Saturday 25 December 2004

Let me summarise the past two days in two words: Shopping Madness, or you can also call it Mango Madness. went christmas presents shopping with my darling vanessa on thursday. shopped from centrepoint down to taka. i only realised it was the first day of mango sales when we saw this long queue outside centrepoint mango, can't believe people actually queue to get into a shop, looked like they were queuing for free gifts. so we decided to try mango at taka instead, not much of a queue but it was damn crowded inside. people digging at piles and piles of discounted clothes, and that includes us. didn't buy much in the end, but must really thank them for providing a big plastic bag for me to dump all my other small bags. what a relief when we stepped out, finally got some fresh air to breathe. i sure looked like a shopaholic with 2 gigantic bags full of christmas presents, of which i realised half the money spent are on things for myself. well, i think i deserve a treat after earning some money and not shopping for so long. just hope that i don't spend more than what i earn. net profit, haha. feeling rather proud of myself for settling almost all the christmas presents in one afternoon. i must have looked damn out of place at macritchie. yes, it's back to training after a long break without canoeing. got a bit of my balance back on a k1, but it's still very unstable. think we must have provided a lot of entertainment value to passers-by.
went for testing yesterday, luckily we were allowed to go in a k2, but months without training really made a huge difference, especially the lazy me who conveniently did not want to visit the gym to do weights. alright, i guess i would have to train really hard from now on if i want to continue. went kallang after that, watched the juniors train and talked to jiaolian. yeah, memories of kallang, and i wonder for how long more can i paddle in kallang before they move everything over to macritchie. only 12 girls left and the guys team is in a worse state. hmm.. if there's any juniors reading this, you all must really jia you ok.. rjcanoeing all depends on you now. bathed and went suntec in an attempt to finish my christmas presents shopping. and guess where i ended up at, yes, mango again... can't resist the temptation. wasn't as crowded as the one in taka yesterday, and it was bigger too. queue for the fitting room was surprisingly fast but the one at the cashier was moving like a snail. and i don't know whether to congratulate or kick myself for only buying a jacket after spending such a long time in the shop. my christmas gifts shopping ended at queensway for my dad's present. he better be grateful for making me hunt all over the island for it. home for dinner, not really a feast because we don't really celebrate christmas. exchanged presents after that, and then stoned. didn't even stay awake till midnight. well, save the countdown for 2005.
started my day with the usual morning run and contemplating whether i should go gym later. just found an e-mail from uc berkeley admission officer requesting for 'O's and 'A's results and i happily ended my email with "merry christmas" haha. luckily i checked my junk mail because i realised all the important emails are found there, whereas inbox is filled with useless mails.
alright, that's for now and it's time to start and hopefully finish all my application as soon as possible..
merry christmas!!

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