Wednesday 21 July 2004

it's only one more week. i can't believe it's going to be over so fast. seems like everything had just happened yesterday.  i still remember a few years ago when i see canoes in kallang river from sheare's bridge, i would be thinking: i want to canoe too. and yes, now my dream came true. kallang is my second home. going there at least 2 times a week, i smell like kallang, i've tasted kallang, dreamt of kallang and even think like kallang. it was only last year that i first sat in a competition boat and embarrassing to say, i fell out from the other side. and now i'm counting down the number of trainings, the number of times i've to wash and carry boats, the number of times i'm going home all wet and dirty...
yet, i've this mixed feeling in me. no doubt that i'm going to miss those things that has already become my weekly routine, but on the other hand, i'm kind of looking forward to it. the days when i can plan and carry out my own gym training programme, when i can run as much and as slowly as i want to, without having the pressure to cut my previous timings, i would love to go for hours of fat-burning jogs, exploring new routes. and i no longer have to control my diet, and my mom will have no more excuse to force me to eat meat again. is it this freedom that i'm looking forward to? i don't know. all i know is that i'll definitely not stop canoeing after nationals, because it's my passion, it's my pride to be a canoeist and i know i'm definitely going to miss the time we spent in the weights room together, as a team, our team runs and all the fun we've had together.
one more week, and it's time to mark the end of our canoeing life in rjc. but it'll take a lifetime, and it's still not enough to eradicate the friendship that we've built. love you guys lots and i can't imagine my jc life without a bunch of friends like you.
aspire, endure, perservere, kill
we can achieve, if we believe, the power we hold within

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