Friday 21 January 2005

it's interesting reading blogs now, especially when everyone's working and doing different jobs. speaking of work, i just spent a whole day at my new workplace yesterday and i'm feeling kind of stressed now. there's still so much to learn and remember. and for the forgetful me, the hardest thing to remember is where things are kept. haha. morning was quite busy, only had time for lunch at one plus and had to start work at two again, although time is not very fixed. but after lunch was more relaxed, cos my boss went home already. yesterday was my first attempt at developing x-rays, i was so nervous and scared that the image won't come out and my boss will kill me for that, but luckily it went relatively well. it felt like a battle against time, dipping in developer, then water, then fixer and everything is timed and i must wipe and switch off all the switched in the x-ray room within one minute. quite exciting, and i hope i won't be poisoned by all the x-rays and uv-rays. it's time to put my brains to use again and start reading and remembering stuff. i only have one more week of learning left before i must start my one man show, scary....
but i'm not complaining about my job, though i have to stand most of the times, unless i go to the front counter to slack and watch tv (shall do that when boss is not around). after one big round of job searching, travelling around singapore for interviews and writing resumes, gathering certs and stuff, i managed to get the job i always wanted without searching, interviewing, and the best thing is it's 10 minute walk from my house and i have nice old lady boss who cooks and buys lunch for us. and the working hours fits in so nicely with my training schedule that i can go for all but one training session per week (and i'm not rejoicing, haha). i think i washed my hands, or rather my gloves more times yesterday than i would in a week. better learn everything as soon as possible if not my boss might not want me, haha, feels like i'm on probation now.
went to the new school for cca feste a few days ago, and i totally agree that the new campus is damn big and beautiful, didn't manage to have a proper tour around the school, but the canteen food looks almost the same. the juniors were quite successful in getting people to sign up, well actually i think the seniors who were there did a pretty good job for them, haha. hope the clinic goes well and really hope we can finally have a full girls team for once. the whole issue of closing down canoeing has finally come to a happy ending, when it's actually a big misunderstanding. at least everything is fine now and i think it has united the whole canoeing family, from great grand seniors to present badge.

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