Tuesday 30 August 2005

things that are only done during my stay in hall:
-play netball
-play othello then scrabble then yes chinese chess,
-ktv until 2 plus am
and i'm sure the list will go on and on.
i saw the most ridiculous runner yesterday during the new balance real run. it was in the middle of the route and this woman runner (who was wearing the number tag), stood on the side of the road, and yes, started looking into the mirror and PUTTING ON LIPSTICK. what a weird thing to do in the middle of the run? what can be more vain than that? maybe she'll start on her makeup kit next, haha.
it's one more week to term break, which i'm totally looking forward to, how time flies, really. it seems like school has just started and 1 term is going to be over already.

Friday 26 August 2005

we won interblock netball!!! although i was just running around the court and didn't get to touch much of the ball, but we still won. quite a busy and stressful day today. started lessons at 8.30 and i had a bio quiz and french dictation, but it was not too bad. i feel like a primary school kid in french class, repeating after the teacher and having to study for dictation. i'm being enlightened by the organic chem models because i finally understand how the structures get flipped etc. the tutorial only made me more confused. it's good to have a roommate, especially for lazy people like me

playing with the chem models

my small but useful fridge

my pretty little laptop

Thursday 18 August 2005

i'm so happy now and feeling so proud of myself. my room is finally like a proper room with internet access and fridge, but no food yet.
here is a summary of what i did today... after lab i stoned in the canteen while waiting for the rest of the world to meet up for world lunch. then i moved the fridge from hall 2 to my hall (actually i didn't do any part in carrying it, haha). after that i went off to the computer shop to buy office for my dearest partner and finally collected my laptop. i just knew they won't call me. then with all my stuff i went for lecture, late as usual. left during the break to go for the campus run. i was suppose to have french makeup lesson today but the run ended later than expected so instead of french, i went for canoeing training. i thought i was very determined not to have anything to do with canoeing anymore but everytime when there's training, i feel like going and i actually enjoy it, even land training... do i really still want to canoe???
well, that's not the point. my achievement of the day is to be able to set up the computer and get connected to the internet, not forgetting installing office first hand, haha. it feels so good to have internet here.
what can be smarter than bringing a printer all the way from home and realising that it can't be used cos i didn't bring the software. in fact, i'm not even sure if i have the software at home...
the cost of not going for french.. i totally do not understand the textbook and have absolutely no idea how i'm going to do the homework...

Wednesday 17 August 2005

i'm in a lab lesson now.. 3 hours of computer lab playing with numbers and statistics and now i'm waiting for the teacher to figure out how to use the programme.. and i'm still waiting patiently for my fridge and very impatiently for my laptop. that lady in the shop insists that they will give me a call once the stock is here but i seriously doubt they even have my order form and telephone number.
this week is an extremely busy week for me and i've been returning to my hall at 12 midnight and 3 am for the past 2 days and i'm surprised i'm still awake now.. french lessons till 9.30 today.. dinner tmr.. dancesports on friday.. sports ball on sat and work on sunday.. i wonder what's the total hours of sleep i will clock this week..
to junwan if you see this... sorry i can't send you off yesterday.. hope you have a great time in uiuc.. enjoy yourself and experience the different life there lucky girl.. take care and don't get bullied.. must come back often ya..
seems like this is the season for parting..

Sunday 14 August 2005

i will try my best to keep this blog alive.. the word is try...
it was great catching up with the 6e people yesterday. as usual the guys engaged themselves in ns talks and their eyes glued to the computer while the girls just talked and ate up all the junk on the table. the once-so-pro bridge players were all rusty from long term withdrawal of bridge. we didn't do anything spectacular but the feeling of being with an old group of friends was good. it felt like i was in jc again. seems like everyone will be going in different paths now and i wonder when will we have a class reunion with full attendance.. i think it'll be never..

Wednesday 10 August 2005

it has already been 2 weeks since school has started but it still feels like holiday. in fact, there has never been a day when i go back to my hall early or somewhere to study. most of my times were either spent running from place to place in the school or going out. the fact that i am now a full time student has not sank in yet. on one hand i know my priority is to study but on the other hand i can't get over the excitement of campus life. there seems to be so much things i want to do..
sometimes i don't know what i'm doing and i can't believe what i just did today. i never thought i would actually do it.. let me get over the shock and excitement first and hope i won't regret it...