Sunday 27 June 2004

some things which i don't understand about me:
- why can't i concentrate on mugging?
- why can't i understand econs
- why am i such an exercise freak
- why can't i stop examining the fat and nutrition content of all the food i eat
- why can't i grow taller
- why can't i get rid of the disgusting jiggling fats
- why can't i sleep past 7am
- why do i have no ball sense
- why am i writing this when common test is tomorrow

some things which i don't understand about people
- why can some people mug a whole day without food and sleep
- why can some people never get fat no matter how much they eat
- and why can some people never get thin
- why are some people so hard-to-get
- why are some overly optimistic
- why are some people so childish
- why do people do harm to themselves
- why are some people just so nice
- why are you reading this crap

some things which i don't understand about life:
- why is life so vulnerable
- why do some people come and go
- why can there never be world peace

Saturday 26 June 2004

between you and your partner in your
relationship. You are very difficult to get.
You have big requirements and this one you love
must try hard to get you. But after she/he melt
your heart she/he will be the most happy person
in the world. You need someone who shoes you
that you are special and it makes you feel
good to see that you are loved. She/He shall
know that you could easily get another
girl/boyfriend but you wont as long as you
love him. when she/he hurts you you will hurt
him too, but in general you dont get hurt. If
your partner cheated you ,you would react cold
and immediately (try to) forget him

~THE big LOVE TEST!! What do you need? With PICS! For girls and boys!~
brought to you by Quizilla

Monday 21 June 2004

i don't understand how some people can be so irritating. stop pissing me off!!! you're the most busybody person i've ever known, in fact, i don't really know you so mind your own business!!!!
training today as usual and stayed to do enrichment, which means another day spent at kallang burning my skin away. for some reasons the white stripe on the sji k2s just annoys me. but the triathlon warm-up was quite enjoyable, swimming across the river, running back and push-ups, thank god it was high tide, something different at least. oh man, i didn't realise it, it's only less than 10 water trainings to nationals. wow, ok psyche up must make the most out of every training.

Thursday 17 June 2004

time flies... school is starting in less than 2 weeks time and what have i been doing? quite busy these few days, starting with dragon boat on sunday. yes, we were all so disappointed, so near yet so far, it felt like history's repeating, nevertheless, we've enjoyed ourselves, the 2 trainings we had prior to the race, seeing team spirit into action with everyone rowing the race of our lives. of course we were eyeing the medals, but i think the experience that we've brought back is more important.
outing after that was, as usual, chaotic, haha. stuffing ourselves with the free flow of bread at cafe cartel, watching how people eat and cut ribs, gs, your cutting skills really suck, haha. and the fun we had with the banana, with carol still innocently enjoying her desert despite so much hints, and the "horror" on her face when the truth was finally revealed, haha. thank you so much, lele. we couldn't have done without you and the dinner, card and everything else are still insufficient to express our heartfelt gratitude, you're just so great. and as usual, we ended our outing with a drink, this time it was coffee at tcc. it was a nice environment for, erm, making a fool of ourselves, with the 2 porns and their kinky actions and poses and our laughter that could be heard a mile away. you guys are the best people around, i can't imagine how different my jc life would be if i had not joined canoeing. the fun we have together is unique, it's hard to find a group of friends, so different as individuals but with the same passion and can talk so openly about things like, well, you know what.
2 days of cip camp followed, it was quite a good experience and looking after kids is not easy, especially when you get hyperactive kids who have very short attention span and can't stop running around, i pity the guys in my group who had to run after them and dragging them back into the LT. it was tiring but felt much more rewarding than other cips like flag day. eddy is such a sweet boy, he is very rude, vulgar and playful, but he still has that innocent and shy side. it's like he appreciates what you do for him but finds it so hard to show. alright, no more cip hours needed but i don't mind a camp like this again.

Thursday 10 June 2004

3 parts of training today should make up for 2 days of idleness and the food that i've been eating. macritchie is such a fabulous place to run, especially in this morning's weather. ended with dragon boat, we wanted to find a boat to pace but the whole flock of boats happily went back to sdba while we waited and hoped that they would turn back. dragon boat training wasn't bad, felt much better than previous training. oh yeah, sunday is the day, it was suppose to be saturday but guest-of-honour not free. whatever.. it will still be fun...
feeling this itchiness to go for singapore triathlon, so tempting, but but... firstly, it's so damn expensive!!!! like almost 100 bucks!?!?!? secondly, it'll be damn near prelims and most importantly, i'm going to embarrass myself by coming in last or something..

Tuesday 8 June 2004

ollie and sonya are back!!! lunch at swensons after physics extra lesson brought back the nice old memories of 1s06e. a time when we were so carefree and relaxed, just hanging out during our free time, class breaks, class outings. yeah, j1 life, how i wish time would stop there. sometimes i just don't want to grow up, i want to continue living in the past, but that's never possible so wake up and get on with life!!
have i lost it, gave in to it? something which i held on so strongly, is now gone, so easily. do i feel no sense of self-betrayal, regrets? why? does time change a person so drastically?

Sunday 6 June 2004

sats is over, finally. don't know how i'll do for it, came out of the hall feeling rather numb. this feeling of apathy is building in me, nothing seems to be of particular interest to me. sometimes i wish i could just stone away and rot at home. yeah, home is the best place, unlimited access to bed and free-flow of food. sigh.. alright, stop dreaming, it's time to study for commom tests, for 'A's...
trainings after trainings, water, weights, run, intervals, dragon boat and my "wonderful" experience i had on the rowing machine yesterday. ouch.. next time i'll give myself more time for the journey home. tired, but it feels great and i'm not complaining (except intervals maybe)
life still goes on, no matter how hard you try to turn back time and hope that certain things had not happened. accept the truth and find some pleasure in your present life. if you can bring yourself into it, pull yourself out. stop complaining about the trivial matters because there're a lot of people out there who are in worse conditions than you. whatever it is, hope you've made up your mind, oh well, not like you're going to read this anyway...