Monday 29 September 2008


Friday 26 September 2008

i locked myself out of my own room today and my hands are so dry they're cracking! help i really need hand cream now..
furniture shopping has never been so fruitful, although we had to brave through the drizzle and chilly air to find the place, which wasn't exactly directly next to the subway station. looking forward to seeing all the furniture being delivered, especially the pretty purple puffy sofa. from the standard of the toilets, i guess that place is definitely not for tourists. well, you're wrong if you think olympics has brought an end to the 'traditional' china toilets. we saw it and used it yesterday. it wasn't the worst i've ever seen but definitely the worst so far on this trip. there were cubicles, just no doors, and there were people happily doing their business and even reading at the same time!! now i know how they train their leg muscles haha.
and we've come to realise that everything is 10 minutes away according to the locals. the answer we get when asking for directions is always "前面拐个弯儿,走十分钟就到了。" either they walk super fast, or their watches move super slow, their 10 min is at least half an hour la!
temperature's dropping fast and everyone's falling sick!! shoo germs shoo!

Wednesday 24 September 2008

autumn has finally arrived. if only the weather can remain like this everyday, walking in the midday sun to get lunch, yet feel the nice cool breeze... but it's starting to get dry too. after a long day in school being one another's patients, the auntie selling bing tang hu lu outside our hostel gate simply made my day! cheap sour sanzhas coated with sweet and crunchy sugar. yummy!!
tonight's the coldest night so far, and being crazy enough, i went jogging in t-shirt and shorts, in the 15 degree celcius drizzle. but it felt good. the track was more or less empty, and the cold just makes you run faster, without sweat! was watching the local news when i got back to my room after dinner and it says it's going to be cold tomorrow.


Tuesday 23 September 2008

when the temperature drops a degree or two each day, when the sun sets earlier and night falls. when darkness and cold surrounds,yes i know, olympics is over, and fall's coming and so is the traffic jam. and that means waking up earlier, reaching back later, more time spent on buses moving about 10m every minute, and can forget about cabbing cos walking is probably faster.
so this weekend was pretty exciting saying goodbye to 21. met up with friends and checked out the other parts of this city, the night life..
if there's anything special to do on the special day, i did, i stayed in the whole day and went in and out of sleep. the rain wouldn't stop, the ground was wet and it was cold

Friday 19 September 2008

things are getting less and less exciting here. no more sightsee-ing and carefree shopping. although we did still go shopping after the whole morning of a series of unfortunate events. it first began with our super blur agent not knowing what documents were needed and the operating hours for us to make our residence pass, resulting in us having to pon lessons just to find our way to a super ulu police station, which the first 2 cab drivers didn't even know how to get there, and the third one had to use the map for help. the officer there wasn't very friendly and nobody ever mentioned that we needed another document which we had to get from another office. luckily it wasn't that far away. and so all these took up the whole morning, and totally ruined our moods for the day. not to mention a super boring afternoon lesson. but we did go shopping after that for winter clothes, and i wonder when is winter coming..
i guess i still quite like it here though, hostel's fun but i am quite excited about moving into a new house that i can say it's mine (though it's just rented). it's fun having friends staying just beside, going to school, going out and for dinner together. and the nights are perfect for jogging. emo i know, and i know i shouldn't, but i can't, because every step brings me further, every sweat brings out my fear, and every song brings back memories..

Saturday 13 September 2008

I survived the first week of school!! ok, barely..
so here's an account of my daily routine as a student:
morning, first alarm rings at 6am, reluctantly gets out of bed at around 6.10, wash up, change, pack bag, clear dustbin, 6.30 second alarm rings, time to get ready to get out of the room, switch off aircon, check everything's in order and leaves the room. go downstairs for breakfast, which consists of porridge, 2 paos, 1 egg and milk or coffee everyday!! so boring! and i will die of high cholesterol if i eat an egg a day la! then about 7am walk out to the road to take the school bus to hospital. lessons start promptly at 8am and ends at 11.30 (with a half an hour break in between)and then comes my favorite part of the day: 2 hour lunch break!! just enough time to go out and search for good food and walk around, do grocery shopping etc. oh do let me mention the hospital canteen, it's at the basement of one of the old buildings and there's only 1 stall selling dumplings and another selling rice. and you have to bring your own lunchbox and utensils. feels like a prison there! and so we venture out to the nearby foodcourt or those finger food selling at the basement of the supermarket. and then comes 1.30 when we have to sit at our desks again for the afternoon lessons which usually ends at around 5. and there's the school bus again to send us back to hostel. i feel like a primary school kid la!! ok, i'm quite a morning person so i'm not complaining about having to wake up early, at least the weather's good. afternoon lessons are hell. imagine walking back from lunch in the hot midday sun(yeah it's still damn hot now!!) sit in a damn stuffy classroom with no fans. it feels like an oven!!
i thought i came here to learn tcm, but apparently i'm taking a medicine crash course in chinese! if memorizing anatomy in english wasn't bad enough, try re-learning it in chinese, all the terms and names of diseases, enzymes etc.. without notes. i feel as if i've learnt a month's worth of info within 1 week!
let me continue with my day.. reach back room, time to nua, or maybe go for a jog and then it's time for dinner. after which time just passes very quickly.. attempt to study, bathe, wash clothes, figuring out my computer and before i know it, it's time to sleep! and the cycle just repeats. boring right?
well, finally the weekend is here! just went shopping after class this evening and going for more tomorrow. monday shall be spring cleaning day for our new apartment. yeah, monday is midautumn holiday here. mid-autumn my foot la, it's still summer la, as hot as singapore!! why didn't i bring my shorts, skirts and sleeveless here!!
have i mentioned that i can't find decent foolscap paper here? and i found banana nut crunch and other flavours of post breakfast cereal at a super atas supermarket going for RMB60!!!!

Tuesday 9 September 2008

hello world from the city of olympics 2008 and welcome to Beijing! and hurrays blogspot can still be seen here. one week has passed and so many things to do in the past week, and i'm too lazy to blog.
at least now i FINALLY get to use internet in the comfort of my own room with my own macbook which is running on windows IN CHINESE!! why? because the dumb software that the sch uses for broadband can only run in windows. long story of how i eventually got here, so save that for bedtime next time..
the weather here is still hot, pollution is coming back and walking is becoming my main mode of exercise. hostel canteen food is damn cheap and oily and i hate school!!! though today's only the first day. if a crash course in pathology wasn't bad enough, try it in chinese, all the medical terms etc etc... faints.