Sunday 6 June 2004

sats is over, finally. don't know how i'll do for it, came out of the hall feeling rather numb. this feeling of apathy is building in me, nothing seems to be of particular interest to me. sometimes i wish i could just stone away and rot at home. yeah, home is the best place, unlimited access to bed and free-flow of food. sigh.. alright, stop dreaming, it's time to study for commom tests, for 'A's...
trainings after trainings, water, weights, run, intervals, dragon boat and my "wonderful" experience i had on the rowing machine yesterday. ouch.. next time i'll give myself more time for the journey home. tired, but it feels great and i'm not complaining (except intervals maybe)
life still goes on, no matter how hard you try to turn back time and hope that certain things had not happened. accept the truth and find some pleasure in your present life. if you can bring yourself into it, pull yourself out. stop complaining about the trivial matters because there're a lot of people out there who are in worse conditions than you. whatever it is, hope you've made up your mind, oh well, not like you're going to read this anyway...

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