Tuesday 29 March 2011

It's been a long time since I took a bus home straight from work, sit down with mom and sis for a simple dinner, then watching some shows, surfing the net alone in my room before hitting the sack. My life has been too happening? perhaps.
They say one's desire for money is insatiable, I certainly agree. Back in Uni days, I was very contented with the few hundred dollars I earn each month from part-time job, thus not having to take pocket money from parents and would gladly spend every cent of it. Money was meant to be spent wasn't it?
Then when I finally started working full-time, I was so excited about getting my first 4-digit pay and seriously thought of spending it all on a branded handbag, but it never happened. Even up till today, I'm looking at handbag sales online almost everyday, but can't bear to invest so much into it.
And you think I'm a spendthrift? I give more than a third of my take-home pay to my mom and try to save close to 50% of it, because house, wedding, kids and everything else is going to cost a bomb. I've changed haven't I? Nevertheless, I'm still enjoying each day. But in terms of money, am I contented with what I'm earning? I guess I never will be.

Tuesday 22 March 2011

如果 命運可以訂做
如果 有另一次選擇
我想我 還是會 把手讓你緊握

就算 你有天變落魄
就算 你老得不能動
我想我 還是會 挽著你看日落

嘴巴上 彼此嫌麻煩
眼神中 關懷那麼滿
沒說愛 卻早已認定一輩子的伴

在人前 從來不浪漫
在心中 卻總為對方打算

就算 我以後變囉嗦
就算 我老了有病痛
我想你 還是會 照顧我到最後

沒有辛酸 沒有遺憾
什麼是陪伴 什麼是心安 你是答案

the lyric says it all...
有时候太坚强 笑容却填不满眼眶
越是想要隐藏 歌声就唱的更响亮
你不要追问我 还缺了些什麽

每个人都有梦 幸福总站在最远方
心中越是渴望 越是不敢伸手拥抱
我强问我自己 现在还没有个答案

让我放下武装 像个孩子一样

放下讨厌武装 像个孩子一样

Monday 21 March 2011

yawn... hates mondays esp when it's back to 'normal' traffic and squeezy buses in the morning after school holiday ended. no amount of rest during the weekend can recover a sleep debt.
nah.. shall not let stupid aunties and work ruin my day..

Saturday 19 March 2011

hello world, again.
how long can one's passion last? i wonder.. i had always been wanting to be a doctor, to study medicine, and after so many years of studying, even after all those intensive internships and years in the hospital, i was so sure that i had enough of seeing old and sick people and running around clinics, following senior physicians and putting massive eye power at work. now after months of not in contact with patients, i actually quite enjoy the weekly internship, especially when there's interesting cases every week, and getting tips on how to get around the loopholes of the medical system in singapore. not forgetting my exotic supper cravings after leaving the clinic at near midnight every week. but if you're going to let me do that everyday, 5/6 days a week, i think i'll surrender in less than a month.
on another note, i've figured how small singapore is, i never realized the convenience of NEL, it only takes about 15 minutes by train from my work place to either harbourfront or punggol, and travelling across more than half of singapore by car only takes about half an hour. that's of course not taking into consideration the jams and peak hours, i still remember how going to ntu by bus, train and super long queue for bus takes about an hour, when even jogging there will prob only take slightly more than that. so it's not really about the location, but rather the convenience i guess. and i still prefer to be driven than to drive...
yawn.. time for meeting...