Sunday 29 February 2004

what a busy week, and i foresee a worse one coming. but nevertheless, it was a happy week. thank you so much partner, it was such a pleasant surprise. yes, you are the most wonderful friend i have and we certainly do make great partners. yesterday's training was, as usual, fantastic, and if we maintain it this way, i'm quite sure the gold medal's ours right? let's go get our tattoo soon, and anything crazy we can do. and let's feast after sdba!!!!

Thursday 26 February 2004

i need a break, badly, from school. but training today was quite good, minus the fact that the turnout for j1s is a miserable number of 4. intervals felt bad, my legs were totally jelly after the first set, but managed to cut the time down by quite a lot. seems like intervals are really useful for 2.4 and it just makes me feel satisfied by cutting the time.
the Os results are coming out tomorrow. time has passed really quickly, especially this year. i can still remember how much fun i had with my og, with my class, with the canoeists this time last year, though we were not that close yet. and not forgetting the class bbq we had, the stayover which i couldn't go. j1 life was such a bliss. now that i'm in j2, everyday seems just like any other day. school, lectures, tutorials, trainings, homework and the cycle just repeats itself day after day, month after month. almost 2 months have passed just like that, wasting my precious life away in front of the computer.
sometimes i do wish i could turn back time in live in the past, to let me enjoy my carefree life again. but sometimes i do want to move on, to see what the future has for me; to see the results of my work.

Tuesday 24 February 2004

Would you know my name if I saw you in heaven?
Would it be the same if I saw you in heaven?
I must be strong and carry on,
'Cause I know I don't belong
here in heaven.

Would you hold my hand if I saw you in heaven?
Would you help me stand if I saw you in heaven?
I'll find my way through night and day,
'Cause I know I just can't stay
here in heaven.

Time can bring you down, time can bend your knees.
Time can break your heart, have you begging please,
begging please.

Beyond the door there's peace I'm sure,
And I know there'll be no more
tears in heaven.

Would you know my name if I saw you in heaven?
Would it be the same if I saw you in heaven?
I must be strong and carry on,
'Cause I know I don't belong
here in heaven.

Monday 23 February 2004

i did the most stupid thing one can do to herself. and here goes the story. i was training in the weights room, doing the leg raiser thing on the machine, and when i tried to get down by putting my left foot and the bench at the side, i managed to sprain, or twist my knee. and for a few seconds i was hanging on the machine, slowly descending myself. i feel stupid but i think it's recovering fast, thanks to the really slow jog. managed to run 3 rounds of 1.6km. think i will make up for today's training tomorrow, that is, if i can run.

Sunday 22 February 2004


we know we could, and we would, and we did. i'm so proud of ourselves.
the day started out with the individual races and RJC dominated the inter-tertiary 1000m race. 8 lanes, all RJC. well done fengyi, hope to see you in the papers tomorrow. our long awaited relay came. despite having a rather tired fengyi and shuyi after their individual event, we were all psyched up and pulled and pulled a time of 7.09, more than 20 seconds less than our last timing, only 1 second behind the fastest team.
but the finals was the highlight of the day. knowing that it was the last 500m of the day, or maybe even year, or lifetime, and knowing that the gold medals are going to be ours, we gave all we have. i'm so grateful for my teammates. shuyi, very good row, though you are tired from the morning's races. it's nice knowing you and being in the same team as you. you are strong, determined and great. great starts. and my beloved k2 partner, fengyi, you are incredible using every muscle of yours to keep the "boat" flying. thank you so much for the encouragements. this is a good start to this year's competitions, and we will do just as great, if not even better for sdba and trash everyone. see the k2 500m under-19 gold? it's ours! and philip, you are the most wonderful. you were totally psyched up and our boat just shot forward, closing up the gap, and eventually pulling away from the crowd in the deafening chhers, screams and shouts from the audience. we couldn't have done it without you. in fact we couldn't have done it without any one of you. we were totally ecstatic after the race, screaming until our throats were sore.
we make a great team. it's been a real pleasure rowing with you all. the practices of "changing over" that we have, your cheering and motivation. RJC 01 wouldn't be first without you all. i love you all so much.
not forgetting other people, thank you gs for your great photography skills, and great row, huilin, 2000m is really no joke. had such a great day today and RJC dominated almost all the events.
still can't get over the excitement. went to watch "along came polly". not a really great show, but something appropriate for the atmosphere. well done everyone.

row RJC01!! we are all psyched up and ready for it. enough said. time to sleep. feeling rather excited about it though.

Thursday 19 February 2004

long day in school again, but i really had fun doing weights in the gym during my 2 hour long break with the canoeists. how we were stepping up and down the weighing machine, exclaiming how we lost/put on weight. don't worry vania, you are still very light, and putting on muscle mass. it's just so nice to have no guys in the weights room. thursday breaks are a good time to train.
trained the j1s, rowed and ran after school. sunday's the competition, getting quite psyched up for it, especially after i sub 2 minutes for 500m. going all out on sunday, hopefully we can win something. and i vow i'm never going to race on the pathetic indoor rowing machine ever again. i don't see the thrill behind it, all i could feel is the lactic acid that builds up in my arms and legs and having to sit on the machine for a few minutes before my heart rate returns to normal and i could get off the machine and walk away.
RJC 01 ROW!!!!!! row our hearts out on sunday!!!!

Wednesday 18 February 2004

i love you mummy. i just felt like saying it. thank you for everything, especially the delicious, wholesome, nutritious dinner that is always awaiting me after a long day in school.

Tuesday 17 February 2004

i don't usually complain about school work but please allow me to it for once. i really do not know how to do integration. i'm just wasting my time writing down crap, cancelling, writing even more crap and never getting the correct answer. someone please rescue me before i die in the hands of maths!!

Sunday 15 February 2004

oh man, i can't stop eating, junk after junk, i'm turning into a pig. that is why i should never touch the first bit of junk. and whilst struggling through my gp homework, i just realised there's econs essay to do too. what a miserable school life i have.

Saturday 14 February 2004

do you know that it's very irresponsible to go back on your words, to pretend that you don't know a thing about it when you said it yourself and made us wait for nothing. it really annoyed me, and everyone else.
and to you, please do a proper job, we don't need your undivided attention and care, but we paid you for it so please don't treat us as second-class citizens.
bad way to start the day but doing k2 just made everything beautiful. and don't think so highly of yourself, because we trashed you, totally.
making a fool of ourselves at kenny rogers was a unique way to celebrate valentine's day, can't wait to see the photos that we took, and who says valentine's day is only for couples? i certainly enjoyed myself. hey, thank you.

Friday 13 February 2004

indoor rowing is no joke, especially 1km of it. it is a great difference from canoeing. in canoeing, you sit in a boat and row, or rather paddle through the water, feeling the wind and current, while in indoor rowing, all you do is to sit on the machine, as firmly as possible, with the fear that you butt will fall out of the seat anytime you are trying to pull as hard as possible. all that you see, other than the machine, is a screen which shows the "race". and instead of gliding forward, you go back and forth, kicking and pulling. 1km was quite bad, almost pulled my arms and legs out the last few hundred metres. after struggling through the race, i couldn't lift my feet up anymore, meaning of course i had to limp plus crawl away from the machine.
the relay was much better, maybe because i had more experience and i've decided to use more of my arms, which is a stronger muscle for me. rowed my lungs and breath out, but eventually emerged second. nice trophy but i still wonder why the school bothers to spend money on useless things like total defence day trophies. not that i don't like them, but i'm sure the money can be put to better use.

Thursday 12 February 2004

long day at school today, and i passed my very first econs s essay, M-, barely passed, but i'm happy already. intervals for training as usual, was dying on my second set, but managed to sub 12. tired but happy...

Wednesday 11 February 2004

now, i do see the relevance of Say's law, that supply creates its own demand. the supply of broadband creates demand by me to use the computer. in this case here, Say's Law does make some sense.
usual boring day today, can't even go for water training because i end late. i have a new home: the school, and i have a new room: weights room. did weights today again because i don't think i'll have time for weights tomorrow.
there's quite a lot of things to do, and to buy. here goes the list:
- conditioner
- facial wash
- birthday present
the list goes on and on but these are the more urgent stuff

Tuesday 10 February 2004

sleepy day today, i swear i was trying my best to keep myself awake in class but i just couldn't help dozing off, perhaps i shall sleep earlier tonight and wake up later tomorrow morning. for the first time in history, our class is the fastest in chemistry tutorial. we finished going through the whole of hydroxy compounds after tutorial and extra lesson today, which means i have to do the next tutorial already.
stayed back after school to do rowing with fengyi and weiqi, only did one 500m and my heart rate shot up to about 160 straight after the row. it was so tiring, much more tiring than canoeing or running. and i conclude that my leg muscles are lacking in strength, so i've decided to go to the weights room after that to do legs and abs.
too bad we end late tomorrow, or else i can go for water training. well, i guess i'll be in the weights room again tomorrow. see you, weights room.

Monday 9 February 2004

after multiple warnings by my mom that sugar makes me fat and may cause health problems like diabetes, i've decided to greatly reduce the amount of sugar intake and eliminate sweets from my diet. not aiming to lose weight but just healthy living. and guess what, i've been without sweets for almost a week already, and if i really persevere, i'm sure my sweet tooth will die out soon.

Sunday 8 February 2004

2 consecutive trainings are certainly exhausting, but it was fun. yesterday's water and wind conditions were horrible, couldn't even paddle properly for the fear that the wind will blow it away. but doing k2 just made my day, love k2 so much, especially when the strong gusts of wind subsides and gets reduced to a breeze, going against the current feels like flying. feeling excited about sdba already.
went kallang super early today, and had the privilege of doing k1 whilst admiring the beautiful scenery of the half-waken sun and the calm water which made paddling such a pleasure. that was until the coast guards started their duty. 6 coast guards coming out one after another, inconsiderate people forcing us to make way for them and disturbing the peace. our boats were floating up and down with the wave and this huge wave smashed right into my boat giving me a nice morning kallang river shower.
planned to do weights after that but my arms were too tired and i didn't want to waste $1.50 just to do abs, so went for a slow jog instead.

Thursday 5 February 2004

is this what you call free to choose and the highest bidder wins? now it's not about price or profit, it's all about trust and loyalty. yes, you have your rights to maximise your profit, but does that mean you can cut your heart and soul into two and split it equally? i know you are disappointed, but you made us even more disappointed, or should i say i feel betrayed. is this what you get when you leave everything to the invisible hand, to the free market economy? where does integrity come into picture? where do you place us in your heart?

Tuesday 3 February 2004

alright, i passed my chem test, so i have a new resolution for 2004, pass all my tests... including the coming econs essay test. all the way...

Monday 2 February 2004

i realised i've been going out everyday these 3 days, which is not a good thing to do. had training today morning, in the rain, and we had to swim to the opposite beach and back for warm up, wasn't really a warm up because we were all soaking wet and cold after that. rained again so i had no choice but to bathe. studied a bit after that and went ben's condo. just stoned around, played bridge and the ollie game. there goes my long weekend, and what work have i done?

Sunday 1 February 2004

gp today was so productive, it feels like pw, just meet together to split up the job. and i ended up pigging out on food, as usual.
aching all over now, back, abs, the whole of my legs, everywere except my arms, strange.