Sunday 22 February 2009

back in the winter, back to the house where much time was spent making it home, back to the room and study table which kept me company through the dark nights, back to my favourite bedtime activity of cuddling in bed with my laptop.
we finally went to sing ktv, very cheap, very big and fanciful room with 1 big screen and 3 small screens, disco lights etc, and best thing of all, perfectly decent.
somethings are best left as it is, some needs another breakthrough. another mission impossible, should i or shouldn't i??
goodnight world

Saturday 14 February 2009


Sunday 8 February 2009

then there was the most horrible train ride back on 人日. that was when i learnt 'non-aircon' doesn't imply temperature, it implies 'smoking is allowed'. and so i endured more than 15 hours of secondhand smoke, people eating, spitting all over. almost died of boredom too before i finally made it back to BJ to do my post-cny spring cleaning.
then was my first time taking a plane alone. speaking of kiasu-ness, i nominate myself for reaching the airport half an hour before check-in started (that's 3 and a half hours before the flight). luckily i had shows in my laptop to provide some entertainment.


















Friday 6 February 2009

next up, a journey back to childhood, tradition and the real winter.
following my first time taking the train alone, which i spent 10 out of 12 hours sleeping, was my first chinese new year not spent with my parents.
it was a great training for my tolerance of cold, with no heaters in the house, no need to put on any extra jacket when going out of the house, cos there's no temperature difference, and my fingers and toes never felt warm the moment i got out of bed.
it was quite an experience, going to the public bath and walking home with hair FROZEN. and having water supply only twice a day, and i finally knew why the taps are always dripping, it's to prevent the pipes from freezing. that was pre-cny, with half the time spent in front of the tv, felt great not having anything to do.
stocking up for CNY making good use of nature's fridge:

my only source of most readily available warmth..

then in the midst of sounds of firecrackers, spring came.
now i understand and fully support the ban on firecrackers. even walking around the neighbourhood felt life-threatening. things may explode anytime, anywhere. playing with the pretty fireworks brought out the mischievous child in me, i almost set a patch of grass on fire, oops.. and look what we did:

hanging little duckies fireworks outside ppl's windows heh

then came 正月初一, i was awakened by the sounds of firecrackers. it was really 炮竹响连天. every few minutes a bunch of firecrackers will go off, and i heard at least 2 ambulance sirens!

the aftermath.

and look what i've found:

the most ancient camera i've seen!

next up, the third mountain..

Tuesday 3 February 2009

this winter holidays has been a journey through history, tradition, nature, etc.. and i've found myself a new 'hobby' and exercise - climbing mountains, or rather, walking stairs. and also discovered some interesting answers..
the journey began right after the last paper..
part 1: 西安
after a night's train ride, and listening to stories told enthusiastically by our new-found friend sharing the same cabin, we were greeted by the ancient architecture of the historic town. our first stop was 骊山.

bringing to you the first mountain!

apparently i didn't register majority of what the tourguide said, but the xian incident does sound like something learnt before in history.

then we hopped around the area visiting the burial ground of 秦始皇 and other historical landmarks before 8th wonder of the world - 兵马俑


the first day ended with 华清池

杨贵妃 bathed there.

day 2 was one huge mountain - 华山

although we took the cablecar up, it was still a long walk and many flights of stairs to reach the peaks.

day 3: more tombs and more 兵马俑s

last stop for the day: 法门寺 before a long busride back to the city


and we spent the night in the city, walking down the street trying and buying local food!

day 4 and last day in xi'an was spent on the 城墙 that surrounds the city, cycled around it for my last bit of exercise before the feast begins.

our last lunch there, looks yummy doesn't it?

and lastly, asia's largest musical fountain, which was under maintenance every tuesday. how lucky =(

and that concludes our xi'an trip.
a long wait at the train station, and another night spent in the train, and my journey continues...