Saturday 20 November 2004

gosh, i haven't blogged for so long that i almost forgot my username for blogger. i swear my memory is deteriorating, after cramping all the A level knowledge into my tiny little brain. it's almost the end now, a few more days and it will be the end of the 12 long schooling years. feeling happy? excited? i don't know, somehow i feel kind of strange. it's like i'm going to be thrown into an open sea, it's up to me to find my directions. lost. where will i be next year? what will i be doing? i have no idea...
the past 2 weeks have been rather hectic, especially tuesday with chem and econs. but somehow this doesn't feel like the 'A' levels, as in it seems less important than 'O's. analysis of the papers so far? not much comments, maths was ok though the questions were quite weird, chem thermody was quite hard and mcq was harder than expected, physics was better than expected, at least i understood what the data analysis was about, i hope, econs essays were.. i don't know how i'll do for it... oh well, i'm done with maths and chem already.
realised that i'll still be very busy after 'A's. got to do uni applications, study for sats, shop for prom and i badly need to get a tan and get back those muscles that have degenerated into fats during the past few weeks, i feel white and flabby now and storing food in my room is an absolutely bad idea. an hour of swimming under the hot sun last thursday didn't seem to have any effect at all. shall head for the gym and the beach more often haha..
looking forward to (in chronological order): lots of shopping, marathon, prom, malacca, perth and the list goes on...