Wednesday 7 October 2009



就这样, 背着背包,带着勇气,以及一颗兴奋的心,踏上了这个远离喧哗的城市,到了国际边界,上山下地的旅程。

Tuesday 29 September 2009

lost. not knowing where i'm from, where i'm heading towards..
going on a trip to forbidden land, not knowing whether i will make it back in one piece. till then, happy holidays!

Wednesday 16 September 2009

i shall stop complaining life is boring, before it gets too much for me to handle. the past few days have been full of news about makes and breaks, lives and deaths.
on monday, a patient had a fall in the toilet, injured her head, had 4 stitches, went for a ct, almost couldn't make it out of the radiology department as the intracranial pressure was too high due to cerebral hemorrhage caused by the fall, causing her to seize every half an hour. forgetting to add that she has aplastic anemia with low platelet counts and one of our teacher's mother-in-law. her condition's quite critical and unstable now, i hope she'll be fine.
today, i watched a 83 year-old man die. he was unconscious in the morning, and doctors were trying to keep him alive the whole day while waiting for his sons to arrive. all i could do was to watch. watch his bp drop to almost negligible, watch his pupils dilate, watch doctors do cpr, watch nurses inject adrenaline, dopamine etc to keep his heart beating, watch his heartrate fall to zero, and finally, watch him being covered by the white sheets. he was diagnosed with lymphoma 7 years ago, escaped death when the tumor grew so big it obstructed his airway, he made it through chemotherapy at that old age. he was a fighter. his death was not unexpected, but it certainly wasn't a nice way to end the day touching his icy cold hand and watching the line go flat.
that's life..

Tuesday 11 August 2009

the problem with doctors when they are too specialised is that they will consider whatever signs and symptoms the patients present them falls under their specialty. i'm not doubting their expertise nor saying it's bad to do tests and get a thorough checkup, but is it really necessary? out of respect and to not make my life miserable, i managed to voice out my opinion in a very nice tone, i hope.
no wonder they say ignorance is bliss. would you rather get checked from top to toe, knowing every minor defect your body has, taking different drugs or herbs prescribed by doctors from every department for preventive or treatment purposes, restricting your diet and levels of activity? or would you rather live the way you want, enjoying good food and your favorite activity? i definitely choose the latter. because for every department i go, i seem to learn that something is wrong with me medically.
so western medicine or tcm? i choose nature. seriously, i think i make a better patient than being a doctor.

meanwhile, celebrating national day at the embassy was quite fun. first time getting a nday goodie bag (DHL-ed from SGP). and not surprisingly, i was more interesting in the buffet spread than the ceremony

Monday 3 August 2009

3 weeks into final year and 2 weeks of clinicals, so far so good. i was initially a bit disappointed to start off with dermatology, one of my least favorite, but it wasn't too bad at all, in fact, anything beats dozing off in class, doing last minute revision for the endless exams. but i guess it won't be long before i complain of a 8 - 5 life in white coat and stethoscope, so that means no more shopping! and tgif means time to let down your hair (literally), no need to sleep early, find somewhere to chill, to eat, or just stay at home, do housework or just slack around before the whole cycle begins again. can't believe i went to the museum last weekend and really fell asleep while waiting, and while watching a 10 min video. that's museum for me. though i must say the museum is very new, with many exhibits on display, it's foc, but not easy to find the place. i think next time i'd rather rot at home than rot there. haha

Monday 13 July 2009

now when everybody has graduated and started working etc, i'm finally into my final year as an undergrad, realising that my 'golden week' holiday in October has been gobbled up. seems like it's always better not to have your hopes too high..
the last day of year 4 was celebrated with our first movie in the cinema here. finally caught transformers. not bad. and it certainly felt good to be a student with half price for movie tix instead of the ridiculously overpriced 70 yuan (that's like SGD15). that was just the start of the longest day.. a quick dinner followed and then shopping till the mall closed.
the night was still young and that was just the start. without even a chance to hit the pillow, we bathed, packed and headed down to the train station to catch the 2.30am train to 秦皇岛, in search for the smell of the sea. instead, we returned with unexpected and unplanned adventure.
bad weather, no cheap for accommodation cos we were foreigners, not-very-friendly tour guide, but a rather unforgettable experience.

highlight of the trip. loved the boat ride.

the great wall on water. not in our planned itinerary, nor in our research, but great place with fantastic scenery (less the foggy weather)

sitting on the wall wearing a hat weaved from leaves which i found on the ground.

Sunday 5 July 2009

fear is what keeps me going,
memories keep me dreaming,
reality wakes me up
and hope is why i'm still living..

till the day when reality strikes,
when hope is gone,
when i have no more fear,
when i'm just part of the memories..

Wednesday 1 July 2009

mediocrity is not a crime, nor is it a sin. but being just plain ordinary when it's within your capability to jump out of the box is unforgivable.
knowing that we were brought to this world not just to see each day pass by, or to countdown to our next holiday.
hate to admit, but i refuse to settle for good when there's always the better, and will never be satisfied with better when there's always the best. but at the end of it all, knowing that what was done can't be undone, and that there's no way of reaching that goal, at that very instant before the finishing line, i give up.


Sunday 28 June 2009

desperately in need of some inspiration. to update this blog and my brains..
perhaps it got fried in the huge oven i'm living in, or maybe it never existed. reaching the midpoint of 2009, and the past few days has been quite unexciting, except for the blazing hot sun and the gushes of hot air that's higher than body temperature. now i can't decide which is worse, winter or summer?
what a difference a month makes, a year...
and now it's 2 weeks to the end of the school semester..
a couple of crazy but feasible ideas just came to my mind recently.
looking forward to..
july: post-exam fun!
august: hear the merlion roar!
september: family time!!
october: maybe marathon?
see? who says i live by the day?

Monday 15 June 2009


Sunday 14 June 2009


Tuesday 9 June 2009

tell me how to go on,
when the more i learn about tcm, the more i think it makes no sense, totally crappy and no scientific basis! obviously after almost 4 years, i have not convinced myself...
so what do i do now?

Monday 8 June 2009

once in a while, we do need to get away from the daily routine, away from the busy city, away from the world controlled by expectations and level of accomplishment.
10 days ago, we got on the coach, travelled about 10 hours north to the grassland where we were greeted with wine, music and dance, where the horses took us across the grassland. then the camels took us around the desert. where i realise at the end of it all, nature is still the best...
once in a while, we do need that moment to ourselves, to break free, to indulge, to make mistakes. why do i let that once in a whiles happen so frequently?

Sunday 24 May 2009

made the fonts a bit bigger and easier on the eyes and let's see if youtube videos can be posted..

"etiquette requires that you use chopsticks neither to chop nor stick"

Thursday 21 May 2009

testing testing
looks like we didn't pay the misc fees for nothing! =)

Sunday 10 May 2009


Saturday 2 May 2009

overdue photos from shanghai, hangzhou and suzhou trip 3 weeks ago when it wasn't even a holiday. now tell me what am i doing here on labour day holiday?

day 1 was spent in Shanghai, after a long overnight train ride in a typical overcrowded train. (and it wasn't even a holiday or weekend la) As compared to those who didn't buy tickets early enough and had to stand or spend the night sleeping on the aisle or on the basin outside the toilets, I'm not complaining for having a seat.

that's right, xiaolongbao!! the second pic is soup in a bao and drank using a straw.
yummy!! but definitely overpriced.

day 2
took the morning train to Hangzhou, found the hostel which is just beside 西湖, put our stuff down and embarked on lunch and walk around the lake.


and the day ended with dinner along the foodstreet and a walk around the area.

day 3: Suzhou

in short, food, parks, flowers, river and not enough time.





Wednesday 22 April 2009

so sick and tired of being who i am or who i'm trying to become. no direction in life at all..
feels like my brain is not back from its holidays yet. can't bring myself to start studying again. random little thoughts and distractions just keep popping out in my mind.
i see the old me appearing again. somethings should never be lost and some better not be found.
the bottle of vodka's opened, cheers anyone?

Tuesday 14 April 2009

山东04.04 - 06.04
day 1 in 济南

day 2 climbing 泰山.
10am to 8pm. up and down the mountain. 1545m vertically, 7000+ steps, about 20km of walking and braving the crowd!!
best souvenir: VERY sore legs

setting off..

人山人海 literally..

the toughest 500m..

almost to the peak

finally reached!!

the way down wasn't easy


finally made it down!

day 3 in 曲阜 - home of Confucius

that's how he looks like supposedly

Thursday 9 April 2009


Sunday 29 March 2009

just when i was admiring the blooming flowers and leaves growing from the bald trees while jogging in the park yesterday, it snowed today!! just a little but wth!
almost died of boredom staying at home the whole day, watching youtube and looking at food and recipes. yeah, i've a paper tomorrow but tell me how to concentrate and study when the brain's too occupied thinking of how to keep the body warm? wearing 2 layers of socks now but where are my toes?
i should be learning about viruses and stuff, but looks like i'm having more fun experimenting with microwave..

Wednesday 18 March 2009

speaking of drastic weather change, how about experiencing winter to summer in less than a week? just last friday it was still at freezing point with wind so strong that we were glad to even make it to sch in the morning. then was nice and sunny spring which changed to a close to 30 degrees summer today!
in the midst of planning the holiday trips and places to go on weekends, the fact that exams are less than 2 weeks away hasn't set in yet. i do admit it feels less stressful than last sem, more time at hand to sleep more, run more, but when good is never enough and competition with the little voice in myself and strive for perfection never ends, satisfaction is almost impossible.
delusion and self-denial crashed when my mind reached its semi conscious state, and it all came back in my dreams.
really enjoy running along the river, even though it may end up as a dream that never realised, the process would be all i ask for. perhaps it was never a passion lost, it just needed to be found again.

Wednesday 4 March 2009

one and a half weeks into my second sem here and i've been keeping to my new sem resolution. well, i guess it's not that hard when the resolution is play more, study less. 2 ktv sessions, a trip to tianjin and more trips to come. watched a few movies, shopping, been going for long runs in the cold, and sleeping at 12ish everyday. too much time??? better enjoy now before the workload builds up.
if i'm crazy enough to run down the river, finding where it starts and ends, there are people even more insane to swim in the puddle of water surrounded by ice in trunks, coming out of the water, wrap a towel and change out of his trunks in public!!
or did stress and fyp bring out insanity in others? then i should have stabbed someone, slit my wrist and jumped off the building long ago..

Sunday 22 February 2009

back in the winter, back to the house where much time was spent making it home, back to the room and study table which kept me company through the dark nights, back to my favourite bedtime activity of cuddling in bed with my laptop.
we finally went to sing ktv, very cheap, very big and fanciful room with 1 big screen and 3 small screens, disco lights etc, and best thing of all, perfectly decent.
somethings are best left as it is, some needs another breakthrough. another mission impossible, should i or shouldn't i??
goodnight world

Saturday 14 February 2009


Sunday 8 February 2009

then there was the most horrible train ride back on 人日. that was when i learnt 'non-aircon' doesn't imply temperature, it implies 'smoking is allowed'. and so i endured more than 15 hours of secondhand smoke, people eating, spitting all over. almost died of boredom too before i finally made it back to BJ to do my post-cny spring cleaning.
then was my first time taking a plane alone. speaking of kiasu-ness, i nominate myself for reaching the airport half an hour before check-in started (that's 3 and a half hours before the flight). luckily i had shows in my laptop to provide some entertainment.
















