Sunday 30 May 2004

marcus' birthday party at downtown east yesterday. well, the usual segregation between girls and guys. you can't expect the girls to play ps and squirt water right? haha. the food was nice but sinful and the room was overcrowded. almost 30 people cramping in it, sitting on beds, floor, table. if there's more i think the toilet has to be used as well. left before the cake was cut because i had to go home early. don't know if the girls' plan of going for late night movie or ktv worked.
hope i burnt off everything that i ate yesterday with one and a half hours of canoeing followed by an hour of slow jog. i felt rather insane running in the hot sun but just a simple greeting of "good morning, enjoy your run" by a passer-by made it better. i shall take a day off today, that means no work will be done. it's holidays afterall.

Thursday 27 May 2004

wow.. finally, the holidays are coming. i don't care how my "holidays" are going to be like, with all the mugging awaiting me, all i know now is tests are over and school is all about fun.
went to watch rugby finals yesterday. WE WON!!!! what a day to remember in rjc history. 6 years, finally, the day has come for us to claim back the title. it wasn't really a very exciting game, more of whistle blowing than running. no tries scored, but all we care is that we've won. gosh, the last kick, the joy, the mud, the sweat, the tears of all the hardwork. WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS!!
yes, impossible is nothing. the ruggers have done it, it will be our turn soon. all the trainings that we've been through, all the time spent in the gym, pushing ourselves to our limits. we've trained hard for the past 1 and a half years. now, it's only left with 2 months before we mark the end of our canoeing life in rjc. it may be short, but it's definitely going to be memorable. we've almost down to our end burst, let's make it our best. go team, we can do it....

Friday 21 May 2004

haven't touched the computer for quite a long time and don't really feel like blogging lately. in fact, i don't feel like doing anything lately. just want to go for lessons, train, eat, sleep. it's back to my boring life.
maybe i'm worrying too much, maybe it's time to get back to my original self, my original life. to forget these fantasies and dreams that might never come true. is it time to learn how to let go? to be more pragnatic? i'm in a tunnel of darkness, i don't know where i'm heading, what i'm doing.

Friday 14 May 2004

finally, the internet's working. it's times like this when we should never trust technology. i've survived without computers for one week. well, what can i say about this week, i've just proven my inability to play ball games and problem with my balance. now i feel like a totally damaged person. suffering from external injuries on my right side, joint injuries on the left, and the flu bug's crawling over me. oh well, on my way to recovery now.
wednesday has just marked the end of my harmoc career, though it just started not too long ago. don't dare to comment much on the quality of the concert, but it was a great experience and a great way to end. well done everyone, especially the soloists. and a big thank you plus a hug to everyone who came.
feeling strange now, playing the game all over again. maybe i'm just worrying too much, thinking too much. it may turn out to be nothing at all. but i want to play safe, i don't want to ignore any little detaill. i feel like a detective, or rather a mind-reader, one who failed terribly perhaps. yes i know, take things one step at a time and get used to my "don't talk to me in the morning" mood.