Sunday 29 March 2009

just when i was admiring the blooming flowers and leaves growing from the bald trees while jogging in the park yesterday, it snowed today!! just a little but wth!
almost died of boredom staying at home the whole day, watching youtube and looking at food and recipes. yeah, i've a paper tomorrow but tell me how to concentrate and study when the brain's too occupied thinking of how to keep the body warm? wearing 2 layers of socks now but where are my toes?
i should be learning about viruses and stuff, but looks like i'm having more fun experimenting with microwave..

Wednesday 18 March 2009

speaking of drastic weather change, how about experiencing winter to summer in less than a week? just last friday it was still at freezing point with wind so strong that we were glad to even make it to sch in the morning. then was nice and sunny spring which changed to a close to 30 degrees summer today!
in the midst of planning the holiday trips and places to go on weekends, the fact that exams are less than 2 weeks away hasn't set in yet. i do admit it feels less stressful than last sem, more time at hand to sleep more, run more, but when good is never enough and competition with the little voice in myself and strive for perfection never ends, satisfaction is almost impossible.
delusion and self-denial crashed when my mind reached its semi conscious state, and it all came back in my dreams.
really enjoy running along the river, even though it may end up as a dream that never realised, the process would be all i ask for. perhaps it was never a passion lost, it just needed to be found again.

Wednesday 4 March 2009

one and a half weeks into my second sem here and i've been keeping to my new sem resolution. well, i guess it's not that hard when the resolution is play more, study less. 2 ktv sessions, a trip to tianjin and more trips to come. watched a few movies, shopping, been going for long runs in the cold, and sleeping at 12ish everyday. too much time??? better enjoy now before the workload builds up.
if i'm crazy enough to run down the river, finding where it starts and ends, there are people even more insane to swim in the puddle of water surrounded by ice in trunks, coming out of the water, wrap a towel and change out of his trunks in public!!
or did stress and fyp bring out insanity in others? then i should have stabbed someone, slit my wrist and jumped off the building long ago..