Sunday 31 August 2008

this will probably the last post here if what ppl say about not being able to view blogspot in china is true. less than 6 hours time and i'll be in the air, waking up to find myself in a brand new environment.
after a crazy night at sportsball, seeing so many drunk and gone people, and getting a lil high myself, i decided to stay at home and have home-cooked food for the last day.
still can't believe the day is here already, so much unknowns lying ahead, so much memories left behind. farewell singapore, i'll be back soon...

我却只能把你 把你放在我心中

Thursday 28 August 2008

Beijing 2008 may be over for olympics, but it's not over for me. in fact, next week this time, i do hope i can find some internet connection to get in touch with the rest of the world.
these few weeks have been busy with meeting up with people and a rather unsuccessful packing attempt. think my mom gave up on me and decided to do most of the packing for me.
finally got my hard disk after braving through the crowd today at comex. now it's time to pack all those memories into my little (well, not really) time capsule; open it and revisit when i feel like it..

Thursday 21 August 2008

"today we went to the zoo. we saw many animals, there were tigers, lions, zebras, monkeys. we also watched two performances and it rained during the second performance. but i was still very happy, i love animals."

ok, that's probably what my little sister would write in her diary and that just summarized what i did today. it's part of our plan of seeing as much of singapore as we can before we leave and since admission was free, why not? and because everyone else is so busy it was left with the 2 of us. nevertheless, it was fun visiting the animals again though nothing much has change. besides tourists, there were a lot of kindergarten kids, even primary school kids. lucky annoying kids haha.

once a superstar, now a statue..
wow it looks like there's still super a lot of things to do in singapore in these 10 days, and i haven't started packing at all!!!

Tuesday 19 August 2008

thanks to my shuffle that i found this song and thanks lulu for teaching me how to upload it heh. was listening to this on my way to school today. such a sweet voice for such an emo song that almost made me tear and made me swim for one whole hour until they divided the pool for some kind of aqua aerobics.
been watching the olympics these few days since i'm so free. so many world records broken, so many dreams realised, yet a mistake at the crucial moment, an injury at the wrong time and all the hard work for 4 years is all but nothing.. that's the reality of sports..

Saturday 16 August 2008

i've been awake since 2 plus in the morning and watching shows on my lappie cos i slept at 9pm last night! not used to being at home so early and having nothing to do. actually i do have a lot of things to pack and get ready but i just can't get myself to do it. how more happening can my friday night get? but i'm not complaining cos it did feel good to just sleep as and when i like and not having to worry about anything. somemore i've been out and up too much for the past few days, it's time to recover from the lack of early-night sleep. of course i caught the table tennis semis, yay, finally a cookie after almost half a century! well done team singapore!!
now who's the kiasu one who just got a whole bag of medication to bring to BJ, and both my arms are aching from a typhoid jab on the left and a hep A jab on the right. now which arm should my flu jab go when the stock arrives next week? who says i'm not doing any preparations? haha
everybody had their unglam times, just be glad there weren't too many people around to see..

Monday 11 August 2008

since we can't seem to get away from this topic everyday, in every conversation and still having no conclusion. since we're turning 22 and we're a year into adulthood and soon going to see the numbers increase exponentially, it's time to think about our lives, our future.
it's amazing (and scary) how our dreams and desires change as we grow up. when we were younger, we had bigger dreams. we wanted to be a doctor, a lawyer, a teacher; we wanted a big house, a luxurious car, money, kids, a happy family. then as we grow older we realise those were all dreams, we knew we had to face reality, nothing is as perfect, you just wanted to find a guy and marry, i was so sure i'm going to live up to remain in my DSC. but as time passes and as our life experiences build up, we seem to change our minds defines love as an intense feeling of deep affection, i will just summarize it as meeting the right person at the right time. such a simple statement, so hard to be true in real life.
let us just sing our hearts out later and drink our guts out on ladies nite...

Sunday 10 August 2008

with the coming of 4.30pm of poster day on friday, it was finally finally done with my final year project! phew! what a relief.
i think if there's a nomination and prize, i vote myself for the most relaxed, most heck-care student. i walked into the lobby with only one aim in mind, that is the end of the day. i had to admit i was a bit shocked to see my classmates holding cards of prepared speech and rehearsing because i had nothing! all i did for preparation was trying to look presentable. well, it went quite alright, i think i had 2 examiners though both came empty-handed and looked as if they were just window shopping for posters.
oh well, the photos...

and here's photo from ahchoo's fish n co dinner

and it's finally holiday! when everyone else is starting school. heh.
from now till august ends, i'll be doing my packing, meeting up with people, basically enjoy life while i can..

Thursday 7 August 2008

life's much more relaxed after the submission of my fyp thesis. caught a few movies these few days, both in cinemas and on my laptop. though i'm not a very good movie critic, here's my comments: the mummy 3 wasn't that exciting and i really think that actors should just speak the language they are familiar with and let the subtitles do their job. money no enough 2 was quite a typical jackneo show pretty funny and touching at parts though i would prefer them to mention 'government' less and less national day songs in their anti-propaganda motives, just a personal opinion. the alzheimic ah-ma was damn funny and makes me wonder how my grandma will be when i go visit her next year, wonder if she will still recognize me even. and i am not going to watch this kind of show early in the morning in a heartland mall again. it felt like an old folk's home cos the whole cinema only had old people who were happily munching away and talking in the last row. but then again who else will be so free on a monday morning when school has already started..
tuesday went for trng after such a long sedentary life after ncc and the next day i was aching all over. even my abs hurt a bit. just goes to show how long i've not exercised. time to get moving again before my arteries get clogged up.
yesterday was probably the most productive and fruitful day. spent the morning at home watching '21', very good show indeed. then went to print poster and shop for clothes for friday's poster day, before taking the very long bus ride to jp for ahchoos gathering, almost 2 hours! luckily there were seats. our food finally came at around 945 after all the waiting. 120% attendance from ahchoos!! wow i want the photos!!
now i'm just looking forward to the end of poster day and the rooftop party!

Saturday 2 August 2008

finally it's almost over. although i must admit my thesis is definitely not the best that i can write, nor does it deserve an 'A' for the amount of work and effort i put in, i am glad that i finally handed it in, like a big burden off my shoulder. for now, it's just doing the poster, which is probably just a lot of cut and paste, and preparing for the presentation, which is mainly finding something decent to wear. after that, everything will be over and it's finally holiday!! listening to most of my coursemates complain about how they have never seen daylight and have not been sleeping much for months make me wonder why was i having such a relaxing time? i usually leave lab before the evening peak hour and haven't been sleeping much because i was out enjoying myself. if my examiner sees this, he'll probably just give me a 'D', which i deserve.
had a meeting with our dean after submitting the thesis to discover the horrible facts about bj that there's probably no internet in dorm, no blogspot lj, morning buses that pick us up at 7am from the dorm and leaves the hospital at 5.30pm (what am i suppose to do at night then?) and our only vacation next year has been cut from 6 weeks to 5 weeks!! right, what can i do? nothing!
you tell me one month is a long time, i say one month is very short. i knew where i was a month ago, and i know where i will be in a month's time. we can't turn back clock and undo what's done, neither can we predict the future, so just let me live in the present and welcome each day as it comes.