Saturday 2 April 2005

just when i thought i could slack the whole of next week, meaning not having to work or do anything that requires brainwork, i realised my week will be almost fully packed, from day to night for most days. well, at least it keeps me occupied or else i will just turn into a pig at home, eating and sleeping.
yes, i'm working tomorrow. i'll be in the clinic alone supervising and smelling paint cos they are going to paint it and my boss is afraid that those people might steal things. basically, i'll be sitting there earning money by watching tv, haha.
although i am quite unemployed now, i am enjoying life, working a few hours a day, walking distance from my house, and gossiping while working. i just have to make sure i don't kill anyone, so far so good, no one died in my hands yet. between being a doctor and a dentist, i prefer doctor so much more and my doctor is mad, seriously. his clinic opens from 8 am to 10 pm everyday, including sundays and he is there all the time except mon and thurs evening. oh my god and i worked until 11 plus at night yesterday. it's not easy being a doctor... but i still think he's nuts. and it was damn funny how he cursed at the damn bloody computer that kept shutting down on its own, haha. i think it dosn't like me.
seems like i'll be staying in singapore to complete my education. well, at least i can save lots of money and i will earn my own pocket money. so now i'm going for all those scholarship interviews and activities for fun. haha. hmmm... i'm going to invest my income on driving lessons, not like i have a car to drive....

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