Monday 31 March 2008

i won't be me if i'm not so last minute, so let 2359 settle everything while hopefully i can put everything aside till then. major headache. major pain in the arse. already getting so sick of it even before starting it. yeah i'm talking about fyp, and it didn't take me too long to realise that my interest does not lie in bio. my fav modules are actually things like bio stats and organic chem and maybe plant bio, but things like genetics, molecular, cell etc etc just don't get registered in my head. pui! put me in a lab and i'll probably ingest the virus or bacteria unknowingly. bio-hazard huh? yeah i'm the hazard in the bio lab!

perahps the adventures of taking bus to school every morning will be something i will miss. and last saturday just added to my collection. i was initially quite pleased and feeling quite lucky with buses that morning since i didn't have to wait long for the bus. thought i could reach class early and do some last minute mugging for the test that day. and so i got on the bus that takes me to school, sat down happily and started reading notes. after a while, i realised the bus was still in the interchange and not moving. at first i thought the driver was waiting for the buses to clear so that he could turn out, but when it was all clear the bus remained stationary. after about 10 minutes, one of the passengers got impatient and went up to the driver to ask wth he's waiting for. apparently, someone sitting upstairs refused to pay the bus fare, and so he refused to move! right, this is what you get when you have two equally stubborn and persistent people. well, since they both refuse to give in, all the rest of the passengers got down to take the next bus, after about 15 minutes. i don't know how the matter resolved in the end, but are you sure making all the innocent people pay twice just because one idiot refuse to pay is the best solution??
still on the topic of bus to school, a few weeks ago as i was going to school as usual, this old woman got on the bus i was on, and not only did she not pay the bus fare, she went up to almost every passenger, stuck out her hand in front of their face and asked them for 2 dollars for her to buy kopi! and she stayed in the bus and did so for passenger who got on. yeah i'm just cursing that she'll get caffeine poisoning from overdose or something!
yawn... i think i need the caffeine more than she needs it.. yawn...
and once again i have the whole house to myself when exam's nearing, but this time i have no tv, no sofa, no fridge, no microwave, no dining table!! and no washing machine (so i guess i'm not expected to do housework, haha), basically i have my room intact and all the other bedrooms as well, it shall be my hideout.

happy april fools! i guess we're all too old for that already.

已经长大的约定 那样珍惜
而我已经分不清 你是友情

Thursday 27 March 2008

now i see how studying abroad is such a hassle, and that's because i didn't strike toto or 4d and have all the money in the world. well, more or less settled air tickets, accommodation and study loan and now left with the major headache called fyp. and everybody's "enthusiasm" (or more aptly known as "kiasu-ness") shocked the profs when we flooded their offices. wth, just want to settle it asap and not spend hours thinking about it.
yeah, i'm gradually transforming from a gym rat to a lab mouse haha..

Monday 24 March 2008


Friday 21 March 2008

heard the youtube anti-triple sharing song on radio last night!! can't believe they actually played it on public radio!! haha no doubt it has made headlines in the past few weeks but i must say it's pretty embarrasing to hear it on public radio. ok, i do applaud whoever who created the video, good one there, really, but i think they should get someone who can sing better. haha

honestly i don't really care about triple room or not, since it's not going to affect me anyway, but are students protesting for a real cause? or merely because every other guy says no with a capital 'N'? i dare to say with confidence that not hundred percent of the student population are against the idea, but facing a overpowering opposition force, who dares to voice out their opinion? i believe the solution lies in the freedom of choice, let students choose whether they want single, double or triple. there are poor students out there, especially international students who are just looking for a roof over their head with four walls and a door, good location and good price. yes i'm saying that because i am going to be one soon!! i seriously don't mind triple sharing if it cuts the price by a reasonable amount. come on, ntu's hall is really cheap as compared to 400 sing dollar a month for a 12m sq double room over at bj, and it's 10km from the hospital where we are going to intern at. freaking expensive la! well, keeping my fingers crossed...

seems like the cost of living has always been rising. everything's getting freaking expensive.. petrol, school fees, daily necessities, air tickets!! why don't i see my pay rising?? hurhur

oh yes, today is world down syndrome day. why? think trisomy 21. (really, not joking)

hmmm AHM anyone?

Saturday 15 March 2008

sitting in front of the comp waiting for the sun to rise, the sat 8.30am lesson to start and digesting the macs breakfast delivered at around 6am (very impressed by their efficiency and how the delivery guy managed to find his way here!) and still sipping the coffee that has already turned cold hoping that the caffeine can keep me awake for the long day today..
getting sick of school but do i have a choice. better treasure the last 4 weeks before it's over..
meanwhile i'm glad to be able to run again.. phew.. yeah time to not take those trivial things for granted..


ok, time to bathe and go for class...

Wednesday 12 March 2008

purely random....

being loved is hard,
to love is harder,
and to not love is even harder...
so why torture ourselves over this four-letter word?
give it up babe, just give it up..


meanwhile i declare myself a total computer idiot and is becoming more certain that things go missing in my house. where the hell is the recovery disk and other stuff that came with the laptop??

Monday 10 March 2008

for the last 2 years of MR500, i brought back medals. this year, i brought back a collection of memories. definitely not the best race, perhaps the worst, but i'm not asking for more. competed and completed my t2 race, not too bad afterall, right partner? haha
yes, times have changed, and who wouldn't have realised the lack of your presence in the boat, your voice, your spirit, your strength...
i have to admit the best times in uni life were probably the times we spent together, as a team, the insane twice a day trainings, the dragon boat races, dinners, lunches, not forgetting the sleepless nights doing farewell gifts, the drinking sessions, mugging sessions...
but everything that has a beginning has an end.
as i was walking there on sunday morning, as i looked into the tranquility of the morning water, it just occured to me all of a sudden...



Saturday 8 March 2008

heartache. literally and physically. and the doctor at medical centre didn't really do a good job in convincing me that there's nothing wrong. it's been almost a week already and i can barely run 100meters before being forced to stop by the excruciating pain. perhaps it's telling me something, i guess it's time..


Monday 3 March 2008

coming to think of it, if i'm a terrorist on the loose and being singapore's most wanted man, why the hell will i want to be hiding in the jungle fighting with the monkeys for food and shelter, living in fear the lightening will strike me or a durian will fall from the tree, either dropping on my head and killing me or providing me something to eat. will i even risk going out trying to disguise as someone else and attempting to walk without limping?
i will either run straight out of the country before anyone can realise, or hide in the comfort of someone's house, or get locked up in a supermarket, or i will just chop off my leg and pour acid over my face. come on, if he's smart enough to escape, he's smart enough to hide
disclaimer: police don't come after me cos although i do stay at the bbnaturepark/hillview/railwaytracks/oldfordroadfactory area i have nothing to do with the case at all, just my comments.
on another note and not going to elaborate, i do hope you guys can be more effecient cos i do hope to see the case close before i leave.

last MR race this weekend.. ntu'e' (????) got so many boats or not??
time for another textbook and set of notes to go up the shelf to collect dust. it also means last 6 weeks of school left. my feelings? not much honestly. guess the feeling of numbness and indifference is overpowering. whatever..
i want to sing my heart out, i want to get high and get drunk like there's no tomorrow, i want to lose my mind, i want to get back the feeling of waking up every morning having no plans for the day. basically i just want to watch each day go past, counting down...
been thinking of getting a tattoo, but i'm almost certain my mom will disown me if i do get one.
on a more practical note, there are some things i want to do before i leave, or rather, makan places that i want to try out. chocolate buffet, buffet at ahangri-la, oriental, hanabi (though there are quite bad reviews), newton circus (i haven't eaten there before!!), jb for makan trip!! seafood!! durians!! indian food!! jap food!! dimsum!! desserts!! ice-cream!! and the list goes on..
meanwhile, i really want to sleep.. tired...zzzzz...zz...z....