Monday 20 October 2008

and so my adventure in this city continues, yesterday i took my new toy out to explore the CBD area and to enquire about the cali fitness here. first time on the road wasn't too bad. here in BJ everyone has a right of way. the cars don't stop for pedestrians when turning even when the green man is on, the pedestrians cross even when red man is on, bicycles weave in and out of traffic, and even against the flow, and i hear the cars honk every moment even though i stay on the 18th floor and i'm not beside a major road. so the golden rule of getting anywhere is: just go.
alright, so i managed to find the place (and the building is really called 'the place') after about half an hour. it was a sunday and CBD was very very empty. one word to describe the area: awesome! architects are really cool ppl when then can make all the buildings look so good and unique.

the big apple!! haha. they were having some apple fair and the whole big apple is made up of real apples. cool right?
managed to find the gym without much difficulty and it's awesome! and very empty. it's really better than those in Singapore, maybe cos it's newer and very few ppl go there. i wonder how's the crowd during peak hour cos yesterday almost all the 2 rows of treadmill were empty and the class has less than 10 ppl. and half were not chinese. they even have a medicine ball abs machine where it's like those basketball game you find in arcades just that you throw medicine ball and you can lie back and do crunches each time you throw a ball. they even have a basketball court (cos its endorsed by yaoming) and a room for taiji and yoga etc. not to mention the changing rooms with big and pretty chairs in front of the mirrors and shower cubicles with soap, shampoo, conditioner and surprisingly, doors! (even those in s'pore only have shower curtains). now comes the sad part. they don't have records of international members in their system so i can only use the gym upon producing my membership card, which i lost!! bleah!!! and membership is damn freaking expensive! since they are so secretive about the price, i shall just say it's about 10 times (or even more) than the any normal gym around my house area. and i will definitely wear mask next time i go out on wheels again.

say 'eeeewwwwww' but that's the amount of dust i get EVERYDAY in my room (and i love magic-clean though it's so hard to find here) now just imagine what i've inhaled. won't be surprised if my lungs turn black soon.
meanwhile i shall just go run in park on days with good weather and i'm going to get that set of dumbbells.
teach me how to convert back to healthy lifestyle when munching on junk is inevitable, beer's cheaper than water, i need stimulants like caffeine to get me studying, and i concuss unknowingly on top of my bed almost every night, waking up in the middle of the night by the cold, and the list goes on..

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