You've got a great group of friends and a

great closet of clothes, no matter what!

Romantic prediction: You'll fall for someone this year...

Totally different from any guy you've dated.

The Part of You That No One Sees

You are passionate, romantic, and emotional.

You put love first in your life, even though you have often been disappointed by it.

You expect to be swept of your feet, and you never expect infatuation to die out.

Underneath it all, you are scared that you aren't lovable.

Your insecurity has ruined many relationships, as you are unable to see the love that's really there.

You are secretly afraid of being alone. Confronting your insecurities is incredibly painful.

hmmmm true to a certain extent
this is pretty outdated considering that today's already thurs, but yeah, spent last saturday afternoon at sentosa with over 400 other bikini-clad girls for the record breaking photoshoot. we just sat on the sand, or rather lied down on the sand because there weren't enough people i guess, in the formation of 'CLEO', with those elegible bachelors serving us water and sunblock, and some girls beside me were touching up on their makeup while i was already melting in the hot sun! ok, this was the most bimbo thing i've done so far, but i have to admit, it's pretty fun and so simple.

lulu and i

part of the letter 'O'

happy with our free goodie bag after the whole thing.

and our free tuky-tuky!!

Tuesday 24 June 2008


last friday,i escaped from lab, took my passport and took a 1hour long ferry ride to batam. the whole journey started with a bang, thanks to someone who was 40 minutes late and we had to run into the boat just minutes before the departure time when they were announcing our names over the PA system. so embarassing la!!

that's stewed and i on the ferry there, the girl who almost got all of us to miss the ferry!! lousy!! haha
upon reaching, our first stop was none other than breakfast to fill our starving tummies. due to the time difference, it was only around 8am batam time when we reached.
next was the highlight of the trip - go kart. we took a rather long walk there in the early morning sun, quite a nice stroll though, and every taxi that drove past us stopped to ask if we need a cab. not surprising. finally walked past the cable-ski park and reached the go-kart circuit. it looked quite rundown with no water supply in the toilets. 18 bucks for 10 mins. very expensive indeed, but since we were already there just go for it. the circuit was quite uneven and bumpy and why must they discriminate against people with short legs?? i had to tip toe to push the accelerator all the way in la! and i can self declare myself being the safest driver! no stunts, just trying my best to avoid all the puddles of water so as not to get dirty.

after that, we took the most expensive cab ride for the day to nagoya. it's a small town with shopping and food. it was still early for lunch but who can resisit this:

oooohhh so yummy!!!

upsized rootbeer float!!!

we walked around the shopping centre before deciding to split half, 3 of us went to walk incredible hulk, while the other 3 went for massage. the movie tickets were super cheap!! 15,000 rupiah, which equates to less the SGD 2.50!! and the cinema is comparable to those here. did a bit of shopping after that before heading for lunch, or was is tea or dinner? whichever.

that's where we went for seafood, i felt sorry for the cab driver who took us there for SGD6, that equates to 1 buck per person because the 6 of us squeezed into 1 cab.
we ordered a steamd fish, cereal prawn, black pepper crab, sotong, chicken, kangkong, toufu and fried rice, not forgetting the freeflow of white rice. we sure were hungry to finish up every bit of it.

that's only part of the food, fish and chicken were missing.

with stomachs full, it was time to head back. took the same cab to batam centre and got the tickets for 1830 back to Singapore. seems like we have not learnt our lesson to board the ferry early. we went shopping again at the megamall there and had to run back to the terminal and ran up to the ferry!
yup, that's the end of our batam slacking trip!

yummy donuts from jco, and definitely much cheaper than singapore.

erm don't ask me what's up with them. they just had to be funny.

Sunday 22 June 2008

a busy week has just passed, busy in the fun way that is. for those who are interested in my life, here's a brief summary of it. monday to wednesday was purely fyp and work. thurs night went wala wala and almost deafened by the music. friday was spent at batam with my 6e classmates, just chilling around. saturday was busy rushing from one place to another, gym in the morning, sentosa in the afternoon and work at night. and today, work, db trng and then went out for dinner. i foresee a very busy week ahead again. now that my mice have grown up and i can finally start on my project proper, my prof is going for a one month holiday! and i don't have any mentors or seniors doing similar projects. i'm horrified! faints!
and this is probably the most i've exercised in a week so far. swam, ran, gymmed, rowed. i know its nothing compared to the last-time me, but it's a lot for the superlazy me now. oh man, just hope i can move and get out of bed tomorrow morning.

and i must say this, though it may sound too mushy and gives you goosebumps. I LOVE MY DAD TO BITS!!!! after whining that he's got no father's day gift from me, cos he wasn't in s'pore last weekend, he came back from the states with a new macbook, itouch and ipod shuffle!! love the mac and touch. soooooo pretty!!!! and obviously he is aware that his daughter is a computer idiot that he told me not to use the mac first until he asks the experts to set it up for me. alright, even better value-added service. and i'm selling the shuffle, 1GB, silver in colour, brand new and unopened. anyone interested before i put it up for auction? well, it was a door gift from the conference i guess and i already have one. very good for running.

ok, i think i'm so blessed, and i can declare myself as the world's bmm! haha.

guess it's time to hit the pillow and rest my old bones, will update my happening week with photos when i do have time..

Thursday 19 June 2008


Wednesday 18 June 2008

the meaning of suay is when i finally decided to go for a swim this morning, even brought my sun tanning oil, and the sky suddenly decided to turn dark and in less than half an hour, lightning and thunder striked.
the meaning of suaku is that i didn't know that citylink and suntec is now linked by an underpass which has been there for a few months already. looks like i've done a good job hiding at home.
wanted to buy the oral sunblock yesterday, but freaking expensive la!!
looks like i've to get my mac from s'pore already. don't be tricked by their 'ship within 24hrs', the actual 'delivery' to your doorstep is a few more days later! pui!

seems like my intention of getting a tan has brought the rain instead,

Monday 16 June 2008

this may just have been the busiest weekend so far, running around the island occupied with different activities. the major event was seniors camp, which i went for about half of the events. being a wondering ghost is fun, except for the heat in the stuffy room in my ghostly outfit and no toilet in the whole area! and i am white enough to save the trouble of powdering my face, how about that.. but that may just be the end of my white-ness, hours under the midday sun yesterday was enough to leave my skin red and prickly, especially the shoulders, and after 2 weekends of db to come, i think i will be back to my original colour soon.
and how can i forget sbs research lab's happy hour on friday? this time it was organised by my lab. beer, chips, nuts, icecream, chocolate, fruits etc. etc. no prize for guessing, i was just there for the food and drinks.

brewerkz golden ale!!! good stuff!!

wanted to check out the gadgets at the pc show on sat morning but wth, they only open at 12pm!! so no choice had to go in the evening, and as expected, the horrible crowd!! almost impossible to walk without being blocked by ppl. faints.. best thing is i didn't buy anything at all from there. most prob asking my dad to help me get from the US. father's day = father buy me a new lappie?? hahaha when it comes to this type of things, i admit i'm superficial. i will just choose the prettiest-looking one =)
finally in lab again, and mom had to wake me up twice this morning, and for both times i asked her what day it was today and took at least a minute or two to register. i think i left my mind at camp still.

Tuesday 10 June 2008

the reality of the unspoken truth, the simplicity in such complexity.

c'est la vie

at this rate, i think i can finish watching my collections of movies in lab! just some photos of my babies..

at birth

one week old.
so now i'll just waiting for them to grow up before carrying out experiments on them.
just finished watching the final episode of healing hands 3 online cos i missed it yesterday on tv, and now entertaining myself with songs. and not forgetting kept wide awake with coffee to keep myself awake during this morning's lab meeting.
yesterday was the first time opening the lab door in the early morning because we didn't know the usual monday lab meeting was postponed to today. prof was on leave and when the cat's away, the mice come out to play! watched movie and disappeared after lunch for some singing! kbox's student promo is really quite worth it, considering the free flow of soft drinks and freshly fried tapas. who cares about the oil. however, amidst all the school children on holiday, i really feel old. and i guess the staff were too busy entertaining those little kids to chase us away, if not we would have had dinner at aston! well, there's always another day! walked around the pasar malam after that before heading back to school just to sit in for gm for fun.

Sunday 8 June 2008

last night felt as if time was tuned back to a few years ago, when we were a good young age of 18, in the good old mt sinai campus. those beautiful memories, and those silly things that we did, and not forgetting the gossips that we never knew!! yeah, those were the days!
and yesterday i dug out some of my message histories to read. oh well, people do change, and we have all grown up and matured..
and ouch, my lower body is aching so badly from my 2-hour gym workout yesterday. super unfit and flabby now!!

Saturday 7 June 2008

i am now officially the grandma of 4 baby mice, co-grandma of 2 and step-grandma of 7. grow up babies, quick grow up so that i can proceed with my fyp!!
spent the whole morning attempting to make changes to this blog, but can't find any very nice skins to change, and still have no idea why all the words are in white, and i absolutely don' know how to enable adding of comments!! argh forget it then.
not everyday is friday but today, for those who do read this, anyone wants, or knows of anyone who want monthly disposable contacts, power -4.5 and -5.0?? yes free one whole box before they expire..
yawn, tired, let ignorance accompany me into my dreams..

Thursday 5 June 2008

perhaps after so long we have not established the thing called trust. you never fail to amuse me, or shall i say disappoint me this time round, and welcome me to your world of stubborn-ness. pardon me if what i write is too vague, or cheem, or hard to understand, it's probably just the way things are. two extremes may just be separated by a faint line or border.
this is totally random and created out of boredom:






Tuesday 3 June 2008
