Thursday 17 March 2005

alright, it's back to those applications again. finally i'm almost done with all the scholarship applications (since the deadline is approaching) and i realised that my essay writing skills are going down the drain after months of not writing, that is if they ever existed. now i'm still deciding what course to apply for. it's giving me such a headache and why must the nus application be so complicated.
help!!! should i apply for medicine? but there is not much other choices for me at nus. ntu has much more choices and i can't decide between the double degree in biomedical sciences and chemical and biomolecular engineering. but ntu is so far. haiz... what if i can't get into any of the courses i chose....

Saturday 5 March 2005

ok.. finally i'm blogging again...
yes, yesterday was the day that really marked the end of school life. i took half day off to face reality, and even the bus had to play a trick on me by making me wait for more than 15 minutes and it was crowded with some secondary school people having cross country. as a result, i only arrived in school at 3 plus and as expected lousy me got lost in the school. when i finally found my way to the hall, it was still packed with people congratulating one another, everyone looked so happy, which made me extremely worried that i will leave the hall crying.
everything else that followed seem to happen so fast. sat down, signed my testimonial, and received that small green sheet of paper, scrutinized it to understand what was written there, took my cca record, a damn heavy bag of rubbish and that's it. so many hours of anxiety and nervousness just for these few minutes.
quite satisfied with my results, especially it's the first and last time i passed econs s. now, my worry is all those scholarship and university applications. argh, they're so troublesome....