Saturday 31 January 2004

i shall hereby conclude that chem prac is my most hated lesson, spent 2 hours or less mixing substances together, heating it, testing for gases and get no conclusion after that. still have to spend my break arguing and copying the answer. or mass discussion if that's what you call it. PE yesterday was no joke either, we were like frogs leaping on the track and now i've problem walking down the stairs, even going to toilet, yes, time to build leg muscles.
long training today and still can't get over the fact that someone can actually leave the boat and paddle in the water and swim to shore and just go back like that. boats can swim right? think i got a bit burnt today, haven't been burnt for a long time, and that means i'm going to get darker...

Friday 30 January 2004

feeling so satisfied now. i've finished my econs s essay with the help of a cup of coffee and the laptop in my room which is giving out a lot of hot air that i'm afraid it's going to explode soon. 1500+ words, but less than half are my own words. nevermind, it's done already and i actually had quite a good time doing it, not as bad as what i thought it would be. just hoping that i would pass. even if i don't, at least i've understood a lot more about objectives of firms. shall print it out when i wake up. econs s lecture was rather interesting, it really was a lecture, without notes, transparencies etc, a test of listening and note taking skills. even if i don't do well for the paper, or i drop halfway, i think i'll enjoy it.
mr teo, you gave us a shock today, take care and get well soon

Tuesday 27 January 2004

just found out that econs s essay is due on friday and not thursday. meaning that i can sleep tonight, what a sigh of relief. had a terrible chem test today meaning it's over already, and that's all that i care.

Sunday 25 January 2004

now i know how it feels to be illegal, not very pleasant but certainly an experience of a lifetime, 'cause i would not want to do it again. something else which i will never ever do again - walk home bare-footed. because someone stole my slippers, or they got blown away by the wind or whatever reasons, they were gone so i just went home like that. my pretty slippers are gone.....
went home, bathed, and went to jq's house to bai nian. didn't do much there, basically just sat and ate, and greedy little pig ate almost half kilogram worth of stuff. it's amazing how much i ate this chinese new year, but isn't that how it is suppose to be?
after pigging out, went to body worlds with shine. and for a change, adult priced tickets are cheaper than student tickets, so we went in as adults. it was indeed value for money, there's so much to learn, so much to see, especially all the deformed organs and infants, they are all so well preserved but looked rather plastic. we spent about 2 hours there and here's an interesting conversation between a mother and child, translated to english:
boy (looking at all the muscles): mommy, can these be eaten?
mom: nope they can't
boy: why not?
mom (tried so hard to think of a god excuse): these are very expensive
boy: why is it expensive? how much does it cost?
what a curious little boy, or maybe he's greedy. quite a nice way to spend my day, if only i did not have to reach home to realise there's so much schoolwork that needs to be done.

Saturday 24 January 2004

visited the gym today, after 2 or 3 days of indulging in the most fattening food, i've realised, to my horror, that i've put on 1 kg in 2 days. amazing. spent about 3 hours in the gym, did almost every machine. almost died after rowing for 2km, trust me, it's very tiring and it works every part of the body, and that was my warm up. nice workout today, does that mean i have an excuse to eat more? oh no, i'm turning into a pig soon

Wednesday 21 January 2004

chinese new year celebrations in school today, which lasted for one hour? how wonderful... went to donate blood after that with the canoeists and since we are all underaged, we need parental consent and so we "went home to let our parents sign" aka went to eat brunch and sign it ourselves. it wasn't as bad as what i thought and the doctors and nurses there are so nice and friendly. wasn't very painful and i watched every needle go into my vein, actually only 2. and we were given a bag of oranges and some free refreshments.
took bus to far east for last minute shopping for new year. bought this bimbo purple skirt which i love so much. can't wait to wear it. happy new year...

Friday 16 January 2004

learning journey to chinatown. what a nice break from school and pe. didn't do much there, walked down chinatown, looked at what they have to sell and bought some food for chinese new year. it just occured to me that i haven't gone shopping for a good long time, and i desperately need new clothes and shoes for the new year. why don't i seem to have time?
i've finished my gp essay, finally. and look at the time now my dear girl, 2.09 am. that shall be the record for now and i don't want to break it. managed to write 920 words, amazing, that shall be a record too. so perhaps today will be my record setting day. too tired to blog, time to sleep now...

Tuesday 13 January 2004

we learn new things everyday, and life is beautiful

Sunday 11 January 2004

shall blog about my slack weekend... had training yesterday, left early to rush down to discovery centre for family day. can't remember when was the last time i went there, but things don't seem to have changed much, except the stimulator ride is more expensive now? the usual games and dinner followed, food wasn't that great but i was hungry. went home, finished my maths tutorial (i'm still at maclaurin's series) and went to sleep. slept from 10 plus to 7 plus, longest i've slept for the past few months.
today was even more slack, attempted to do tutorials but handphone games are just to attractive and addictive, went for slow jog in the evening and tried to get myself mentally prepared for the 2.4 and pull up test tomorrow.
somehow, i couldn't stop myself from eating and what's more chinese new year is coming so... mummy please don't buy too much nice food.

Saturday 10 January 2004

today's chem prac was a total torture, never had i done such an unsuccessful QA. there seemed to be no reaction in most of the test and i had absolutely no idea what cations and anions are present. that was why i, or rather half the class resorted to mass discussion of answers in the canteen after the lesson.
harmoc practice was quite good. at least we had a proper lesson on harmoc blowing, yes, after one unfruitful year. og dinner after that, wasn't that bad after all, though not many turned up. quite a bit of catching up done. and everything seemed to happen so fast. orientation was a year ago, but i didn't feel like so long. looking at the j1s now reminds me of how we were last year. so enthusiastic about everything and now all these just die like that. quite sad indeed. life as a j2, face it.

Wednesday 7 January 2004

this is hilarious, i'm taking s paper, and it's econs s. can't believe it. actually i was quite glad at first that i don't have any s papers, meaning that i don't have to spend extra time after school attending lectures and doing tutorials, but, since i appealed for it, i should be glad that i got it.
so the first step is to buy a sloman, second step, revise last year's econs notes and third step, read more econs books and newspapers. man, it is going to be hard work. i still remember i told myself i don't know what s papers to do, but it's everything but econs, but look at me now. yes, sometimes we just have no control of things. all the best to me

Friday 2 January 2004

first day of school and i know that this year's going to be busy, have to hand in chemistry remedial worksheet and there's a retest on monday!!!!
had dinner at pastamania, ollie's treat, thank you!!!!! the turn up was surprisingly good. there will always be more people if it's a treat. quite enjoyed myself playing the voting game.
yes, my new year resolutions, as what mom told me, i must take care of my health, study more and don't waste so much time. i shall limit my online time to 3 hours per week and my bedtime shall be before 12 am. i must go out less often and spend less money. and most importantly, i will obey my parents more. i think they are giving me more freedom now and more pocket money also. so, i shall respect them and listen to them.

Thursday 1 January 2004

it's 2004 now, which means i'm in 2so6e, which means i have to start studying and stop slacking around. alright, i will try to start today.
the holidays has past, and it was really fast, come to think of it, what have i done during this 2 months? almost nothing. the trip to hongkong and china was quite fun, went there with 20kg and came back with 60 kg. didn't buy much actually and i wished i had shopped more.
stayed over at pingying's house yesterday, reached there exactly at 12 midnight and watched tv until we fell asleep. actually we don't do much at sleepovers, but it's just fun to sit around together, slack around. don't know whether we will still have time for that this year. i will miss 1so6e.