Wednesday 28 December 2005

Holidays are almost over, so is 2005. These few days are busy but with a sense of accomplishment. I finally got my furniture for my room and finally had the courage to get my ears pierced after walking past and stopping at B*dazzle for more than 3 times. I felt like an animal in the zoo with people walking past and looking at me. The one on the right cartilage was surprisingly not as painful as what I thought it would be. I was totally mentally unprepared as I just settled down in the seat and was getting ready for a shot when I suddenly felt something hitting my ear and there, it went in, in just 1 second. Then the nice lady told me the left one won't be as painful but with total anticipation, I thought it was worse. Ignorance is bliss, true indeed. The price was rather steep but at least it is safe and professional.
Christmas is a season of love and food. I've been pigging out on every food in sight like nobody's business and watching the fats build up around my waist and arms and thighs and everywhere else. Canoers dinner always end up to be a mass pigging out session. Dinner at fish and co and lots of cakes at secret recipe directly after that left us so bloated and fat that we decided to walk down orchard just to let the food digest. But it was certainly great catching up with you guys, as usual, we made lots of noise and talked about everything that nobody else would. Our fun always seem to evolve from food. I can never forget the marche desserts that were gone in a few seconds, the cafe cartel bananas etc etc, I thought canoeists are suppose to be on a healthy diet??
This is perhaps the most special and meaningful christmas in my life with the best christmas present one can ever get.

Friday 23 December 2005

don't expect me to be in a good mood after a day when everything goes wrong. First it was waking up late for training because my poor phone battery died and other samsung chargers didn't seem to be able to charge it. So I had no alarm clock and only a lousy clock on my table which was half an hour slow. Didn't run today. damn. Paddled k2, not much comments about that. Next was cleaning off the tape on the k2s. Call me a lazy bum or a slacker, but I don't think anyone likes to play with thinners and sticky gluey stuff. What's worse was that halfway the rain started pouring and left us shivering in the cold. The cleaning stopped and I grabbed my bag and immediately made my way home, hoping for a good warm bath and lunch.
Reached home after waiting damn long for the bus and got up to my place. Pushed the door handle. locked. pressed the doorbell. no answer. knocked on the door and shouted. the dog next door started barking. So the frozen and starved me went down to find a phone to call the idiots who locked me out of the house knowing that I forgot to bring my keys. called home, no answer. called dad, at work and had no idea where my mom went. called to my old house, line not in use anymore. alright, at least I got the news that there is a spare key at the customer service or whatever the place is called, so I went there, with great hope of getting the keys and saving myself from the coldness. Lunchtime for them, which means I had to wait till 2pm. Bloody hell, wasted almost an hour trying to get home, not forgetting the fact that I was drenched, cold and hungry. The mess in my room was certainly unhelpful and I searched all over but couldn't find the charger and couldn't find my mom.
Only managed to save my dead phone late in the evening after going back to my old place, grabbed the charger which my mom conveniently left behind and rushed down to school for meeting, then cheerleading.
Demoralised and pissed at myself for failing to do those stunts, for missing road relay training, for my indecisiveness, for so many things undone. christmas shopping, getting furniture for my room, not being able to perform at trainings, not going for bbqs, etc, etc. basically not being able to meet my own expectations.
Degeneration.. I'm losing the determination, the fighting spirit, the willingness to pia. I've realised i'm no superwoman, I can't have everything under the sun.
Alright, relax and enjoy, and stop being a perfectionist. it's the holidays after all.

Friday 16 December 2005

The Keys to Your Heart
You are attracted to obedience and warmth.

In love, you feel the most alive when your partner is patient and never willing to give up on you.

You'd like to your lover to think you are loyal and faithful... that you'll never change.

You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please.

Your ideal relationship is comforting. You crave a relationship where you always feel warmth and love.

Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.

You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.

In this moment, you think of love as something you thirst for. You'll do anything for love, but you won't fall for it easily.

Wednesday 14 December 2005

mom stop stressing me!!!!!!! stop asking me when i'm ever going to finish packing my stuff!!!! what's the hurry to move? I have no bed, no table, nothing so you expect me to sleep and write and do everything on the floor right? Is my blood really that sweet? I have at least 10 mosquito bites on each leg and they're itching like hell. idiotic mosquitoes, stop biting me!!!
It's been a busy and crazy week so far and it definitely is not good to be forgetful. damn.

Sunday 11 December 2005

It has been a while since I've had this feeling. The feeling of anxiety, excitement, anticipation for that moment when the horn goes off and you paddle like never before. And so I did it again today. A whole long 22km in the open waters on a k2. The start was really bad. Just imagine about 200 boats squeezed in between 2 bouys and the control boat shouting at everyone to move back when it was almost impossible to find a spot in the water to dig your paddle in. I think in the end the starter couldn't be bothered anymore and just sounded the starting horn. And so mass, or rather mess of boats went off, and I should be glad my paddles could touch the water though my hands kept slipping off. The next 2 hours or so was almost totally mental. We wanted to catch the boats in front, but seeing that it was almost impossible, I knew it was going to be an inner race between my mind and body. I kept telling myself I will do my best for everyone that wished me luck, for my dearest partner, and for your morning surprise.
The water was very unpredictable, calm at certain places and really choppy at others, with the aid of big ships that never failed to irritate me. But we survived the wind and the waves and crossed the finishing line. That was my first bronze medal. I prefer photos, so here it goes..

team NTU

rachel and I

Friday 9 December 2005

why are holidays even more busy than normal school days. I've been running around the whole of Singapore from place to place and going take a long mrt ride from boon lay to pasir ris for training early tomorrow morning... So busy that I have no time to stick to my words of blogging everyday. So here's a summary..
Hall 14 bash on tuesday. Arrived there very early and the fun has yet to begin, so we walked one whole round around clarke quay before finally entering gotham penthouse at around 10pm. The initial atmosphere wasn't that good and the music was quite bad. I was enjoying myself and stoning around until someone ordered shots. 1 shot down and I was high already, not drunk, just high and the real party began. The music got better, but still not very good. Wanted to leave early to get a rest before the next day's training, but I stayed all the way till 3am.
With 3 hours of sleep, I got out of my bed reluctantly for training at pasir ris with the help of caffeine. It was such a fun training. The feeling of sea water, waves, rubbish, dead fish. Basically the feeling of kallang. The water was not as bad as what I had expected. It just felt like kallang water. Well, you can say today was more like an expedition rather than training and I do like this kind of trainings. The best part was getting out of the boat along the sandy beach. Just like Kallang...
Ok, I'm super sleepy now and soon I be typing what I'm dreaming...
My wish list for christmas:
- a new pencil case
- a gym ball (55cm)
- a nice tan
- lose weight
- lots of new clothes and accessories
- a 5000 piece jigsaw puzzle
- shop shop shop

Tuesday 6 December 2005

The weekend has been busy but definitely fruitful and unforgetable.
Yesterday was the day that I completed my second marathon. Woke up as early as 4am to have breakfast and get everything ready so that I can be in the starting line for the flag-off instead of being in the toilet, as what I've been doing for the past half and full marathons. True enough, I reached there at around 5.20 and was just in time to mentally and physically prepare myself for the 42km run which began promptly at 6am. One thing I really like about the runs is that they always start on time, no matter if everyone is ready or not. I think that is called professionalism, and that's something Singaporeans should be ashamed about. Is it chinese in general or only here in Singapore where people leave their house at the time they are suppose to meet and the first half an hour or so of conferences or seminars is for registration where in actual fact is to allow for late-comers. I think I'm digressing. Ok back to marathon.
I cannot describe the excitement as I stood amongst all the other runners doing some warm-up and eagerly awaiting the flag-off. 5-4-3-2-1, and then the crowd cheered and I slowly made my way, with the crowd, to the starting line where I embarked on my 42.195km run. There was really a lot of people this year, but not to the extent that there was a jam. As my legs moved, as my heart beat, slowly, but surely, with every step I took, I was one step nearer to the finishing line. I think I should be really grateful to the canoeists whom I paced and their pace was quite fast for a marathon. There were times when I thought I couldn't catch up anymore and wanted to drop behind, but I knew once I slow down a bit, that is it. And so I pressed on. Man, it was totally mental. The Kenyan runners were unbelievable, their speed for marathon is faster than my 2.4 pace. The route for the first 15km or so was the same as that last year, as far as I can remember and it was yesterday that I truely experienced the so-called "runner's high". After the 21st km, I suddenly had this "high" that kept my legs moving despite the pain and soreness in my knees once in a while. I love running.
As compared to last year, the last 20km didn't feel as daunting, I counted up and down, and looked forward to the next drink station, hoping that there will be 100 plus. Power gel is really powerful. But I think it'll be a better idea to have a drink station nearer the powergel giving out point cos it doesn't feel very good to run with a mouthful of sweet gluey taste. Trust powergel for its instant power...
And so I made my way slowly past the 30km, 35km, 40km marks in the hot scorching sun. The last part was the real challenge. Almost everybody around me was walking, and the heat was almost unbearable. What made is worse is the fact that it was at marina promenade, a path that used to be so familiar. For someone like me who doesn't like to run a known route, it was hard taking step by step and knowing how long more there is to go. But I kept encouraging myself, for I know it's not the time to give up especially when I've already endured 40km, the last 2km or so is nothing. Determination, perserverence, whatever it takes to give me the last push cross the finishing line. I knew I could do it, and I did it. 5 hours and 22 minutes non-stop, not even toilet breaks. I thought my legs would give way after the long run and I would collapse on the floor, but instead, I felt a sense of satisfaction and happiness that nothing else could provide, for I know I've proved it for myself, I've won myself. Mind over everything, cliche as it may sound, but it can't be more true. Who is there to push you for 42km, to tell you not to give up, to give you a kick on the butt when you want to stop? No one forces you to finish it, no one can pull or push you for 42km, and no one can experience the triumph of a marathon finisher, no one except yourself.
Some interesting things along the way... I don't know whether it's a problem with the male bladder, but I've seen so many guys running to the drain to answer the call of nature. And if you think that's bad, wait until you see this sight: a fat indian guy (not that i'm racist) with a belly that could jolly well contain 5 big watermelons standing beside the bench in between the walking and cycling paths at east coast park doing his 'part' in fertilising the grass. What the .... trying to be a public nuisance and showing off his big fat dick in public. I also saw these 2 guys wearing bras over their singlet in support for breast cancer. How daring of them. Not to forget those sexy cheerleaders, helpers and ordinary people who made the effort to give a word of encouragement to every runner who passes. Then there was this guy whose singlet really struck me. Behing his blue adidas jersey, written in black was something that goes like this "in memory of my father/date (which I couldn't remember)/ lung cancer/quit smoking/don't start" I thought that was really touching.
Some tips for running a marathon:
- empty your bladder and large intestine before the run.
- apply sunblock (which I didn't)
- get a good pair of running shoes, so you won't get blisters. For this I strongly recommend New Balance, although the designs are not the nicest around, it's definitely worth the money and didn't give kme any problem for this year's run.
- wear as little accessories as possible (anklets are very capable of giving you blisters)
- not recommended to wear ankle socks although they are fashionable and looks nice
- don't run against other people, run with others and remember, you are your only competetor
- aim for the next 100 plus point or water point as you run
- run when everybody else is walking
- run in the shade whenever possible
- thank those people cheering you on and give them a high five if they offer.
- hydrate yourself
- encourage yourself
- think of those people who believed in you, and show them you can do it.
- most importantly, believe in yourself

I'm glad this year's stuff are sponsored by adidas, the design and quality of the shirt was much better than last year's but I think adidas should go back and revise the sizes. I feel squashed in xs and feel like i'm swimming in s.

Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2005 is over.
Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2006, here I come and hoping that I can beat this year's time
This is quite true, especially those in red....

Virgo women:
She will be similar to Leo woman in appearance. A slim woman who walks with confident and proud. She has an egg shape facial structure, high and round forehead. She likes to look straight as if she is searching. She is not a pretentious type and will always say what she thinks. You will see Virgo woman walks fast. She will try her best to be perfect, to look perfect and to feel perfect even though there is no such perfection. She is very delicate of what and how she dress. She is bright and easily despair with obstacles. She likes smart guy who will be compatible with her, so if you are a rich dumb guy, you can forget about her right now. She is not a very possessive or jealous person for she expect respect from her love one. She does not like a part time lover, or a temporary mate. If she finds her dream man, she will not go away. If she does not like you, she will always keep a certain ! distant. Act proper and appropriate is her discipline.

She does not like and can not stand bad languages, cursing words or phrase. She likes a gentleman who open the doors for her. She wants to feel protected and when a man taking care of her, she will feel like a complete woman. She memorizes everything about other people and about herself very well. She can really keep secret, you can trust her on this. She likes a refreshing and a mild scent. She is very delicate in maintaining her beauty, so you could see she is seriously picking soap which match and most suit her skin. Do not comments her on this very picky habits, it is her happiness in working full times as a self beautifier. She is not an innocent angle for sometimes she can be as tough as steel. Even she easily despair, she is not the type to cry over it. She is a shy type, so making speech in front of the room can make her nervous even she walks and talks confidently. She only search for true love , not just any love. Her love is an ideal one. She likes to think no one is neater and as effective as her, which can irritate you sometimes for there is no such thing. She likes sweet talk, but she can slip and say something unpredictable and unbearable to you too. When she stops getting mad, she will totally forget what she just said and be an angel again. If you have a date with her , you'd better be there on time. Flowers and sweet word can calm her down. If you want to say sorry , make it brief and straight forward. Do not drag your apologetic words into a long making it up events, it could lead you to another world war. She likes her man to dress nice and clean. She is good in details especially with money. Do not make she thinks that she is a clown or funny. In the beginning of knowing her, please try not to glance at other pretty woman so much. Early period of dating her, try not to hold her so much in public, it would not be a proper thing to do. She loves books, stage play and music and likes to criticize about them too. Criticism woman is her icon including big and small things in life starting from your hair, your dress , and the way you talk. If you are in love with her, be as almost perfect as your can.

Sunday 4 December 2005

Hall 14 bash on 6th Dec (tuesday) at Gotham Penthouse at 14 bucks, anyone????
well shall blog about other stuff tomorrow...

Thursday 1 December 2005

December is finally here, which means christmas is near. I think I've said I'll make it a point to blog everyday, but it seems like my holidays are super-packed.
Sports bash on tuesday was well, quite sad. The turn-out wasn't as good as what I expected, maybe because it's due to the rain and the fact that it's a tuesday. Or maybe I just wasn't in the mood. Tired from training and walking aimlessly in orchard. I think I can't get more kiasu than buying movie tickets for saturday on tuesday. Why do I have this feeling that Hall 14 bash is going to be worse. Sigh...
Woke up later than usual on wednesday (= 8am) and spent my morning hiding in my room reading magazine and sleeping. Relunctantly left my house after lunch and bought curtains for my room. It's so colourful and pretty. After that, I headed down to school to go for my first cheerleading practice. It was suppose to start at 7pm but by the time everyone arrived and we actually got down to practising it was already 8 plus. I love watching people do stunts for cheerleading but when you're the one getting carried and thrown around, it's another story. It's really a test of balancing and trust. I think the scariest part is the anticipation - standing high up trying not to tremble and getting ready for the second where support on your feet is taken off and you drop with the acceleration due to free fall. But it is fun fun fun.
Training today was very exciting. The waves and wind were worse than that in kallang. I was already cursing and swearing at the wind on my first km. And it started raining on the 4th km. The wind almost blew our paddles away and the waves pushed the boat forward. Normally the water would be very calm after the rain, but it didn't. What a good training for round ubin. At least it added some thrill into the boring long paddling.
I'm addicted to grapes and yoghurt. yum yum, and I think my mom is scared of my huge appetite for grapes. I can finish half a kg of grapes and crave for more. Is one's liking for food by nature or nurture? I think my sister is a health freak by nature and she doesn't know it. She simply loves vegetables and fruits, doesn't like chocolate or cream. She only eats the bread on burgers and only the chicken meat for kfc chicken and not the skin at all. And you'll be surprised at her ability to spit out the tiniest bit of fats in meat and tell you that the dish is too salty for her liking. Ok, she beats me in that.