Monday 24 July 2006

so it was 3 months of intensive insane training for the 2 days of proving ourselves and now it's over. results were quite expected and the winners really deserve what they should. i believe we have already done our very best, set our new personal best timings, even if it wasn't good enough to get us a gold medal. we rowed our race, put our heart and soul in it, started, burst, ended knowing that it was the best we could give. i don't know how to describe this feeling, on one hand, i am happy for clocking my best timing, on the other hand, there is still this unfulfilled desire to get what is the best.
i remember when year 1 sem 1 started, i got a phone call from our dear lesley asking me to go down for training, half-heartedly, i went, thinking that i would probably use it as a chance to get some exercise and to see how the trainings are like. but i stayed on, i don't know why. maybe it's the hope of achieving something for the school, to do a bit of what i can. then there was round ubin, mr500, sdbf and now ncc.
i remember the last day of exams marked the first day of our full time training. it was madness indeed, when others are enjoying their holidays, working and earning money, we spent almost everyday in macritchie, soaking up the sun, devoting our whole holidays to canoeing. the crazy mileages we did, almost 30km a day of paddling, spending half the day in the water and the other half eating or chilling out with one another's company, crazy stuff we did, many food we ate. then came the first month anniversary, then higher intensity training, then a big headache deciding the line up, freezing our brains with icecream while thinking and only finalising it last minute.
tonight was fun. chilling out at brewerkz, stuffing our face with food and beer and games of indian poker, marking the end of this season. tomorrow will mark the start of 7-day long sports camp. after that it would be one week of break and finally school will start again. i must say luckily ncc is near the end of holidays, if not i really don't know what to do after that.
round ubin follows, which means training is not going to stop. should i be glad or should i be sad? part of me wanted to bid goodbye to canoeing a long time ago, but the other half me can't bear to leave the fun we had, the times we spent together...
i'm back to the state of confusion again.... someone help.....
ok someone please give me some photos to post up... really tired now

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