Friday 25 January 2008

finally paid a visit to the dentist and got my hair trimmed yesterday. and phew.. my sweet tooth (or rather teeth) are perfectly fine after making them suffer through sweet, salty, hot and cold and not getting them cleaned for 3 years! and visiting the dentist certainly is not an enjoyable experience. really pity those doing surgery or root canal etc and having to keep their mouth open for hours with the suction tube sucking away all the saliva, not forgetting the pain they have to go through. i really should be glad my wisdom teeth are popping out fine so far and i don't need to wear braces.
and hairdressers never fail to make the same comment that i have thinning hair. yes i know i'm balding!!
and prices are increasing everywhere, especially now when cny is near. well, it's always good to know more people, especially those around the neighbourhood for something called discount. haha (i'm secretly a super-auntie in disguise)
i think the scorching sun today mutated all my cells and make me mentally 15 years younger and physically 50 years older when i played catching with my sis in the pool today. tiring leh..

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