Tuesday 16 December 2008

finally some winter sports in the icy-cold snow mountains of badaling. skiing!
the day started even earlier than normal school days so that we can reach there early to avoid the crowd. we thought we could catch up on our sleep on the journey there which took about an hour and a half. but look at this.

6 of us squeezed in the front row of the van that was meant for 3 only.
as the van progressed further and further from the city area, the high-rise buildings and man-made structures gradually became mountains and farms

everything covered with snow.
we passed by the great wall, and finally arrived at our destination.
'cold' is an understatement to describe the weather. it was beyond freezing point and beyond our tolerance. my fingers were totally numb just by standing outdoors for a few minutes taking photos.

and finally we got in, changed into the skiing attire and got ourselves ready.

looking like construction workers and feeling like teletubbies.
collected our equipment and off to the snow we went.

our job for the day was just to go up and slope and come down in 1 piece.
it was fun to let gravity do its job. but the wind was so strong that it could stop me halfway down the slope.
and it was tiring, especially when queuing up for the travellator and trying very hard to push ourselves forward and not to slide backwards.
ouch, my unused triceps and i'm having second and third thoughts about going harbin

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