Tuesday 27 February 2007

First dragon boat training after a long long time never fail to make me ache and give me butt abrasion! I think every muscle on me is aching, especially my upper body, but it feels good, at least i know those muscles are still in existence. And i just did more dragon boating for sea ex recce, though it was a rather relaxed pace and intensity. And i finally fulfilled my to-do list of timing a 2.4km!! been wanting to do that for quite some time, but the stadium is always closed early in the mornings when i reach there. So today i decided to try my luck again at a slightly later time, and it was opened!! and so i shared the track with all the aunties walking and ran 6 boring rounds. the timing was surprisingly decent, still managed to sub 12 despite not doing speed or interval trainings and haven't ran more than 10km since stan chart. oh well, i really hope i can get my old aching body out of bed tmr morning.
sigh.. forgive me if i am in the 'leave me alone' mood, it's not that i'm sad or anything but just that there's so many things to do and so little time.. it is only when i finally sit down and reflect on what i've done that i realised i've neglected so many people who love me and are concerned about me. why can't i love myself a bit more and live up to expectations? 2 days ago my mom just told me 'we believe you're old enough to know what's good for you...' yes knowing is one thing, but doing it is another...
study la, please!!

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